View Full Version : Do we need a major change

12-24-2007, 09:10 PM
Honestly... I see terms such as manifesto. Hey, I've seen Berlin wall thrown in there in all seriousness by certain posters. It seems to me that a select few are having a yes meeting (self edited before posting) and congratulating all five of each other on how right they are. So it comes down to AO is a horrible place and must change. Personally I don't think its that bad, its a privately funded forum that serves at least some purpose. Lord knows there are other options out there, if one is not happy with how it is there are a ton of choices. So the poll becomes simple.

Target Practice
12-24-2007, 09:13 PM
The only change needed is that AO needs to pull the pool cue out of its collective lower GI.

12-25-2007, 12:27 AM
ive been here since like 03-04? honestly not much has changed.. they got a little stricter, but nothing TOO serious.. and alot of it is old users leaving/not checking in anymore.

12-25-2007, 12:32 AM
I think some people need to broaden their horizons a bit given some of the comparisons being made. Hell, even search for some of the 05 threads when there was actually a decent reason being thrown around.

12-25-2007, 12:46 AM
I don't know about a "manifesto" but if what went on is even close to what is being said, then things should be changed.

For the moderators to uphold the "law" they must be held to it themselves. Moreover they must be held to a standard even higher than what common posters are held to.

12-25-2007, 01:21 AM
Why did you include "Who Cares?" and "AO is fine" under the same option? Now I cant vote for who cares without misrepresenting my opinion.

12-25-2007, 11:27 AM
Why did you include "Who Cares?" and "AO is fine" under the same option? Now I cant vote for who cares without misrepresenting my opinion.

I believe you have been disenfranchised of your vote and should call your congressman.

12-25-2007, 02:30 PM
The only change I'd like to see on AO is maybe letting us have sig's again. Otherwise, it's fine, just a bunch of whiny people thinking everything is unfair.

12-25-2007, 03:09 PM
Sigs, and everyone quit whining.

12-25-2007, 03:18 PM
oh god, are we really gonna try for the sig thing again?

You people just dont get it.,

12-26-2007, 12:03 AM
You know, I kinda miss the old political discussions. Or any debate for that matter. I understand why the mods/AO don't want to go down that road, but still, it's a lot more interesting than what we've been seeing the past couple of years.

But back on topic, a manifesto is needed. People making threads need to know what is OK and what isn't on AO.

12-26-2007, 05:28 PM
AO is nice just the way it is.
People need to realize discussions are allowed, heated arguments are not.
There will always be a few trouble makers.
There will always be a few whiners.
The mods dont want AO to turn into PBN, and I think most AO members dont want it to either.


12-26-2007, 05:35 PM
oh god, are we really gonna try for the sig thing again?

You people just dont get it.,

Unfortunately Sir, it is you who seemingly does not get it. But oh well. AO has changed a ton for oldies like me.


12-26-2007, 06:21 PM
In general I think that for anyone in a place of authority there should be some sort of system in place that would monitor how they excercise their right of authority to make sure that their actions are justified (e.g. checks and balances). So if a system such as what I've mentioned is not in place on AO, then I feel one should be, but b/c I don't understand the system in place now for moderation it's hard for me to vote either way.

Before anyone goes off on me, I'm not saying its a democracy here, or that we need a system of appeals... We all know that'd be asking to much out of the mods we have. They are given the task of policing the whole forum, and I know its not easy doing what they do. I just wonder if we need a "super mod" or something... but ohh phooey, who's going to monitor their actions :eek: There's no perfect answer, but maybe the mods should be called upon to collectively police themselves?

Absolute power... well you know the rest :dance:

12-26-2007, 06:29 PM
glhf drawing people back here by simply changing the rules :rolleyes:
most of the smart people got bored and left
most of the funny people got banned and decided it wasnt worth it
and im just a tool who comes here when theres nothing better to do.

12-26-2007, 07:02 PM
Oh good god. Lohman, you are quite the troll. When I posted my poll, I posted options that I thought most closely represented the actual views of the people who would click them. Here, you post two options designed to get people to click the one you want. First, you try to get all the "I don't care" types to look like they support your side ("I don't care" isn't "AO is fine," just like kosmo said). Second, you make it look like the people who disagree with you are some crazy "fight the man" types. I got news for you. We're not. If I could tell you about the job I do for the local police department, you'd understand that. Unfortunately, this argument isn't worth my job and my reputation, so I won't do that. Suffice to say that I realize firsthand the need for clear rules, and I also realize the need for equal enforcement of them. You don't seem to get that.

You're trying to make us out to be something we aren't here. We don't think AO is horrible, we don't think it needs some gigantic, drastic change. You keep dragging terms like "Berlin Wall" in, even though I've said time and time again it's not important to our argument and it's just a damn analogy. A manifesto is a public statement of policy and intent, noting more. You're trying to make us out to be some whacko "fight the system" extremists when all we want is small, reasonable change on a message board. You're using these tactics of twisting the character of the people behind the arguments instead of debating the actual issues at hand. All we want is changes that even you agree should be made - how is this so hard? Posting this poll lets you pretend there are other issues at play here, and pretend that we're still wrong and you're still right. It's amazing what you can accomplish by misrepresenting intent and issue.

12-26-2007, 07:12 PM
You're poll misrepresented the way your stance as badly as this one does. Pot meet kettle. PS - tell me where I'm wrong. I agreed that some changes may need made. I simply pointed out that some of you are taking this way out of hand.

12-26-2007, 08:46 PM
Must.. not.. post... Serious Cat...

12-26-2007, 09:38 PM
You're poll misrepresented the way your stance as badly as this one does. Pot meet kettle. PS - tell me where I'm wrong. I agreed that some changes may need made. I simply pointed out that some of you are taking this way out of hand.
I find it really hard to believe that you actually need this pointed out to you, but let's pretend you really don't get it.

If you'd wanted to ask whether people wanted change on AO, you would have posted simple poll options like "Yes, AO needs change," "I don't care," and "No, AO doesn't need change." You wouldn't have injected your bias into the situation with phrases like "Down with the man. Fight the system." That's not what we're arguing here, and you know it. But by making it seem like that's what we're saying, you can paint us as whacko and extreme and get people who just pop in for a second to see us that way and throw their support behind you. My poll had options like "No, I disagree with the Manifesto" for people to flat out tell me I'm wrong and state their own options, rather than having to accept me putting words in their mouths in order to have a say in my poll. My poll had an option for people that just didn't care, as opposed to assuming that everyone that doesn't care agrees with me. The only thing you did better in your poll was to make it public, so that 17 people who disagree with you don't show up in the span of an hour to skew your poll. :rolleyes:

You know damn well what you're doing and how you misrepresent the opinions of everyone to make your side of the debate easier to swallow. It's pretty obvious to people like me who have seen you do this in various threads for years. I can only hope it's as obvious to everyone else.

12-26-2007, 10:21 PM
Must.. not.. post... Serious Cat...


12-26-2007, 10:27 PM
I just LOVE that cat ... :rofl: :D

12-26-2007, 10:38 PM
On a even more serious note... If serious cat wasnt serious enough.

let things quiet down on AO

Good idea Lohman. :rolleyes:

12-28-2007, 07:30 PM


Target Practice
01-04-2008, 02:16 PM
You know that feeling when you get back from a vacation and you take your first crap in your own bathroom? Yeah.

Morning Gents.

01-04-2008, 02:50 PM
I believe you have been disenfranchised of your vote and should call your congressman.You can check both boxes so you won't be left out. Although, one of the boxes doesn't seem to uncheck as fast as the other. I think it has some chad stuck in it. :D

dave p
01-07-2008, 04:19 PM
all i see is a lot of self importance, and people putting some kind of importance on things that are not important at all. get over yourselves, its just a forum.
to all those who place some kind of importance on their membership or contribution i say this:
no one cares if you are here or not
no one cares about your opinion
if this place is gone tomorrow, no one really cares
you dont own it
you dont pay for it
who cares?
its the internet.
the ignore feature works wonders
actually, this place may stand to benefit if some of you dissappear.
if info or parts are needed, there are other places to get them. there are plenty of resources on the main part of the site. the forum is almost, if not completely unneccesary. get rid of it.