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01-13-2008, 05:30 PM
This may as well be in the Off-Topic section but I guess its also paintball related :)
I have not played for a while (years) so anyway I took my 5 year old daughter to Magic Mountain (Valencia, CA) a couple months ago and found they had a paintball target booth so we both shot some paint.
This week I bought some paint & gear ....told her I was going to play paintball again.

She says"Oh are you going to play in Magic Mountain?"

Pardon the useless post...just wanted to share :rolleyes:

01-13-2008, 05:35 PM
My 4 year old is the first person I see every time Im testing one of my guns, letting him fire my electro on PSP ramping put a huge smile on his face

01-13-2008, 05:49 PM
Lol cool to hear that your son doesn't mind it. When I was cleaning my Mag, my daughter said "Papa, miss XXXX(her Kindergarten teacher) said if we see a gun we should run to a grownup or call 911".
My 4 year old is the first person I see every time Im testing one of my guns, letting him fire my electro on PSP ramping put a huge smile on his face

01-13-2008, 05:52 PM
He gets mad at me every time I go out to the field and dont take him

cant wait until hes old enough to play

01-14-2008, 01:57 AM
Sarah went along with me a few times to just watch. Then one day she decided she wanted to try it. I told her it's going to hurt to get hit, like a bad bee sting, but she was game anyway....

...next thing I knew, she had made the center and was taking out the "field studs" left and right. She finally took a hit to the leg, and came off the field with a very evil grin on her face :D

01-14-2008, 02:08 AM
Lol cool to hear that your son doesn't mind it. When I was cleaning my Mag, my daughter said "Papa, miss XXXX(her Kindergarten teacher) said if we see a gun we should run to a grownup or call 911".

May the Father protect us from well meaning fools. :cuss:

01-14-2008, 02:11 AM
came off the field with a very evil grin on her face :D

That is awsome. Bet she was talking about it for days. :headbang:

01-14-2008, 03:04 AM
Epic thread. :headbang:

My GF's little brother would go nuts when I come home from playing, cause I would let him drain the air and a pod on the back fence.

We both moved and I hadn't seen him in about a year or so, but when I did... he could TALK (clearly that is) and he asked me if I had my paintball gun with me while we were getting ready to go elk hunting it was great.

I didn't think he would remember me, but he did. That really blew me away.

01-14-2008, 03:32 AM
Hey Foe, you oughta go to the AO SoCal Double trouble thingy. I'm commin from Ventura as well. Check out the thread in the AO Meet & Greet section...

01-14-2008, 10:47 AM
My 2 year old dose nothing but talk about paintball, he always grabs the guns in the shop and walks around like he playing, even have some pic's of him all geared up playing in a "wooded" location with a PGP.

its an awsome pic, and feeling that he may end up wanting to actualy play one day.


01-14-2008, 11:48 AM
...next thing I knew, she had made the center and was taking out the "field studs" left and right.
LOL nice!

you oughta go to the AO SoCal Double trouble thingy. I'm commin from Ventura as well. Check out the thread in the AO Meet & Greet section...
Yeah I was thinking about that too(would be cool to actually meet AO ppl) but can never commit because something always comes up. Can't make the Jan 19 event because I have an airport pickup. Will shoot for the Feb9 one, but it will be a last minute thing, if ever.