View Full Version : In a dilemma over returning to the sport

the music man
12-19-2007, 05:47 PM
Edit: After reviewing what I just wrote, it's more of a rant than anything, so there, you've been warned.

I want a mag. Badly. A few years ago, I had gone through several guns, and finally settled on a Spydermag. It was amazing. No eyes (yet it never chopped), just as fast as anything on the field, turned heads. It was better than any Matrix or cocker I ever had (or shot). I also used it several times with an Intelliframe, and it was those times that made me realize that mags are just the best mechs, no question.

Now I'm going through AO and PBN, trying to find parts so I can put together a lightweight mech mag. Mini-Shadow rail, Deadlywind Fibur barrel and CF foregrip, etc. However, when I add up the prices for all the used parts I find, it still comes up more expensive than a new $600 RPG Pro Custom I could buy, which is also brand new.

$600 is pretty expensive when you figure in that I also need a new hopper (looking at the Vlocity Jr, seems light and quick enough), tank, pod pack, mask, and a bunch of little things (fill nipple covers, tank cover, rail/asa, etc). The total comes out as a lot more than I want to spend, especially on a mech gun.

I was also looking at FEP Quests and Proto SLG's. I could get a used Quest for $300 or a new SLG for $250. Put them together, and they're both still cheaper than the Pro Custom. ARGH!

So I'm pretty much in a quandry. If I don't get the Pro Custom, I know I'll end up being dissatisfied with whatever gun I pick, because it just isn't a mag. However, I'll be spending way more on a simple mech than on a modern electro, likely more than I can easily afford.

Is there anything I can do? Paintball calls to me. I have a job, but I have to pay for a bunch of stuff as it is (I'm in college, btw).

12-19-2007, 05:55 PM
Instead of buying all the pieces separately, buy a whole set-up (used) all at once. Much cheaper, and mags are awesome enough that it doesn't matter if they're used or not. And you can swap parts if you find one later that you like and you have enough money. After a while, you'll have the set-up you like.

12-19-2007, 06:00 PM
wait and see which one is still around in 5+ years and working.....

AGD quality is worth it. $600 of AGD will last a lifetime. or you spend 200-400 every other year for a lifetime

12-19-2007, 06:37 PM
:rolleyes: 'course you get a biased review over here.

My ion has, and continues to server me very well. I suggest a mini, used and upgraded ion, or PMR for the time being. If you feel like you want to upgrade later, you can do so at your leisure; as these guns will keep you playing. My money would be with the mini...

Or you could always buy a used mag...

12-19-2007, 08:27 PM
I bought two minis when they first came out. I resolved the early bugs (updated poppet) without ever actually having any problems. I never used my back-up.

12-19-2007, 09:21 PM
Edit: After reviewing what I just wrote, it's more of a rant than anything, so there, you've been warned.

I want a mag. Badly. A few years ago, I had gone through several guns, and finally settled on a Spydermag. It was amazing. No eyes (yet it never chopped), just as fast as anything on the field, turned heads. It was better than any Matrix or cocker I ever had (or shot). I also used it several times with an Intelliframe, and it was those times that made me realize that mags are just the best mechs, no question.

Now I'm going through AO and PBN, trying to find parts so I can put together a lightweight mech mag. Mini-Shadow rail, Deadlywind Fibur barrel and CF foregrip, etc. However, when I add up the prices for all the used parts I find, it still comes up more expensive than a new $600 RPG Pro Custom I could buy, which is also brand new.

$600 is pretty expensive when you figure in that I also need a new hopper (looking at the Vlocity Jr, seems light and quick enough), tank, pod pack, mask, and a bunch of little things (fill nipple covers, tank cover, rail/asa, etc). The total comes out as a lot more than I want to spend, especially on a mech gun.

I was also looking at FEP Quests and Proto SLG's. I could get a used Quest for $300 or a new SLG for $250. Put them together, and they're both still cheaper than the Pro Custom. ARGH!

So I'm pretty much in a quandry. If I don't get the Pro Custom, I know I'll end up being dissatisfied with whatever gun I pick, because it just isn't a mag. However, I'll be spending way more on a simple mech than on a modern electro, likely more than I can easily afford.

Is there anything I can do? Paintball calls to me. I have a job, but I have to pay for a bunch of stuff as it is (I'm in college, btw).
well, don't get the velocity jr., they barely feed 17. Sometimes people are getting out of the sport and want stuff for another sport. Maybe you could trade some non pb stuff for their gear then, buy the mag you want or trade plus cash or what ever. Basicly, just trade for gear and buy the marker. :cheers:

P.S., Siress, I got into mags by my ion being broke and Maniacmechanic letting me use a classic, a classic in which I bought like a week later. :)

the music man
12-19-2007, 09:22 PM
A Mini, people say... I'll take it into consideration. The thing is, if I end up with an electro, it's gotta be able to keep up with my fingers, and I can walk consistently at 15 bps, sometimes a little faster. I've just heard things about the trigger not being the greatest. I'll read lots of reviews though. Thanks for the input!

dixie - I was going to get the Vlocity, then upgrade it with that board that's popular (if I needed it). I've heard that with the board, it feeds fast enough for anyone.

12-19-2007, 09:25 PM
Classic valves, on HPA, can keep up to 16bps I've heard. You can just make yourself a pneumag for not much money, and when you have enough money, just switch the valve.

the music man
12-19-2007, 09:46 PM
Classic valves, on HPA, can keep up to 16bps I've heard. You can just make yourself a pneumag for not much money, and when you have enough money, just switch the valve.
I don't have the tech experience or equipment to make my own pneumag. Besides, I already thought about this, and decided that if I was going to make a pneumag, it would be sleeper-style, which requires a bit more handiwork. Not something I can do (although I wish I could).

12-19-2007, 09:52 PM
buy a 100 dollar classic mag, sell the trigger frame for 20 bucks, buy a G force oneumatic frame for 200 bucks, buy an lpr for 35 bucks, bolt it all up and you have a sleeper style pneumag. :)

the music man
12-19-2007, 11:21 PM
Well, I did a bunch of research on the Mini, and concluded that I definitely don't want to take a chance on it. I keep seeing lots of people talking about all sorts of problems with the things. Love the size and weight, but if the thing broke on me, I'd just be pissed. That's why I like mags - they don't break, haha. Simple as pie to take care of too.

dixie - Cool plan, but I honestly want to have a gun that looks nice. Looks aren't everything of course, but they're a factor.

12-19-2007, 11:36 PM
I used a Mini last year all through the CFOA season and had ZERO, count em, ZERO problems with it. I have yet to have any issue at all.

Mags are far more reliable and sturdy though.

12-19-2007, 11:48 PM
Not taking the time to read the entire thread....

The only issue with the other markers you listed is re-sale value. You will be able to get near what you paid for your mag items, try that with any other mass produced marker and you will see. What you pay $600 for today, you will get at least 80-90% back depending on condition. Go with the mag FTW :headbang:

the music man
12-19-2007, 11:54 PM
Not taking the time to read the entire thread....

The only issue with the other markers you listed is re-sale value. You will be able to get near what you paid for your mag items, try that with any other mass produced marker and you will see. What you pay $600 for today, you will get at least 80-90% back depending on condition. Go with the mag FTW :headbang:
Yeah, I did take that into account.

I'm thinking I'm going to have to go with the mag. If I end up with the electro itch, I'll get that $200 pneumag frame (not anytime soon though, haha... oh wow my wallet is going to get a LOT smaller soon).

12-20-2007, 01:47 AM
Yeah, I did take that into account.

I'm thinking I'm going to have to go with the mag. If I end up with the electro itch, I'll get that $200 pneumag frame (not anytime soon though, haha... oh wow my wallet is going to get a LOT smaller soon).


use paypal or plastic... your wallet will stay the same size :p

12-20-2007, 05:12 AM
your a student ? it's christmas ?

the music man
12-20-2007, 12:20 PM
your a student ? it's christmas ?
I don't get that much for Xmas and my birthday. Usually about $100 or something equivalent. That'll certainly help, but I still need to make money faster, lol.

Can't wait to hear all my friends complain how they only got $1500 this year. :tard:

12-20-2007, 12:55 PM
AGD quality is worth it. $600 of AGD will last a lifetime. or you spend 200-400 every other year for a lifetime

I agree. My wife was kinda shocked at first that I wanted to spend $600 on a ULE automag (especially when I already had a Spyder, Tippmann, and classic mag), but once I explained that this gun would last FOREVER and it was the last marker I intend on buying, then she was actually all for it. It's not really a purchase... it's an investment.

Now.... I had to wait almost a year to save up that $600 (and extra.... for the hopper, tank, etc.), but it was worth it. And then I promptly sold all my non AGD stuff.

My advice is to be patient and just bide your time. The right time to buy will come.

Oh... and keep your eyes on the BST forums and eBay. There are some killer deals in there sometimes. Heck... a few weeks ago, a dust black Paradigm Pro (from themagsmith) sold on eBay for around $400 some... about $200 less than what it costs new.

12-20-2007, 06:37 PM
Pump paintball is another option you shoul'nt throw out. I also am a college student, and I can't justify owning a facny pants electro (allthough I allways seem to have one just in case). For $200 or so you can pick up a phantom and have tons of fun. No need for an expensive hopper or tank, plus you'll save TONS on paint. Reliability is also great with most pumps (not much to go wrong).

Bias, but oh well.

12-20-2007, 07:19 PM
My DevilMag was the last marker I was ever going to own.

Then my Pneumag.

Then.... hmmm, I think I quit using the word last in there somewhere.

12-20-2007, 07:19 PM
Pump paintball is another option you shoul'nt throw out. I also am a college student, and I can't justify owning a facny pants electro (allthough I allways seem to have one just in case). For $200 or so you can pick up a phantom and have tons of fun. No need for an expensive hopper or tank, plus you'll save TONS on paint. Reliability is also great with most pumps (not much to go wrong).

Bias, but oh well.

Doesn't matter if I beat you to the fifty by the way. Yeh, still sorry about putting more shots at you than your marker holds....

the music man
12-20-2007, 08:44 PM
Pump paintball is another option you shoul'nt throw out. I also am a college student, and I can't justify owning a facny pants electro (allthough I allways seem to have one just in case). For $200 or so you can pick up a phantom and have tons of fun. No need for an expensive hopper or tank, plus you'll save TONS on paint. Reliability is also great with most pumps (not much to go wrong).

Bias, but oh well.
Eh, I'm not such a fan of stock play. I can appreciate the strategy and how it forces you to improve, but I like to have a nice gun too. I just wouldn't be satisfied with a pump, and would end up selling it for another gun.

Lohman, when I finally got my Spydermag, I felt a certain sense of satisfaction with it. Sure, I could've upgraded it or sold it for a better gun, but I felt like I was perfectly satisfied with it. It's just a feeling I've always gotten when I'm handling a mag. And that's what I like about them - I never felt like I needed to spend money on more parts to improve performance.

Anyway, I've decided that I am going to go for the Pro Custom. I'll definitely have the thing for a long time. When I feel like I want an increase in speed, I'll just pick up a pneumatic frame from G-Force. I assume that won't be for a while though... I remember also being really satisfied with a mech Piranha I once had.

12-21-2007, 01:37 PM
I would buy a new RPG Mag..as sweet as they get!!
then buy the tank and hopper used!