View Full Version : SFL E-Mag weight secrets..... Revealed!

01-11-2008, 08:29 AM
Over the years, AO'ers & general Mag users have asked me how much the SFL weighs. Never answered as I never knew myself. The other day at the office however (werk), I got the idea to use the scale in the mail room, :ninja:

What I post below, are all the technical weight stats for my SFL, as parts & entire setup... (also, some other gear I brought along).


-SFL E-Mag = 2.6 lbs Total
;(Marker w/E-Mag Valve & LvL 10, w/Vert Breech Module, CNC Batt. Pack, & TunaBlade Trigger..... no barrel, hopper, tank, or asa).
;(with X-Valve, she would be 2.4 lbs).

-SFL Body = .4 lbs
-E-Mag Lowers (w/X-Mag CNC Battery Pack & TunaBlade Trigger) = 1.4 lbs
-Vert. X-Mag Breech Module (w/Detent) = .15 lbs (68g)
-E-Mag Valve (w/LX & 2 Air Fittings) = .6 lbs

Other stuff...
-Pulse Hopper w/Bone Pack = 1.4 lbs (roughly)
;Pulse (no batt) = 1.2 lbs // Bone Battery Pack = .22 lbs (99g)
-Titanium Longbow Barrel (2pc 14" all Alum.) = .2 lbs
-CP Direct ASA w/2 screws = .33 lbs (151g)
-CP 68/45 HP Tank (empty) = 2.3 lbs (story on this weight alone here - (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?p=43301151#post43301151)
(an air weight note - a 68/45 is roughly 1lb heavier full, than empty)

While my current final setup weighs roughly 5.5lbs (7 lbs w/Pulse & Batt. but w/o Air or Paint), I'm gonna eventually drop an X-Valve in her, and switch out the Pulse for an upcoming NXE JRNY (Feb. release). Not that such weight is an issue, but doing suchness should reduce the setup by 1 lb.



(Disclaimer: The scale I used, only read in lbs or kgs - I choose lbs. And while in lbs, it only read in units going up by .2 lbs. Thus, all weights are within +/- .1 lbs. Used a bit o math too, for things that weigh'd under .2 lbs, and some weights just teetered between the numbers. Grams to lbs reference: 50g = .11 lbs / 100g = .22lbs / 150g = .33 lb... and so on.)

01-11-2008, 11:22 AM
I guess thats sort of light considering when it came out. Certainly not light by todays standards but still an amazing gun.

Zone Drifter
01-11-2008, 03:53 PM
Like chaos theory said, not light compared to todays new... things, however it's a tradeoff when you want quality and performance that can't be beat.

01-11-2008, 05:23 PM
Im gonna have to disagree on that a little bit. Although youll get top notch performance and quality there are a number of othe guns with equal an SFL. Not ot mention they would cost less than an SFL.

01-12-2008, 01:25 AM
And those other markers are also a dime a dozen.

Sweet marker, and lighter than i woulda guessed.
How much lighter would it be when/if you decide to throw an xvalve on there?

01-12-2008, 02:43 AM
2.4 lbs w/X-valve, roughly.

Currently looking for one in the Misc B/S/T forum... :rolleyes:

01-12-2008, 11:09 AM
And those other markers are also a dime a dozen.

A lot of them are, but certainly not all of them. Just because somethign costs a lot doesnt mean anything either. Emags are great guns but i can think of many others that cost less and perform just as good if not better (imo).

01-12-2008, 11:53 AM
While my current final setup weighs roughly 5.5lbs (7 lbs w/Pulse & Batt. but w/o Air or Paint), I'm gonna eventually drop an X-Valve in her, and switch out the Pulse for an upcoming NXE JRNY (Feb. release).

Pretty cool that you dialed in on what the weight of your marker is. After reading some into this thread I found it funny that most people carry onto the paintball field what I carry into the backcountry for a 3 to 5 day trip of backpacking. 7 pounds is just slightly less than the base weight of my pack (All gear, including pack, minus food, water and fuel.

Maybe I'll try and come by some equations that illustrate just how good it is to cut down in weight in paintball..


01-13-2008, 03:50 AM
I guess thats sort of light considering when it came out. Certainly not light by todays standards but still an amazing gun.

They were cut and on the free market in 01' / 02' , :wow:

01-13-2008, 11:58 AM
Why did you have your SFL at work!? ;)

S.S Bandit1
01-13-2008, 12:37 PM
Why did you have your SFL at work!? ;)

Because you never know when your boss is really going to piss you off...

01-13-2008, 07:56 PM
They were cut and on the free market in 01' / 02' , :wow:

how much you looking to spend for an x?

Nice blatent SFL bragging

01-14-2008, 03:23 AM
how much you looking to spend for an x?

Considering used X-Valves w/LX are going for 160-85, and I don't need the LX kit... hoping for shell out $100 bones, give or take. Needs to say X-Valve, and be Black.


01-14-2008, 12:00 PM
Considering used X-Valves w/LX are going for 160-85, and I don't need the LX kit... hoping for shell out $100 bones, give or take. Needs to say X-Valve, and be Black.

I'm not sure I'd want an Xvalve for $100. It would be beat to heck...

01-23-2008, 01:37 PM

still looking for an "X"-Valve.....