View Full Version : Intimidator???

01-15-2002, 12:21 AM
hi everyone i dont visit this forum often but when i really need paintball advice this is where i come because there are alot of knowledgeable people here


I am thinking about buying an intimidator because it has a good price tag and i have seen a few people at my field with them and they seem to like em and they do good with em

but i have never owned an electro before and i am kinda nervous about the depedndability of the "timmy"

(just in case some of the guys at the field arent letting on to not liking their guns because they intend to sell them to someone like me)

so any advice you can give me about this gun or things you can tell me if u have shot one (because every gun has its little quirks) because i have purchased a few guns i am not very happy with and i dont wanna do it again with my first electro

p.s. please dont tell me to buy an emag because i really cant afford one just give me advice about the timmy

p.s.s i was also considering a bushie so any info on that would be good too.

thanks and have a great day

01-15-2002, 12:28 AM
i've been told timmy's recquire some tuning. i think that all electro's pretty much need to be messed around with from time to time, but some timmy owners i've talked to around here say you gotta know how to mess with them. i'm sure they shouldn't be to hard to figure out, but it's always when you're starting off that you would be nervous taking apart a gun. bushy's are decent. i like the trigger pull and they're ROF. again, they require you know how to mess with them, but not to difficult to learn.

01-15-2002, 01:08 AM
well my girl friend just got hers today. she is going with me tomorrow to the pb store to set it up. I have seen them and they shoot nice I will give you a full report when I get to play a game with it. If she lets me.:confused: Anyway, They have been compared to angels many times. I think it is a great buy. check out the reviews on pbreview.com. Almost everyone loves there's.

01-15-2002, 01:39 AM
thats another reason this is the best forum on the net people respond fast with good advice


p.s. i was literally only on here for 20 mins and i got 2 replies :)

01-15-2002, 01:47 AM
I am glad we could help you.:)

01-15-2002, 07:17 AM
Hey Sawtan,
Long time no see. Anyway, I've got one and I love it. If you do decide to get one and need some help drop me a line.

01-15-2002, 08:05 AM
As the owner of both an impulse and intimidator I will be more then happy to give you some info...

I love my intimidator and often have a hard time deciding on using it or my impulse from game to game...I find the marker to be very reliable..assuming you maintain it well..and have never had a problem with it going down. You already know about the ACE thats built in I am assuming, but there are other nice features that come standard. One of these is an adujstable stock trigger...very markers come with a stock trigger with three adjustment screws. Very easy to get a nice short, crisp pull or a longer pull if you like it that way. Maintaining it isnt tough, just time conuming for the first couple times. Like most electros it will need to be lubed (Dow 33) after each game. There are ways to help this which I will talk about in a second. Probably the part that worries most is the mass of wires.. When you first take off the grips you will see that most of the wired are rather jammed in there, and this can be a little intimidating (I think this is where the name comes from) at first. Best bet is to draw pics or follow a well documented guide.
Now performance wise...out of the box its good...with a little money its better...first thing is try to get a good nitro rig...if you plan to go LP this is a must. If you only run CO2 then you can go pretty much without any upgrades..though you will find O-rings wearing out quicker and over time you may blow a hose fiting in the body (Not really designed for 800+psi but can do.)

Here is what I think should be down with any timmy ...

1) Nitro system. With a nitro system you can run a lower input pressure reducing wear and tear. If you plan to do the LP mod (Which is a 5min mod) you will need either an adujstable tank (One that co do less then 300 psi) or a in-line regulator. I use an on-gun max-flow setup running at 200 psi.
2) Gauges. Since the marker doesnt come standard with any you will need some. At the least you WILL need one for the LP regulator on the marker (The bottom one). This should be set for 85 psi and anything more will probably blow a hose fiting. If you run HP then you will want one on the HP regulator (top most one) to set FPS. If you do the LP mod then you will use the regulator on the in-line for this.
3) Delrin Bolt. Mainly since this will reduce both kick and cycle noise. Also saves on Dow33 as you dont need to lube delrin.

If you have the money I would do the following ...

1) SOB. Semi Only Board...allows only semiauto fire, but has BPS limit...easy to get quick bursts of over 14bps with this.
2) Barrel. The stock barrel is nice, but I would go with a boomer or freak.
3) Volumizer. If you go LP then this will help you eliminate shot-down on long strings. Nothing more then a bigger LP chamber which is what the LP-mod does in the first place.
4) Good hopper. 12v rev with X-Board to keep up with the marker. I use a 12v X-board with a PTP Warp Feed.

Over all this is a very reliable marker that is easy to use and play with. Cleaning and maintaining can be tough at first, but now I can clean this faster then my Autococker after every game. As with any marker just takes time and devotion.

Hope this helps some....
email me at [email protected] if you have any more questions.
