View Full Version : 07 a year in review?

12-24-2007, 08:11 PM
So what has happened this year? The Good, the Bad.

Jan: Well its been quite a year for me. The start of this year I joined the US Army Reserve which isn't going all that bad. Ended up joining the 961st C Co. (Combat)(Heavy) Milwaukee, WI. as a 21J light equipment operator.

Feb: Not much going on ended up ridding myself of another troublesome girlfriend. Thank God!

Mar: Snow starts to melt. Landscaping season starts. Hit the ground running was starting to miss my 70+ hour work weeks.

Apr: Regular mowing starts :( (boring). Got recertifed for chemical applications for lawn and landscape. Went to Panama for a joint humanitarian aid AT, I helped build a school house for 2 weeks.

May: First field drill at Ft. McCoy with the Army. Was good and drunk for most of it lol, but was a lot of fun.

Jun: My Unit restructured under the 996th (Combat)(Heavy) C Co. My MOS ended up getting rolled over into the 21E field and now I have to reclass. More work.

Jul: I finally got my first weekend off around the 4th

Aug: Semester starts on my birthday for (Landscape Horticulture)

Sept: Lawn cutting slowing down, (its about time).

Oct: I don't remember much other than Halloween. Working season ends.

Nov: Got the trucks set up to roll for snow in about a week. Class is still fun. Went deer hunting and got skunked.

Dec: Big month. With semester ending, and my Grandpa dying a week before finals was tough. But its Christmas time.

How was your year?

12-24-2007, 08:48 PM
My year . . .
Went to school . . .
Worked . . .
School . . .
Work . . .
Hung out with my girl . . .
Yadda Yadda . . .

Oct. - Got my Mission call.
Dec. - Here I am. Merry Christmas from Fua'amota Tonga! :ninja:

rifleman wi
12-24-2007, 10:46 PM
spent most of the year at FT Riley, KS getting ready to deploy :shooting: