View Full Version : What is the creepiest thing that has happened to you driving?

01-05-2008, 06:14 PM
Okay so what has happened to you that scared you while driving at night? Nothing like accidents etc... but weird things.

So, on I-80 outside of Fernley, NV (by Reno) heading east towards home, it was about 1 am and theres hardly anyone on the road. So, I look over on the shoulder and I see a pile of newspapers. As I got closer I see there appears to be a guy laying in these news papers. Scared the crap out of me!

Second time, same area but between Reno and Fernley, it was around 1 am again and as I'm driving I see something in my peripheral vision. I look over to see some guy run at my truck, he was close enough my passenger could have stuck his arm out the window and touched him. It was pretty scary.

I never stopped on either occasion. It's possible I just imagined there was a guy in the newspapers but something definitely ran at my truck. :wow:

So what has happened to you?

01-05-2008, 11:24 PM
I was driving home from the bar after last call up home in rural New Hampshire. I saw something in the middle of the opposite lane coming up. I thought it was a deer or something that got hit. I got closer, and I saw it was some dude that I had seen at the bar that night. He was laying down in the middle of the road (40 mph speed limit). I stopped and said "Hey man, you all right?". He sat up, said "Woah. I forgot where I was.", then stood up and walked straight off into the woods.

Coming from the opposite direction, there is no way you would have been able to stop without hitting the guy. He was right in front of a little riser in the road. People fly down that road too. That was pretty weird. Not really creepy, just weird.

01-06-2008, 03:40 AM
A couple weeks ago a bum walked up to my driver side window when I’m ordering at a fast food joint. That kinda freaked me out.

But other than that... the creepiest thing was me sleep driving. Scared the living crap out of me.

It was during my move this past summer. I had just done 3 big loads in my truck and I was done. its about a 2 hour drive each way... and I was packing up as I was loading. I started at 4pm... got my first load and was back about 10. loaded up again and was on the road again at 4am.. got back and loaded again at 10 or so and finished up about 1 unpacking at my new place. Well by that time I had been up for a few days signing papers and what not. I was so messed up on NOS drinks. After that last load I was going to meet up with my room mates and their folks for a BBQ way back up north. So I hop in the truck and start driving. I crashed from all the caffeine. I missed the exit for one freeway... then before I knew it I was on a different freeway I wasn’t supposed to be on. Then next I realize I am at a stop light in a part of town I never go in and was kinda lost. After that I was out. Next thing I remember was waking up in a mall parking lot later that evening about 30 miles from the last place I was. I called my roommate, and asked him and his GF to come get me and my truck. I was out again... I woke up a day later at his parents house.

It was like a nightmare. I was absolutely terrified the entire time. Since then I really don’t like driving. If I even feel tired I will pull over and take a nap, or get out for a walk. Also other than gas prices, that’s one of the main reasons I started taking the bus to classes.

01-06-2008, 04:33 AM
this happened a little while ago, haven't talked about it much because it really freaked me out bad.

we've got this old road in town that is supposedly 'haunted' to teenagers. if you go down it at 12:34-1:17 on Thursdays or if you go by it at any moment the time matches the date (IE 2:27 on February 27th) ghost people will appear around there. i never really bought into it and i take the road all the time to and from my girlfriend's house as she lives across town and if i take the haunted road (i'll call it by its real name from now on, MacAllister Way) i avoid all the stoplights and other BS by the freeway off/on ramps i would otherwise have to go through. like i said, i didn't believe it, but i still have never really been comfortable on the road, especially coming home at night. i never paid enough attention to notice the time thing.

the legend is that a large group of homeless people were murdered by a group of drunk teens there after an orchard party (yeah, orchards. cool town) way before i was born or anything. i guess the homeless used to have a big camp and were routinely messed with but one time a bunch of kids took it too far. it was a huge debacle and caused a TON of unrest in the community, i've been told, and i've seen it in the old records of the newspaper at the library. interesting stuff, the trials and everything. anyways, since it was only teens that murdered the hobos teens are the only ones effected and it happened between from 12:34-1:17 blahblahblah. never believed it.

a couple weeks ago i was driving down MacAllister to pick up my girlfriend to go to lunch. it was the week before Christmas, December 22nd. 12-22, i later realized. i was driving down the street not thinking much about the curse, instead thinking of the incoming mexican food to my belly, when stuff got scary. it is making me uncomfortable to type this right now, seriously. i didn't even tell my girlfriend when i got to her house, she doesn't know yet... probably think i'm crazy. or trying to trick her into believing the legend or some ****. that's what i get for being the boy who cried wolf, i suppose.

i was driving the Bronco at the time. it's a 1973 Bronco, lifted and all that on 35"s and the gearing is lowwwwwwwwwwww. because of all this, none of my gauges work real well. the speedometer is all but useless to me (my dad understands "the formula") and the clock doesn't work. because of the clock not working i have a watch duct taped to the dash. ghetto, but i can read the time. sweet. it's an analog watch... not the greatest for glancing. just what i had lying around

so, i am driving down the street when my clock turns on in the car. the normal one on the stereo which hasn't been on since we bought the truck last year. i figured it was just a loose wire from all the work we've been doing. well, the clock starts to freak the hell out. it is showing random numbers, halves of numbers, just random crap. at this point i am getting freaked out. i try to ignore it and keep my eyes on the road but my cluster catches my eye... my speedometer is going absolutely NUTS! the needle is ALL over the place, like a orange blur on the gauge. again, freaky. i am suitably FREAKED OUT and just trying to get to my girlfriends and then drive the long way to lunch.

so i said F the speed limit, no cops out there, shifted up and hit the gas. i make it sound like this is real fast at this point... i might have been going 65 before i eased off because it sounded like the engine was working too hard. that's what low gearing gets you, but hey, it's made for crawling rocks not escaping malevolent spirits that want to make me late with symbols or get arrested for speeding.

this is when i looked down... and noticed my odometer. the odometer was spinning around. every number was going crazygonuts around the gauge.... and then it stopped. on 012220. i looked at the clock. it was back off. i checked the watch... it was 12 something. around the 4 on the minute hand... figured it was 12:22. i have never been so close to pissing my pants.

until the guy ran out in front of my car. he jumped out of the bushes and i SWEAR TO GOD i have never been so scared in my life. i went karate kid on the clutch and smashed on the breaks screeching down the road in the process... no ABS here, full lock from too fast. i eased on a bit, but when i noticed i wasn't going to stop before him i just killed the brakes. i guess i am giving myself a little less credit than i deserve for how jittery i am, especially in that situation. well, the guy is standing in front of me now looking raggedy as all hell and my heart is just about beating out of my chest. he waves... i stare back. he walks up to the door and against my better judgement i roll down the window and ask if he needs anything. he looked me right in the eye and said "You're moving with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air!"

well, i whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had DICE in the mirror! if anything i knew that this cab was rare but i thought, now forget it, yo home to Bel-Air! I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and i yelled to the cabbie 'go home, smell you later!' looked at my kingdom, i was finally there, to sit on my throme as the prince of bel-air.

01-06-2008, 09:58 AM
^^^^ Best. Read. Ever.

01-06-2008, 12:21 PM
In my truck, teaching Sarah how to drive a clutch on a country road......


01-06-2008, 04:47 PM
was driving down a country road about 10:30 pm in the fall, all my lights are on, offroad lights included, it was about the time the deer started running and i didn't want to hit them.

i see eyes glowing in the road ahead, so i slow down a bit, there was a cat in the road and it was chasing something, looked like a left, i get a bit closer and this cat was chasing a mouse acrost the road.

01-06-2008, 05:23 PM
Happened on the Loneliest highway in the world ... U.S. 50

Last July coming home from a 2 week Motorcycle trip. My buddy & I were just out side the town of Austin Nevada about 2:00 in the afternoon.
Road entered a bunch of twisties just outside of Austin, when all of the sudden road way changed color from a grey asphalt to a dark purple red color .... Shoulder of the road way had funny piles of brown acorn sized debris, Then the raod was moving and alive followed with getting VERY slippery ..... WHOLLY cra* those are crickets by the MILLONS !!!

Find out once in town getting gas that every year these desert crickets hatch and migrate across the highway. Those who get run over become food for the others and the process of get squashed become food again & again. This go's on for days !!

We both almost crashed our bike because the road was go greased with dead crickets !!

Freaky to the max !!

01-06-2008, 06:58 PM
No one can beat my weird driving story.

Not weird, just not needed. Been here for 4+ years, and haven't learned the rules yet?One week for circumventing the filter. Army

01-06-2008, 07:18 PM
Came home from a late night coffee-fest at 3am to find the brightest flashing light i'd ever seen (as bright as the inside of a movie projector) coming down over my house. Radio, clock and wipers start freaking out. Drove away. Waited until dawn before going home. Bought a shotgun the next day and have worked nights for 9 years now.

01-06-2008, 07:45 PM
Happened on the Loneliest highway in the world ... U.S. 50

Last July coming home from a 2 week Motorcycle trip. My buddy & I were just out side the town of Austin Nevada about 2:00 in the afternoon.
Road entered a bunch of twisties just outside of Austin, when all of the sudden road way changed color from a grey asphalt to a dark purple red color .... Shoulder of the road way had funny piles of brown acorn sized debris, Then the raod was moving and alive followed with getting VERY slippery ..... WHOLLY cra* those are crickets by the MILLONS !!!

Find out once in town getting gas that every year these desert crickets hatch and migrate across the highway. Those who get run over become food for the others and the process of get squashed become food again & again. This go's on for days !!

We both almost crashed our bike because the road was go greased with dead crickets !!

Freaky to the max !!

Eh, yeah, Mormon Crickets are what they call em. We get em here in Lovelock too, once in awhile. Theyre pretty nasty suckers.

I think, that when the Mormons settled the Saltlake valley long ago, they were growing crops. So, after a while these crickets came and decimated their crops. So, they were on the verge of being ruined and had no idea what to do. Then, came the sea gulls, they ate all the crickets and saved the Mormon settlers. (aka Mormon air force)

I think thats about accurate?

01-06-2008, 09:36 PM
I hit a hooker.

There were bits of glitter stuck in my grill and cheap make-up smeared all over the windshield.

01-07-2008, 01:20 AM
Driving down the 60 Fwy, Big F-350 raised about a foot was barreling down the highway at 80 mph, and was flashing the brights on me. Suddenly his right tire popped and he veered left right into the k-rail, bounced off of that and hit a bunch of cars behind me. :spit_take

01-07-2008, 02:15 AM
Here's what Army thinks of my post:

"Not weird, just not needed. Been here for 4+ years, and haven't learned the rules yet?One week for circumventing the filter"

It's not weird to have a guy run into oncoming traffic into your car after you stop, then run away from the scene of the accident? That's pretty weird to me. Also, I typed a normal swear, I didn't edit any words to circumvent anything. Everything that was a swear appeared as filtered. You fail at moderating. No wonder this forums gone to hell lately.

Apparently my TRUE story wasn't needed because of real swears that were filtered. But the guys post about hitting a hooker and glitter getting stuck in the grill is incredibly necessary folks.

01-07-2008, 02:54 AM
eh, ban circumvention... if there is one thing i've learned, it's let it go and wait it out

01-07-2008, 01:58 PM
Here's what Army thinks of my post:

"Not weird, just not needed. Been here for 4+ years, and haven't learned the rules yet?One week for circumventing the filter"

It's not weird to have a guy run into oncoming traffic into your car after you stop, then run away from the scene of the accident? That's pretty weird to me. Also, I typed a normal swear, I didn't edit any words to circumvent anything. Everything that was a swear appeared as filtered. You fail at moderating. No wonder this forums gone to hell lately.

Apparently my TRUE story wasn't needed because of real swears that were filtered. But the guys post about hitting a hooker and glitter getting stuck in the grill is incredibly necessary folks.
Yes, that's the point. You cussed, which made the filter activate. You then failed to clean up your post by editing yourself. Leaving the filtered words (asterix) IS cussing, especially when the "prefix" leaves no doubt of the intended word or words.

It's really simple....do not use abusive or vulgar language in your posts or threads, and you will not be banned.

BTW, "Hooker" and "glitter" are neither vulgar or crude.......or filtered.

Since you have multiple accounts, we will ban those also. See you all in a week.

01-07-2008, 03:14 PM
I hit a hooker.

There were bits of glitter stuck in my grill and cheap make-up smeared all over the windshield.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

01-07-2008, 04:10 PM
When I saw this topic I didn't read the title that closely and I thought it was "what is the coolest thing..." which, of course, couldn't be posted here. Anywho...creepiest...I'd have to say almost hitting a pure white cow in the middle of a foggy highway at 1 AM. Yeah, that'd be it.


01-07-2008, 04:34 PM
When our paintball tank fell off the trailer at 55MPH. :cry:

01-07-2008, 07:02 PM
It's one thing to hit a deer, but I know multiple people who have had deer run into the side of their cars. Talk about crazy. One bust through the sliding door of a dodge caravan while it was doing 45mph.

Glass everywhere and the kids in the back had glass, deer hair/blood all over them.

It was freaky.

Will Wood
01-09-2008, 07:37 PM
Wasn't at night, but during day.

Driving to NH with a buddy so he can hit up some cheap cigs and tax free gear at the army surplus. Where we are taking back roads is actually quicker because NO one is around, not even cops, so you can go fast without worrying. So we see this weird looking bum type guy trying to hitch a ride. 'haha sucks to be him' .. Keep in mind a big trailer truck has been behind us a while. Now we normally pick up hitchhikers. After noticing he looks like he would rape us both, we opted to pass by. He notices he is having no luck. He does the old 'show a little leg' trick on the truck and it stops and picks him up. We were so frightened.

So it didn't really happen to me, but I saw it.

01-09-2008, 07:48 PM
Wasn't at night, but during day.

Driving to NH with a buddy so he can hit up some cheap cigs and tax free gear at the army surplus. Where we are taking back roads is actually quicker because NO one is around, not even cops, so you can go fast without worrying. So we see this weird looking bum type guy trying to hitch a ride. 'haha sucks to be him' .. Keep in mind a big trailer truck has been behind us a while. Now we normally pick up hitchhikers. After noticing he looks like he would rape us both, we opted to pass by. He notices he is having no luck. He does the old 'show a little leg' trick on the truck and it stops and picks him up. We were so frightened.

So it didn't really happen to me, but I saw it.

rule #1 in the unwritten rules of the road.

Will Wood
01-09-2008, 08:33 PM
Which is why we were weirded out probably.. lol.

What movie was that again?

01-09-2008, 10:45 PM
Apparently my TRUE story wasn't needed because of real swears that were filtered. But the guys post about hitting a hooker and glitter getting stuck in the grill is incredibly necessary folks.


01-12-2008, 01:34 PM
A female friend and I driving South on I-75 (4 lane divided highway) from Cincinnati to Atlanta, GA. We had missed the last flight out of CVG and needed to be back in ATL for work the next morning.

We rented a car, and started to drive.

Around 2 A.M., 4 hours into our drive (Southern Kentucky by this point) we see headlights after not seeing any cars for around half an hour.

She's driving and says something about how we haven't seen any cars in a while; by the time she finishes her sentence I get a really weird feeling about how the oncoming car's moving.

Me: "Liz, Pull over."

Liz: "What? Why?"

Me: "That car, it's on our side of the highway. Get off the road."

Liz: "Wha...oh holy ...."

Before she could get the sentence out, a white pickup (looked like an f-350) blitzed past us in the left southbound lane (we were in the right lane by this point), moving at a high rate of speed northbound.

We immediately got on the phone and put a call into the local 911 dispatch center where they informed us that they already had several cars trying to catch up to the truck...

Needless to say the hair on my neck didn't go down until I crawled into bed 4 hours later.

01-12-2008, 02:16 PM
i was driving home after working the mid shift and this strech of road has trees that over hang the road. I was enjoying the music and trying to stay awake when a possum fell from a tree branch and hit my windshield. It was pretty scary when your doing 55 and a big thump and blood everywhere. It scared the crap out of me and to top it off i was out of washer fluid. i had to use my mountain dew to clean the broken windshiled enough to finish the drive home.

01-12-2008, 03:50 PM
i was driving home after working the mid shift and this strech of road has trees that over hang the road. I was enjoying the music and trying to stay awake when a possum fell from a tree branch and hit my windshield. It was pretty scary when your doing 55 and a big thump and blood everywhere. It scared the crap out of me and to top it off i was out of washer fluid. i had to use my mountain dew to clean the broken windshiled enough to finish the drive home.

haha omg that is funny :rofl: