View Full Version : Mini Mag & Xvalve need help

01-07-2008, 03:05 AM
OK so here is the deal, i decided to dust off the old minimag and start to play again, i recently bought a xvalve to upgrade the mag, but once i installed it and put compressed air to it, it will not fire, it wont even charge the trigger. My trigger frame is an Intelli frame and my compressed air tank is set to 800psi output if that helps.. But i need help!! there is a game coming up this month and i want to kick some a$$!

01-07-2008, 04:48 AM
Here is where to start.

Is your safety on? :p

Turn up your velocity.
Is the bolt sticking, or will it not even fire once?

01-07-2008, 05:08 AM
Here is where to start.

Is your safety on? :p

Turn up your velocity.
Is the bolt sticking, or will it not even fire once?

No safety is not on, velocity is up, bolt is not sticking b/c it will not fire even once, the trigger does not get pressurized.

01-07-2008, 06:57 AM
This sounds similar to a problem I had w/ a ReTro valve... my macro elbow going into the valve was somehow broken. It just wouldn't let air into the valve.
I swapped out the elbow and everything worked fine.

It may not even be remotely close to your problem but it's worth a shot.

01-07-2008, 07:24 AM
This sounds similar to a problem I had w/ a ReTro valve... my macro elbow going into the valve was somehow broken. It just wouldn't let air into the valve.
I swapped out the elbow and everything worked fine.

It may not even be remotely close to your problem but it's worth a shot.

Thats not it, i unscrewed it and pluged air into it and it blew air through it so... I dont know. =\ But thanks!

01-07-2008, 09:10 AM
Start simple.

Does the on/off pin move?
While apart, can you remove the on/off assembly and does the on/off pin move or is it stuck? Now would be a great time to lube the on/off. 1 or 2 drops of autolube will do it.

Is the sear hung up on something preventing it from moving?
Remove the grip panels. Can you move the trigger rod back and forth? If something is really out of whack, the body can prevent the trigger/sear from moving.

Is air getting to the valve?
VERY carefully, assemble your marker without the bolt and bolt spring in it. Do not over tighten the field strip screw, finger tight will do it. VERY VERY slowly, screw in your air tank until you hear it vent. If it does, air is getting to the valve.

01-07-2008, 10:04 AM
Start simple.

Does the on/off pin move?
While apart, can you remove the on/off assembly and does the on/off pin move or is it stuck? Now would be a great time to lube the on/off. 1 or 2 drops of autolube will do it.

Is the sear hung up on something preventing it from moving?
Remove the grip panels. Can you move the trigger rod back and forth? If something is really out of whack, the body can prevent the trigger/sear from moving.

Is air getting to the valve?
VERY carefully, assemble your marker without the bolt and bolt spring in it. Do not over tighten the field strip screw, finger tight will do it. VERY VERY slowly, screw in your air tank until you hear it vent. If it does, air is getting to the valve.

Ok i will have to try these things, I have to get my tank filled again, But thanks for all the help! I will get back with you in a couple of days.