View Full Version : The Paintball Gnome is Steve Davidson

01-07-2008, 04:59 PM
There you go.

Now, normally, I'm not one to out someone from self-imposed anonymity. Anonymity has its use.

Its use should not be to hide while posting libelous attacks on others. At least not if you expect others to sit there and take it.

Recently, Steve Davidson, using his pseudonym "the Paintball Gnome", posted in his blog regarding the rate of fire changes undertaken by PSP. As a long-time fan of semi-auto mode, I support anything that gets the rate of fire lower and closer to semi-auto. But Steve also made some statements which were just plain false, along with some arguments which just plain did not make sense, which I objected to in the comments section of his blog.

Steve continued to make increasingly silly arguments to justify his position, which I countered with good old-fashioned logic and reason. Steve does not like it when his silly arguments are countered with logic and reason, so he made a personal comment about me and said I was not allowed to post anymore. I ignored the personal comment and responded illustrating why his latest argument was silly, which he elected not to allow to be posted.

Fine. Steve's blog, Steve doesn't want me posting there, I can handle that.

But, don't attack me personally afterwards.

I am posting here for three reasons.

One, I don't want to drive any more traffic to Steve's blog. The blog is the result of Steve's personal agenda and 20 years of slights he perceives have been committed against him by the rest of the industry.

Two, since Steve wants to attack me in a public forum, I feel it is only fair that everyone know that it is Steve who is doing it. Steve has long been using his 'articles' and blog to slander others in the industry under the guise of 'informed journalism' and it is important that readers understand the author's bias.

Three, Steve also made the allegation that I have a "a long habit of controlling discussion on [my] board through the liberal use of post deletion", which is ridiculous. But, I know Steve posts here, and I have been known to post here, and I don't have any administration privileges here. That should remove any allegations that anything is being deleted on my part, and insure I don't have to endure any personal attacks without the ability to reply myself.

01-07-2008, 05:59 PM
word. :headbang:

01-07-2008, 06:37 PM
FYI - Steve Davidson = rabidchihauhau

I've been on to that little secret for a while. Kinda puts this thread here into a different perspective for those who didnt know.


well, I posted a magnum opus of a reply, but AO wiped it out before it posted.

I don't want to write it all over again.

There's an interesting blog on this subject at http://gnomedplume.wordpress.com/

ask your questions and I'll try to answer them.

01-07-2008, 07:01 PM
im too new to the paintball world to know who this guy is, but he seems to like to stir the pot here on AO so none of that suprises me