View Full Version : AO MegaMeet Scenario Game Reccomendations.

01-14-2002, 08:37 PM
Ok, being co-head planner of the AO MegaMeet, I have come to ask for suggestions on realistic scenario game idea. A real scenario you have played or seen or an achieveable scenario you just made up would be good for starters.

ATTN: BlackVCG... I will take special precautions to not let you play in the scenario game at the AO Megameet...:rolleyes: I never knew you could ban someone from an irc...

01-16-2002, 12:44 PM
I like the scenerio mr.dollack did.The one where your double is on other team,and you get bonus points for finding and marking him/her(while ref watches).

01-16-2002, 05:26 PM
At my local scenario there is like 2 hrs of one game, and you got to find things. When its Christmas we each team has to find like a fake snow man and a Santa. Then after lunch it is another 2hrs of game. In the last 10min. of the game each team has to chase dwn the opponent's Ref/Captain. First to bring back the other teams captain get more points. They add up all the points from the toys on the field you/your team has found. In the end the team with the most points wins. When everbodys done, there is a raffle with everbodys little ticket stubbs.

01-16-2002, 05:32 PM
How about the search for Osama in the woods? The person who volunteers to be Osama can get a prize in the end. Like a ReTro or a standard valve. He has taliban/al-queda guards tha we have to take out first.

01-16-2002, 05:37 PM
Also, how about one based on a PS2 video game or something? I did one that was a Siphon Filter game, it was the Russians against the Americans. Anotehr good one would be Rainbow Six or Rogue Spear. There are lots of good games you could base one off of. Army Men: Sarges Heroes or the ultimate Mario Brothers featuring Tom Kaye as Mario, JJ Brookshire as Luigi, and Bud Orr as King Cupa(?)

01-16-2002, 05:39 PM
Hm... I just want some ideas... someone gave me the idea of something like highlander... The last team captian standing wins. There would be about 5 teams and there is respawn but once the captain is dead the team has to be disbanded and distributed among the other teams.

How about one as Grand Theft Auto 3? Have 6 gangs(teams) and one lap dog that does everything for everyone...

Mega Man
01-16-2002, 08:26 PM
Maybe Lord of the Rings? Good vs. evil kinda thing ya know. Or maybe not even Lord of the Rings but like elves vs. dwarves vs. ors vs. humans or something where the object is to find a certain something ( or if you use the Lord of The Rings one, one team trys to destroy a ring and the other prevents it, although this would be a main role most people would just fight in the battles such as Helms Deep or the battle at Minas Tirith), on the other hand diffrent races could find or destroy an object(s) and make alliances with other races and stuff like that.:D

01-16-2002, 08:42 PM
foo your idea #1 sounds really good....