View Full Version : ???AGD question???

12-27-2007, 07:40 PM
I want to start out by saying this is in no way shape or form is an attempt to be little anything or anyone. I am not trying to start any commotion or prove any points. I am an avid paintball player but have never owned an automag, nor have I had any experience with AGD. I want everyone to be honest here. If your automag is "awesome" than great, but lets be open to positive criticism as well. If this thread gets into a "flaming" of AGD I more than hope that the mods with pull it, because that is not what I want.

With that being said, I would like to ask a question to the Official board of Automags. If you were in my shoes would you recommend buying an Automag? Before you answer let me explain a little background of why I am writing this. As I stated above I have never owned an Automag. I am torn between purchasing a Tac-One and another brand of marker. I was sold on a Tac-one until I came here and started to read. It seems you can not read far without hearing something negative about AGD and even reading something like"AGD is dead." This is very disheartening coming from the official board. Then even after all this I still tried to get in touch with one of the 2 automag custom builders that I know about(found about from here). After several emails and attempted PMs I can not get in touch with him. Its pretty bad when you cant get someone to return an email so you can pay him some money for a service ;) . Then if you read on here you hear that the other is going through personal/financial troubles. I will not sit here and try to debate the quality of AGD markers, but are the problems of the company and the companies that support them bad enough to turn a prospective buyers opinion? Well I can answer this one since it does apply to me. It can and almost has in my case. Now I am hoping that some of you with more experience and history with this can give me hope. I just want that opinion to be an honest one, and if you your opinion is not so optimistic I need to hear that too.

12-27-2007, 07:49 PM
well, if you're looking to be "agg", dont get a mag; if you want a fast, good quality, accurate marker that you can take a shower with, buy a mag. I loved my ion (I still would if I still had it :cry: ) but when it was broke and maniacmechanic let me use a classic (which I now own), I started to try an get mags and I just bought a rail and wish I could get my money back to fund a new mag. I would deffinately buy a mag over anything else.

12-27-2007, 07:56 PM

I dont want to be an"agg".(had to look up what an agg was to know for sure) ;) I want everything that a mag is, just do not want to be buying into a product from a sinking ship(if thats the case, which I REALLY hope its not.)

edit: Also I do not want this to be a debate of whether a Mag is a great gun or not. Believe me that is not what I am questioning since I too believe a Mag is a great gun, but would the "appearance" of troubles that stated above be enough to stop a prospective buyer? Is it a good investment for the ones that want to have this marker for the next 10 years?

12-27-2007, 07:59 PM
If you like it then why does that matter? I'm not trying to be a jerk, just wondering. :cheers:

12-27-2007, 08:00 PM
well i have owned about 37 mags some poeple still own at one time 40 2000$ mags so yea the tac is so worth it.. they will always work with comp air "rain, snow,muddy out bah grab the mag" it was my tourney backup to my shocker ( yea yea before u bust my butt i traded it for an extra longbow ) i have one agd tacone longbow and i love it i have made 4 of them and sold 3 ;) they resell really well a tacone will resell for about 400 ish by itself all day and used oldschool mags you can get em on here for 100 any day i prefer mags to ANYTHING i own 2 atm both are way past 400 each the longbow is about 900 altogether not counting the 400 nightscope i have :) the other isnt finished yet shes a pretty lil toy though either way you can believe my 90+ feedback on here theyre a rock solid gun that wil work forever with a lil oil and an oring or two every few years that is LOL :argh:

12-27-2007, 08:01 PM
If you like it then why does that matter? I'm not trying to be a prick, just wondering. :cheers:
edit that u might get banned!

12-27-2007, 08:05 PM

No offense taken. Why I care is that a maker of this caliber is a big investment(for me at least) and I do not want to be left in the dark 5-10 years from now. I know there is no guarantee, but if this marker and another marker are close in the running the welfare of Automags(AGD, AO, aftermarket companies) are a deciding factor for me. I dont believe I am the only one.

If you like it then why does that matter? I'm not trying to be a prick, just wondering. :cheers:

12-27-2007, 08:08 PM
if you keep then you have nothing to worry about :p

12-27-2007, 08:11 PM
I am relatively new to Mags myself ... But can compare them to some other top of the line "Old School" markers I still own and shoot to this day.

Own a PPS 2K Blazer semi ....

Own a CCM S-5 auto cocker ...

** My Simple 68 Classic Auto Mag is SMOOTHER, More COMPACT, Vibrates LESS, And Is More RELIABLE than the above markers !!

Given the want of still playing semi would LOVE to own a ULE bodied X-Valved version :clap:

But anymore my semis sit unused, while the Pump Guns get 98% of the play time.


IMO, AGD had it's heyday @ 10 years ago when what it was had NO rivals !!
Recent years of plastics & composite materials, Electronic doodads and rates of fire that seem to drive the market, the AGD markers failed to keep there appeal.
Mind you not by lack of a quality product or rate of fire :shooting: ... Just AGD never did and still does not promote it's self or the products it produces. They are a FANTASTIC marker no matter your "Bling" requirements, and you can piece together one from all the parts around to fit your idea of the perfect marker.

12-27-2007, 08:14 PM
I am relatively new to Mags myself ... But can compare them to some other top of the line "Old School" markers I still own and shoot to this day.

Own a PPS 2K Blazer semi ....

Own a CCM S-5 auto cocker ...

** My Simple 68 Classic Auto Mag is SMOOTHER, More COMPACT, Vibrates LESS, And Is More RELIABLE than the above markers !!

Given the want of still playing semi would LOVE to own a ULE bodied X-Valved version :clap:

But anymore my semis sit unused, while the Pump Guns get 98% of the play time.


IMO, AGD had it's heyday @ 10 years ago when what it was had NO rivals !!
Recent years of plastics & composite materials, Electronic doodads and rates of fire that seem to drive the market, the AGD markers failed to keep there appeal.
Mind you not by lack of a quality product or rate of fire :shooting: ... Just AGD never did and still does not promote it's self or the products it produces. They are a FANTASTIC marker no matter your "Bling" requirements, and you can piece together one from all the parts around to fit your idea of the perfect marker.thats another good point, you can build a mag just from parts. You can do that with any other marker but not like a mag if you know what I mean.

12-27-2007, 08:15 PM
he speaka the truth ^^^^^^^^^ btw i have owned a mag for about herm maybe 12/ 14 years

12-27-2007, 08:18 PM

No offense taken. Why I care is that a maker of this caliber is a big investment(for me at least) and I do not want to be left in the dark 5-10 years from now. I know there is no guarantee, but if this marker and another marker are close in the running the welfare of Automags(AGD, AO, aftermarket companies) are a deciding factor for me. I dont believe I am the only one.

I don't think you will be able to show me any other markers that will out last the Mag & hold thier value at the same time ; last years high end 1000$ marker is now worth what 60% of what it sold for new, now that the new one's are out & I really don't think many of them will make it to the 10 year mark

12-27-2007, 08:22 PM
I don't think you will be able to show me any other markers that will out last the Mag & hold thier value at the same time ; last years high end 1000$ marker is now worth what 60% of what it sold for new, now that the new one's are out & I really don't think many of them will make it to the 10 year mark
like patricks dmc, it was 1400 in 05, now its worth about 350 3 years later; my like primary mag is worth that and its like 5-10 years old! :shooting:

12-27-2007, 08:26 PM
I also am a new mag owner and I had wanted one since they 1st came out.They were the BEST marker of the time (in most peoples opinion) w/Cockers being what the other half said was the best.
( i started w/ nelspots wayyyyyyyyy back ) .
I now own a classic and a micromag and love em both !
The ONLY thing that bothers me is,,, i can NOT walk into the local PB shop and have it worked on.
Which means i have to be my own tech. That i dont like.
Sometimes i would prefer to drop a marker off pay $30.oo dollars an pick it up fixed.

I have issues now that need to be looked at and have been to bizzy to learn how to tech them myself.
I wont sell them because of that ,there GREAT and SEXY .

Thats just my lil peave.

12-27-2007, 08:27 PM
Mags aren't dead as there is actually a huge resurgence since the pnuemag. Realistically anything you need to or want to do to your mag, you can do it. In 10 years I can't tell you there won't be better things out there, but 10 years is a long time no matter what you have. In 3 years you will be as happy as the day you bought it.

12-27-2007, 08:32 PM
It seems that like most of the market (even outside paintball) AGD has fallen on some difficult times. The manufacturer has had to do some reorganizing and self evaluation. Does that mean they are any less viable of a choice for a marker? No.

Like all the other custom marker guys out there, the mag guys are up to their armpits in work. I have had some dealings with Tunaman and have placed an order with Magsmith. They are both excellent to work with and deserve the business. But doing so comes with the understanding that they are extremely buisy and communication will at times be lacking. I have no doubt that they will contact you as they are available. Keep emailing them and they will contact you. Persistance seems to get noticed.

Now to your basic question "Why should I buy an Automag when there seems to be trouble in the mag world?"

First consider the mag itself. A hardy piece of equipment that takes the beating that is dished out and keeps going strong. I picked up my first mag in the early 90s. I have never had to change out an internal O ring and for the first number of years didn't even oil it to the company reccomendations. I still have it and it runs like it was brand new.

I have owned Tippmans, WGP, Splatmasters, Sheridans, and so many other guns. While I have respect for a lot of them, I cannot list all the problems I have had to deal with with these other products. Yet at the same time I pick up that same old mag, air it up and am good to go.

My buddy has been a hardcore Tippmann fan since the early 90s always owning one and treating it as his baby. His latest being an A-5 with flatline. About 6 months ago he bought his first mag. A NIB classic. He messed with it for a few months and then had to buy himself a Tac One from AGD. After messing with it for a few months he sold the A-5, it never even saw play. He decided that the Automag had all of the reliability of the Tippmann at a greatly reduced weight and a much faster fireing capability. I doubt I will ever see a Tippmann in his hands again.

Second there is trouble with most of the manufacturers, it just doesn't get the publication that AGD does.

Third the Mag platform is probably one of the most expandable platforms on the market. Almost anything you want featurewise is available. You want unique, the mag is the way to go. If you can conceptualize it one of the guys here can build it for you.

I will tell you this. You need to look for a reliable marker that has available the features that you want. I think the mag will fill your every need.

12-27-2007, 09:18 PM
Great Posts.

Just the kind of information I was wanting to hear about. Thank you

12-27-2007, 09:19 PM
What other marker are you considering?

12-27-2007, 10:04 PM
My story is very similar to most of the post above. Bought my first Nellie new in 1989 left the sport for several years. A friend got me back into it with a spyder he loaned me for a day 5 years ago and from there I bought an A5; we where playing mostly woods ball. Since then I have bought some other markers looking for something more but it needed to be right for me. I like the fact that Tippmanns could be used to dig a fox hole then used to fight back the masses.

I felt that as good as the A5 was I had done about as much as I could with it and the new X7 was the same internals with a different skin, no real advantage to upgrade. Tippmann built the X7 to sell add ons. I wanted more, I wanted something that you could not buy as an add on. I wanted a refined marker that could be field stripped like an A5 that was milled verses cast. I was looking for a manual marker that also could be reworked into other options i.e. electric, pump and pneumatic.

I have an ION but these are throw away markers. They are so cheap that it is easier to buy a new one then it would be to fix it. ;) Don't get me wrong they shoot good just not anything special and with the corporate reputation that Smart Parts has I have a hard time saying I own anything from them. I've gone so far as to buy a Powerlyte Scepter barrel and insert kit just to get rid of my Freak Inserts.

I bought my fist MAG, a Tac One, this past summer from AGD and much like you I feel that I may have missed the hay day of Automags. I've been impressed with everything about the marker and have gone head first into the world of Mags to try and play catchup. I have started a project Emag, bought an Euro Xmag and now working on getting the parts together to build a pump mag.

These things are amazing, you remove one thumb screw in the rear and disconnect a macro line and you have just field stripped the marker. You can then, if you want run a battle swab through the whole marker. A few drops of oil in the ASA ever game day and that is about it. The most issues I have heard about are getting it tuned but if people run a few cases of paint through the marker then follow the instructions that have been written about the Level 10 Bolt you can't go wrong.

Ultimately you need to make a list of what you want out of a marker then, armed with that list, find the product that best matches your list. Can you share with us some of the feature you are looking for?


12-27-2007, 10:53 PM
The other marker I am considering is a PPS Blazer.

The list of qualities.

1. Dependable
2. Accuracy
3. Ease of Maintenance

I play woodsball only. I have no need or want for a 20 bps. I just want a marker that is going to be there day in and day out that makes shots when I can. I have always played with Tippmann until I make this jump. So both would be great improvement, but I want the best. I was sold on the Blazer until a scuba shop opened up down the road and I now have access to H.P.A. (4500 variety) and a new 88ci/4500 crossfire High pressure tank(thanks to santa ;) )

12-27-2007, 11:03 PM
The other marker I am considering is a PPS Blazer.

The list of qualities.

1. Dependable
2. Accuracy
3. Ease of Maintenance

I play woodsball only. I have no need or want for a 20 bps. I just want a marker that is going to be there day in and day out that makes shots when I can. I have always played with Tippmann until I make this jump. So both would be great improvement, but I want the best. I was sold on the Blazer until a scuba shop opened up down the road and I now have access to H.P.A. (4500 variety) and a new 88ci/4500 crossfire High pressure tank(thanks to santa ;) )

that's pretty much the mags slogan. :headbang:

12-27-2007, 11:10 PM
A lot of people see Airgun Designs as a fading company. While they don't have the business they used to have, they are still a strong company. They started at humble beginnings manufacturing accessory products and developed into one of the most known, if not the most known paintball manufacturer out there.(that was during the 90's) With the invention (and patenting) of the electro-pneumatic marker, Automag's reputation for being the best at dishing out the paint somewhat dropped and paintballers turned their heads to what is new.

A lot of people are out to get the latest and greatest marker. When a lot of people get that marker they tend to be very proud of it. So proud that a lot often dismiss other markers as inferior without really looking closely at them. It's rather easy to to that to an Automag. A lot look at Automags has an old "has-been" markers that had their time of fame, but are no longer in the limelight.

I believe that they are still just as competitive as everything else out there. They still provide the same scientifically tested quality they delivered all throughout the 90's. It may sound corny, but they put more passion in their markers than most manufacturer's out there. They have the pride of being the first to mass produce an affordable, successful semi-automatic paintball marker. Everything that I have purchased from AGD has been top quality. Their service is top notch. They provide a reliable, consistent, quality products that will last a lifetime.

12-27-2007, 11:35 PM
Just a few weeks back, I took my mag to the field to toss a bit of paint around and of the ppl that didn't ask about it, the others I could here talking about it as I passed them. 90% of those ppl mentioned it was sexy. It's a bead-blasted Minimag with classic valve and a Y-grip, running Warpfeed and Revy. And these guys were using Ions, Egos, DMs, and Minis.

One of the guys shooting an Ego and I got into a fire fight. He'd hurl a mess of 10 balls at me that would strike the front of my bunker, I'd pop out and fire about 6... he later told me I was humming them at him so close he thought I was gonna take his head of; he was impressed.

A mag never fails to wow... on and off the field. :headbang:

12-27-2007, 11:39 PM
Both great guns.

I am not as familiar with pps but i'm pretty sure there is not as many options as far as look or upgrades are concerned.

With a mag you can interchange parts.

10 years is a long time. You may change your style of play during that time. Woodsball now may turn into speedball later. Then turn to pump.

A mag can make those changes with you.

Will AGD be around in 10 years? I don't know. But their markers and parts will be. If not here then on another forum. The parts themselves last forever if taken care of. Aluminum and steel do not have a useful life that I am aware of.

So as long as their are orings to be found then a mag should last forever.

12-28-2007, 12:45 AM
The other marker I am considering is a PPS Blazer.

The list of qualities.

1. Dependable
2. Accuracy
3. Ease of Maintenance

I play woodsball only. I have no need or want for a 20 bps. I just want a marker that is going to be there day in and day out that makes shots when I can. I have always played with Tippmann until I make this jump. So both would be great improvement, but I want the best. I was sold on the Blazer until a scuba shop opened up down the road and I now have access to H.P.A. (4500 variety) and a new 88ci/4500 crossfire High pressure tank(thanks to santa ;) )

I still own my 2K blazer, recently sold my 1K.

If you like a closed bolt auto cycle type marker (Auto Cocker like) ... The Palmer Blazer is the FAR BETTER platform than your typical WGP cocker.

Blazers have NO backblock, No guard, No parts out behind the frame.
The Ram, Switch & Linkage is ALL integral. NOTHING hanging out front like a cocker does.
Bolt is a quick release item requiring just pulling out a spring loaded pin ... Sweet !
** These guns really need NOTHING in upgrades, they come from Palmers as a ready to Rock & Roll paint slinger ... Only mods really are barrels, custom ano, Regulation options, and some trigger frames choices.

BTW, You can run a BZ on HPA without issue !!

12-28-2007, 01:19 AM
10 years is a long time. You may change your style of play during that time. Woodsball now may turn into speedball later. Then turn to pump.

A mag can make those changes with you.


Yup, this sums up my paintball history. All with AGD markers. :)

12-28-2007, 02:34 AM
Data above provided by D&B.

Company Profile: Airgun Designs Usa , Inc

Year Started:2004

State of Incorporation:IL

URL:padlock icon Activate Links www.spectrashift.com, www.airgun.com

Location Type:Single Location

Stock Symbol:N/A

Stock Exchange:N/A

Also Does Business As:N/A


SIC #Code:3944

Est. Annual Sales:$1,000,000

Est. Employees:5

Est. Employees at Location:5

Contact Name:David Zupan

Contact Title:President

well. for a dying company that Grossed $1Million dollars, id say its a safe bet to buy an automag ;)

(( clearly these are 2006 statistics. and 2007 definetly seemed like a better year for automags then 2006 ))

also if some one wants to shell out $150 we can get a full on detailed report here Link (http://smallbusiness.dnb.com/company-information-product-list.asp?prodid=0&catalog=Home&GUID=519AB0D1-A03F-4EF9-AB82-B2625E63CDD6)

12-28-2007, 06:59 AM
These posts come along every couple months. You shouldn't need us to talk you into a well made marker that holds it's value more than any other mass produced marker. We shouldn't have to sell you on one of the most upgradeable markers out there (not counting all the dohickies you can strap onto and x7 or A5, but that IMHO isn't upgrading it's window dressing.) You have to decide for yourself. I still have, and my brother still plays with the 98 classic my pops bought back in 1991 and I know many many others here on AO have similar stories. I challenge you to find another marker that has as strong a track record. I do have my VM that I picked up in 1994, but the following for VM's is no were close, even in the same town as that of the mag. It has to say something that people are still modding, making parts for, and improving the mag to this day. My devilmag will keep up with anything out there, ego mags, spider mags, emags, you name it and it will compete. Plus as many others have offered up, the $1200 ego some kiddies parents picked up will be worth $400 in 3 years. My marting halfblock that sold for $1200 4 years ago didn't even sell when I had it listed for $250.

So YOU decide for yourself what YOU want. Not trying to be a jerk but I for one get tired of these I hear AGD is a sinking ship, should I get one stories. If seeing the pics of all the hot mags, hearing stories of reliability doesn't sell you, then maybe you need to go pick yourself up a nice smart parts marker. The mag should sell itself, if it doesn't, then maybe you're just not worthy of the mag.

12-28-2007, 11:46 AM
Your right maybe I am not worthy of a mag. Now back to the threads actual discussion. As I stated above in the orginal post, this is no way a shot at A.G.D. In my opinion I believe the automag is a great marker, no debating that. I was only trying to get answers and opinions on my questions above. If I offended you or your marker I am sorry. Just rather ask the questions and get answers than worry about offending a few. "Not trying to be a Jerk", but if your tired of reading these types of threads...don't. Thanks to the rest of you that gave me your honest opinions.

These posts come along every couple months. You shouldn't need us to talk you into a well made marker that holds it's value more than any other mass produced marker. We shouldn't have to sell you on one of the most upgradeable markers out there (not counting all the dohickies you can strap onto and x7 or A5, but that IMHO isn't upgrading it's window dressing.) You have to decide for yourself. I still have, and my brother still plays with the 98 classic my pops bought back in 1991 and I know many many others here on AO have similar stories. I challenge you to find another marker that has as strong a track record. I do have my VM that I picked up in 1994, but the following for VM's is no were close, even in the same town as that of the mag. It has to say something that people are still modding, making parts for, and improving the mag to this day. My devilmag will keep up with anything out there, ego mags, spider mags, emags, you name it and it will compete. Plus as many others have offered up, the $1200 ego some kiddies parents picked up will be worth $400 in 3 years. My marting halfblock that sold for $1200 4 years ago didn't even sell when I had it listed for $250.

So YOU decide for yourself what YOU want. Not trying to be a jerk but I for one get tired of these I hear AGD is a sinking ship, should I get one stories. If seeing the pics of all the hot mags, hearing stories of reliability doesn't sell you, then maybe you need to go pick yourself up a nice smart parts marker. The mag should sell itself, if it doesn't, then maybe you're just not worthy of the mag.

12-28-2007, 12:00 PM
Be sure to check out the official pictures thread and the MOTM threads. You can see for yourself what the guys here have been up to and what you can do with an AGD marker.

It's this Automags.Org forum that got me seriously into these markers. I orginially started with 1 custom 68 Automag back in the mid 90's and stayed with that for years and years until I found this forum 1 year ago.

Now, I can't stop wanting more and more AGD stuff or aftermarket accessories. Be warned, once you hang out here, your wallet will be in serious trouble! :p

12-28-2007, 12:57 PM
mags are good guns hands down, dont need to convince you of that

now the whole will agd be around to support you, maybe maybe not, i would assume they are going to stay around, while by many peoples standards they might not be thriving but they are still around.

personally while i would love to see agd survive and thrive if they went under i wouldnt be to worried about my marker, id probably pick up an extra parts kit or 2 and move a long. mags are simple enough that getting agd to service your gun either means you have some terrible terrible luck, you let it go way to far with out maintenance, or your to busy/lazy to figure it out your self.

i guess i might be weird but weather or not the company im getting a marker from is going to be around or not isnt as important to me as how the gun is, if its a good gun get it and then if they go under you have a rare cool old school gun that the value could go back up on :p


12-28-2007, 01:10 PM
I would like to say thank you to everyone that responded. I have decided on an Automag. I actually was 99% postive before, just wanted to get some other opinions. I believe all of you are right. If I get a quality marker from A.G.D. now, it does not really matter if they are around the day after they ship it as long as I can keep it in service. From all of your experience and history with this I am sure that will not be a problem. Now comes the real question which configuration to choose!

12-28-2007, 01:37 PM
I love my AGD's and of course they are fading when you make something that lasts forever you are bound to run out of people to buy them ;) Kinda like that gum commercial on TV with the extra long taste. that being said I don't see them really fading. They have a strong user base, and support system. There are of course not as many techs as there were in their glory days, so if they are slow getting back to you its because they are busy. I have bought numerous parts for the company website and I have never had to wait for them to ship.

The mags are durable, I play pretty mcuh only bushball as well, and I can't tell you how many times my xmag and I have tripped (err.. dove) and gone crashing into rocks. It always comes up firing. Some people may be horrified by this, but yes my xmag is used to its full potential, holding nothing back. I also play throughout the Canadian winter and the mags are the most reliable markers out there with the fewest problems. I have seen Freestyles, PM7's, borgs, vikings, cockers all go down but never a mag. Mine all run strong as well as my friends but we basically have the only mags around. I know the others aren't beause of maintenance and care because the viking freestyle and cockers were mine and I baby them. The PM7 and Borgs are taken care of by great guys as well but I guess they just don't like the cold. Anyways what I am saying is that they are a top notch marker.

The two things I don't like too much is that I have troubles getting mine to shoot around 270fps. I usually play around 300 which is no problem but one field requires 270 or less. The other is they are a gas hogs, not a probem on fields but I often head out into the bush and have to pack an extra tank all the time with me.

as far as configuration and like you said earlier you don't care if you shoot 20bps, I would try for just a classic at first. Though I do love the micromag bodies they look tactical and are cocker threaded and cheaper then the tac-one. Definately get a lvl 10.

12-28-2007, 02:30 PM
phizz. try the medium spring when trying to get that velocity :p

12-28-2007, 05:15 PM
Your right maybe I am not worthy of a mag. Now back to the threads actual discussion. As I stated above in the orginal post, this is no way a shot at A.G.D. In my opinion I believe the automag is a great marker, no debating that. I was only trying to get answers and opinions on my questions above. If I offended you or your marker I am sorry. Just rather ask the questions and get answers than worry about offending a few. "Not trying to be a Jerk", but if your tired of reading these types of threads...don't. Thanks to the rest of you that gave me your honest opinions.

You didn't offend me or the marker I play with. You, I'm assuming are an adult or close to it? Why do you need our help deciding what marker to buy. Even though you put your disclaimer on the top of your first post, it still doesn't change the fact that these types of posts get very old very fast. You can do a search and find lots and lots of them. Buy the marker you want to buy, if it's a mag, cool. If it's something else, cool too. Be and individual and not what ever one else thinks you should be.

12-28-2007, 09:03 PM
If part of how you play is based on how the marker feels when you're shooting it then you'll love the Automag.

Since I started paintball a year ago I've been quite the gun slut. I'm up to around 30'ish markers of all sorts. But even if I was to pare this all down to just the neccesities I would still have 4 guns that all have really unique personalities and feel when using them. An autococker, a simple stacked tube blowback, a Nelson pump... and an Automag. These 4 represent the most truly unique sounds and feedback when using them.

I seriously doubt that you'll regret your decision to get one.

12-28-2007, 10:46 PM

I agree with you about the fact of being an individual. My first post was not meant to be a popularity contest. If it had been I would of put a poll and would of asked everyone to vote and would of choose the gun that won. I have tried to explain above and will do so again. Let me put my thoughts another way. When I decide to purchase a gun of this caliber(which I have) I believe that I am buying into something more than a piece of crafted metal and O-rings. For me, and maybe just me, I take the whole thing into consideration such as the company that produces it, the support I can get from boards like this one, and suppliers of after market parts. Lets say I purchase a Tac-one tommorrow and I become the first person in history to have a problem with an automag(sarcasm), I would like to know that if I need a part I can purchase it without searching days through online classifieds and forums. When something goes wrong with your car would you rather go to the dealer(AGD), PeP Boys(supplier of parts), or search through multiple junkyards(Forums, Ebay, Craigslist) to find a replacement part? Believe it or not I care about the general "health" of automags in regards to my decision to purchase one. I am not alone as I have several PMs from people on this board that would like to give me their opinion without being flamed for it. I mean you no disrespect, but you are the only one that has attacked my way of thinking for asking this question in this thread. By stating things like try to be an individual, question my being an adult or not, dont know if I am Mag worthy etc. I just do not know what you are trying to accomplish. Sometimes when I read this negative post I think if this is such a great product and company why are people so zealous about criticizing the people that want to ask tough questions about it??? Just a thought. By no means do I think you are not entitled to your opinion about these post, just start your own thread instead of trying to debate it off topic in another one.

You didn't offend me or the marker I play with. You, I'm assuming are an adult or close to it? Why do you need our help deciding what marker to buy. Even though you put your disclaimer on the top of your first post, it still doesn't change the fact that these types of posts get very old very fast. You can do a search and find lots and lots of them. Buy the marker you want to buy, if it's a mag, cool. If it's something else, cool too. Be and individual and not what ever one else thinks you should be.

12-29-2007, 02:53 AM
Even if AGD completely disolved, a 'mag's consumables would still be easy enough to find as they are pretty darn simple.

O-rings - easy to find as AGD used industry standard o-rings.
Sear - really easy for any machinist to start cooking these up.
Bolt spring - These basically last forever, but I'm sure someone would step up to the plate and make them as all mags use them.

After a nuclear holocaust, cockroaches will be shooting mags.

12-29-2007, 03:51 AM
After a nuclear holocaust, cockroaches will be shooting mags.

This is so quotable.

01-05-2008, 02:00 AM
After a nuclear holocaust, cockroaches will be shooting mags.
This is so quotable.

Filthy Cockaroaches takin ma gun

01-05-2008, 12:01 PM
Tag 'em, bag 'em, automag 'em

07-17-2010, 10:49 PM
I also am a new mag owner and I had wanted one since they 1st came out.They were the BEST marker of the time (in most peoples opinion) w/Cockers being what the other half said was the best.
( i started w/ nelspots wayyyyyyyyy back ) .
I now own a classic and a micromag and love em both !
The ONLY thing that bothers me is,,, i can NOT walk into the local PB shop and have it worked on.
Which means i have to be my own tech. That i dont like.
Sometimes i would prefer to drop a marker off pay $30.oo dollars an pick it up fixed.

I have issues now that need to be looked at and have been to bizzy to learn how to tech them myself.
I wont sell them because of that ,there GREAT and SEXY .

Thats just my lil peave.

If your local PB shop techs can't work on a mag, I don't think I would let them work on anything of mine. I can't think of a more simple gun to work on.

07-17-2010, 11:13 PM
Holy thread resurection batman!

El Camino
07-18-2010, 07:36 AM
I am fairly new to Automags (one year) and I like to custom build they, so I buy a lot of used parts, so basically I buy other peoples problems. Not knowing the ins and outs of Mags, I found all the support I needed here on AO and AGD to fix them. So if you buy that Tac One and a have a problem down the road with it, you will have the support to fix it, even from the guys that fix them for a living, they helped me. So you should have a great working marker 10 years from now, and I'm sure AO and AGD will be here too. Hope this helps.

07-18-2010, 09:21 PM
Am I the only one to notice this thread was from 2007 ?

07-18-2010, 09:27 PM
Am I the only one to notice this thread was from 2007 ?
its necropost week... seeing as ive gotten notifications of 2 threads and i havent actively posted on here in a solid year+ since i havent been actively playing


El Camino
07-18-2010, 09:52 PM
Am I the only one to notice this thread was from 2007 ?

:tard: :rolleyes: :rofl: I need to pay more attention to what I'm reading!!?!

07-19-2010, 07:34 PM
Although I own a load of markers, there are two I will only take on the field with me:

1) CCM T2 - hands-down, the best pump marker ever manufacturered (to date)

2) My AGD Tac-One - any time I feel like I need just an extra bit of firepower, that one will make an appearance.

You will never go wrong buying a mag - you can rest assured that they will be around a lot longer than the majority of other markers you'll find on the field today.