View Full Version : A new idea

01-15-2002, 02:41 PM
How many projects does AGD have going on right now? Of course there are ones that we don't even know about. It seems to me that there's a huge long list. Why not hire more people? If you created project teams for each different project, I would think that these projects would get done faster, possibly with better results.

I think something has needed to be done about the regular mag. It hasn't changed in a long long time. A project team could revamp it in probably a week. It could look better, preform better out of the box, cost less, and sell a lot more. More people get hooked on AGD, more people buy the guns.

Maybe marketing hasn't been AGD's only achilles heal, maybe it's that the company is like 15 years old, and has less than 15 people. AGD is one of the only companies that isn't only concerned about selling things, you guys want to make quality products. But you need to use some philosophies of WDP and Kingman to bring those ideas to more players.

You're probably getting sick of suggestions. But kinda like statistics, the more, the more accurate :D