View Full Version : since this is a automag website . i need help

01-07-2008, 01:51 PM
im trying to decide if i want to trade or sell my ule automag with xvalve and ult and intelli and alot more scrumshish things onit for a pps gun . i want to get a blazer or a stroker . the semi ones . iv always wantedone but now i can get one if i see or trade my automag for it . im still haveing a hard time letting go of my maggie tho . its so nice and so light and so fast and it dont chop . its hard for me to decide . , to go from a automag to a pps semi . please help me decide . i need pros and cons on why i should or shuldent get a pps and sell my automag !!!

01-07-2008, 02:50 PM
well a stroker is going to be heavier since it's essentially brass tubes also you don't have the option of changing the barrel on one.

Blazers are great guns and PPS's customer service is awesome.

Yes, you do have the potential to chop a ball in either and the trigger takes a little getting used to (learn to not short-stroke it and you'll be fine) but with an agitated hopper on there all you'll need to worry about is barrel breaks.

Ultimately it's going to be your decision.

(I own a Blazer, emag and micromag RT and owned a Typhoon just for the sake of full disclosure)

01-07-2008, 03:02 PM
well there is osome oone that has a blazer and he might want to trade for my automag . and i was wondering becuz its kinda a down grade you know ? am i right ?

01-07-2008, 03:25 PM
how is trading for arguably one of the best pure mechanical guns made a downgrade?

01-07-2008, 03:29 PM
I wouldn't consider a blazer a downgrade from a mag. Nor would I consider it an upgrade. They're pretty much even with each other at the top of the list of mech markers. They differ in operation but are both excellent quality.

01-07-2008, 03:30 PM
well cuz i hear that its not that fast and it can chop and stuff. i dont know . you you all think its a good idea?

01-07-2008, 03:47 PM
All depends on what you like. Blazers work basically the same as autocokers. They're just a bit more refined. I guess you could say they're not as fast because there's no RT like your mag but that doesn't mean they're not capable.

The value is going to be about the same for both markers. They both have high resale so it's not like you'd be losing money in the deal.

01-07-2008, 04:01 PM
i think im gonna get a blazer . cuz it can use all ar sources not just nitro . so if i run out i have my trusty somewhat dusty co2 to help me out . and speed dont matter. i will be trading my mag for a blazer . anyone got one ?

01-07-2008, 06:46 PM
how is trading for arguably one of the best pure mechanical guns made a downgrade?

I agree with him, its definitely a downgrade.
I had a Blazer. It couldnt hold a candle to a ULT Xvalved mag.
I started rapid firing the Blazer like I do my mags and the Blazer started chuffing and coughing.
And the Blazer had just come back from PPS being tuned. Needless to say it was gone as soon as it was possible.
I was told on some forums that I needed to "learn" how to pull the trigger ? Say what ?
In my humble opinion, a nicely tuned ULT Xvalved mag is hands down better than anything Palmer makes.

Am I saying PPS markers are junk ? Absolutely not. They wouldnt have the cult following that they do and they wouldnt been around so long if they werent a pretty decent marker.

What I am saying is a finely tuned ULT Xvalved mag is a step up the performance ladder from anything PPS. AGD trumps PPS without a doubt.

Go ahead and get a Blazer, BUT, keep the mag man.


01-07-2008, 10:54 PM
sorry i just traded it for a blazer . i mainly play woods and a lil speedball . so this is fine . and since i get calls from freinds out of the blue saying lets go play tonight or somtihing . i dont usualy have nitro with me . thats the problem . now i have anice marker thats fast and accuret . i was kinda sick of the mag . altho it gave me a time of my life . i will miss it . and i wil probly buy another one in a few years . but for now im good with my army of 6 markers.

01-08-2008, 12:35 AM
Haha, you cant deny a little change.

In the 3 years ive been playing ball, ive only played with tippy's and spyders.
Ive owned more mags than I can remember and have never used one, idk if i even like playin with them lol. I really am missing out arent I.

01-08-2008, 12:40 AM
same hear . iv gone thrue 15 diff guns to find my nitch ( in 2 years , i think i qualify as a gun whore ) . and i geuss i didint feal it with the automag . i hope i will with the blazer. i like my phantom and my tippy and my p68 and my pgp . now i am gonna have a blazer . i cant wait . lol

01-08-2008, 11:12 AM
just remember the 2 stage trigger. FULL trigger pulls and you'll be just fine. Practice a little with it as well.

01-08-2008, 11:55 AM
yeah kinda like the ult on a mag . it mads to be a full trigger pull . i plan on getting a duble trigger sometime down the line and make it my main .

01-08-2008, 12:20 PM
I went back and fourth between mags and blazers for a while. I currently use a blazer and I have used it for quite some time over a mag. Although I do have a special mag but it doesnt get played with.

01-08-2008, 10:05 PM
thats true . my mag i used only 2 times .