View Full Version : Heres a idea for AGD.....(sponsorship idea)

01-14-2002, 08:41 PM
Heres a simple process for AGD to create a sponsorship/marketing superpower.


Make Airgun Designs Jerseys


Rework new AGD Logo


Make new AGD "sponsorship" banner


Make a few new cloth goods (hats, shirts, stickers, ect)


Offer the "AGD Sponsorship Deal"

Do something similar to what KAPP and Raven do....

Have 3, 5 and 10man teams send you X dollars to buy hats, jerseys, banners, ect.

When they wear your stuff, and place good at a tourney, you issue them a "team tracking code" for the AGD store.....They type it in, and thier "bank" for thier team gets debited......

IE....Lets say "team AO" plays PanAm Las Vegas, and wear your jerseys, hats, and flash off your banner and get 6th place.....They send you proof that they placed (like a pic of the score chart from the tourney, or factual information from Warpig.com) and thier team gets discounts or $$$ off stuff in the AGD store....

I think it'd be a grand idea. Not only does AGD get to make a small profit off the jerseys, hats and such. They are not only marketing to more people by spending less overall money to do so....Plus you help out teams that love AO and AGD......

Think about it.....I just know there are lots of teams out there that'd love a AGD sponsorship even if they have to pay for it.

01-14-2002, 08:53 PM
i think that is a "smashing" idea :). and if a team doesnt do good you drop them like a bad habit. i can see if they are just starting, but after like 6 months start to get stricter.

01-14-2002, 08:59 PM
Well think about it........The team is gonna be paying AGD for the jerseys and such. Even if the team doesnt play tourneys or scenarios, they are gonna be wearing the AGD jerseys.....Easy publicity.

Think about it...I KNOW AGD could get a easy 50 teams to buy into this idea within like 3 months....Then the rate of expansion would be tremendus "Yeah, we are sponsored by AGD...They rule" - doesnt matter if they use thier most of thier products. Them winning a tourney is gonna get them more AGD products wheather they've used em before or not.

Think about it....If the idea really flew off.....You might have 2-5 teams per larger tourney (APL, GWS, ect) wearing all AGD. Some people are gonna recognize em using thier jerseys much quicker than a Tank, warp feed, or such.....A gun is about 2' long....a Torso is much much larger of a billboard for a company than a gun is....

01-14-2002, 09:15 PM
nice concept Nitro. Publicity of a product should always be on the forefront of any business. This is one area i feel AGD is lacking in. When is the last time you seen any full page ads for any AGD markers. They use to be in APG but have not been for a while.
Yeah yeah i know there was a thread AGD did a while back on the warp feed advertisement, but how bout the markers. Mags, RT Pro's Emags, etc....
Kingman runs full page ads, WGP, to name a couple of the more aggressive marketing companies.
Threads pop up quite frequently about the diminishing scene of mags. Well how can new players entering the sport know anything about mags if it is not in their face to let them know??
Once again great concept on getting mags back in focus on the fields.

01-14-2002, 09:21 PM
I've always said that AGD's marketing solutions have been fairly weak. Tom may be a paintball genius but he isn't a marketing genius. I think you struck upon a good solution to AGD's problems with marketing all their products. Why don't you try out some of my jersy designs and see how people like them?

I'm gonna revise my AGD jersy so it looks better. Could someone make a new logo for the jersies I'm designing?

01-14-2002, 09:25 PM
Heres my opinion (if toms reading this)......

Think of this idea in political terms.

TV ads for politicians typically dont do much but over-hype and bash the competition......

And as far as I can remember, grass roots effors are the key.

Think of this idea as a big bag of grass seeds and fertilizer....You'd be paying much less for so much more. After all, most people will see a AGD ad and say "nice", flip page over to a BE or Kingman and ad not remember the AGD ad.....

Flip over the next page, PanAm Coverage 2k2....

"hmmm...I see 10 pics of people wearing Airgun Jerseys....They must be good.....Im gonna go pick me up one"

Buys jersey , loves it "hey, I bet the rest of thier products are as good as these jerseys!"

Alot of companies are doing similar stuff......Diablo (big paint maker) made a gun....Lots of people bought it because they knew Diablo made (at that time) the most used paintballs in tourney play.

Smart Parts did the same thing with Shockers....After all, what does a barrel maker know about making guns....But they made the best barrels (at the time) so why not a good gun?

AGD making jerseys would be (to me atleast) a reverse-thinking approach...AGD already has a deacent customer base with many people....Why not expound on it with more noticable products like jerseys? Its a great way to get the name "Airgun Designs" out...After all, I see people wearing JT jerseys , but dont use thier paint, or harnesses. The same thing can be said for AGD jerseys.....People will buy into AGD guns and N2 systems if they start seeing MORE people use a common product - a jersey.

All you need is a cool jersey like a Animalpaintball.com jersey with a big AGD lion on it.....Im sure Mondo would give you a great deal on jerseys......What are you waiting for?

01-14-2002, 09:32 PM
Wow nitro u got something really good going here. U got me and my team sold. Now we just gotta see what tom has to say.

01-14-2002, 10:00 PM
Think about it............

All tom has to do is call up mondo at animal paintball ( (956)-753-8272 ) or knowing tech savy guy like tom could fax mondo at (956)-729-0364

Then send a photoshop image of a AGD logo that was either in thier long library of pictures , or just have the people on the forum they own to design one for a free jersey.

After a few weeks , AGD would get these cool jerseys in stock at the AO store offering sponsorships.

For a small fee , AGD sends team X a AGD banner ( i know they have em already ) 5 jerseys ( more or less depending on members on team ) Then AGD stickers ( hey , they already give em away already )

Then AGD sets up a simple point system............... Maybe like this........

If your team , or member of your team is on a large national website ( warpig.com ) You earn 10 points

If your player is in an APG or other popular publication and we are able to read your stickers/apparel/banner ,you get 20 points.

If your team places first at a large tourney ( WPF , NPPL , ect ) you get 20pts for first , 10 for second , and 5 for third.

Once you confirm the team and name, they can turn thoes points into AO bucks , which are spendable on guess what? MORE AUTOMAG STUFF!!!

AGD ends up spending only time and a little bit of money on stock for thier store........The jerseys end up sellin for more than what AGD pays for em. At cost on banners is passed onto buyer.

Players get a sponsorship they believe is worth it , AGD gets much better promotion than they do now.......low chance of failing , high chance of sucuess........ Why spend $$$$$ on putting a banner on warpig , when you could have several guys in thier pics section doing the exact same and all it cost you was $10 AO bucks?

01-14-2002, 10:01 PM
Yeah tom if you are reading this it does sound like a sound long term investment. It could be a huge boost into the tourney scene making AGD one of the prodominent manufacturars, which would allow everyone to benefit. GREAT idea Nitroduck, it is well thought out and a good idea in a business aspect.

01-14-2002, 10:17 PM
I believe Kapp does a similar program. I think it would really get AGD back into the mainstream Tourney World (like they arent already but you know) and really promote AGD

01-14-2002, 10:23 PM
KAPP , Raven , and Extreme rage do similar deals........... i know people spending ALOT of money on thier gear once sposnored by em.

Think about it this way......even if AGD does sponsor another pro team , in pictures , alot of times you're not gonna see the gun. But 10 out of 10 times you're gonna see the jerseys the person is wearing , and jerseys trancend all barriers.....IF they're cool.

01-14-2002, 10:28 PM
Here's a quick jersy design. I had to redo the honeycomb design so it might not be so good. Wow, it turned out better than I thought. If anyone wants to use the honeycomb base jersy ask me for it. I have two, the grey top bar honeycomb and the yellow side bar honeycomb.

01-14-2002, 10:37 PM
All AGD needs is a kick-butt design for a jersey.....

Perferably one with a lion jumping out at someone....That EVERYONE knows what jersey it is......And it wouldnt be a type of jersey Mag-owners would use, but a kind that every single person in paintball would be wearing (after all, a lion ready to strike would be intimidating and a sign of dominance).


All you need is a big lion on it ready to strike....

Tom, theres a big open door for AGD to re-claim tourney markets, as well as increase in every market....I would tend to think 100+ smaller sponsorships (which probabally wouldnt cost you much if anything in the end) would do far more than 1 Pro, or AmA sponsorship would (free gear vs. discounted gear)

01-14-2002, 10:40 PM
Ok... That was just a vauge design to get a reaction? You want lions you got lions... Now I need to find some drawings of lions from a front angle attacking...

01-15-2002, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by FooTemps
Here's a quick jersy design. I had to redo the honeycomb design so it might not be so good. Wow, it turned out better than I thought. If anyone wants to use the honeycomb base jersy ask me for it. I have two, the grey top bar honeycomb and the yellow side bar honeycomb.

Foo, that looks GREAT! All you need now is more lighter "background" honey combs. I'd think that grey backround combs would look good.

try it out.

01-15-2002, 02:16 AM
Well, ok... I'll just post up both jersy bases for you to work with...

01-15-2002, 02:20 AM
Jersy #2

01-15-2002, 01:10 PM
Hey im still working on this AO jersey idea... and if my research turns out good this weekend. I should have a great jersey company all lined up. If AGD wants to check out my costs through these guys I would be more than happy to hook em up.

01-15-2002, 01:48 PM
Nitro, great idea!!! How about it Tom???

01-15-2002, 11:21 PM
up for a good idea

01-15-2002, 11:51 PM
Hmmm.... Maybe people should quit upping it and help out a little? We need some innovative jersies here! I can't be the only person trying!