View Full Version : Separate WTT / WTB Section ?

01-19-2008, 10:21 PM
Anyone think that there should be (in the Buy, Sell forum) a want to trade / want to buy section ?
I think that it would be appropriate.
If I could figure out how to do a poll I'd do one.
But then if I could figure out web related technical stuff the earth would probably stop.


01-19-2008, 11:05 PM
im rather indifferent on the subject.

i think the seperate forum would encourage people to just post a WTB add instead of looking for the item themself.

but it would be nice to have them seperate from the other BST post.

I just like how WTB ads are and have always been used rather sparingly on AO as opposed to a forum like PBN where they are beyond abused.

"i got $300 show me what you got"

" i want to buy an electro"

i think thats enough examples, if you want more go check it out, its horrendous and most items can be found with a simple google search.

01-19-2008, 11:12 PM
im rather indifferent on the subject.

i think the seperate forum would encourage people to just post a WTB add instead of looking for the item themself.

but it would be nice to have them seperate from the other BST post.

I just like how WTB ads are and have always been used rather sparingly on AO as opposed to a forum like PBN where they are beyond abused.

"i got $300 show me what you got"

" i want to buy an electro"

i think thats enough examples, if you want more go check it out, its horrendous and most items can be found with a simple google search.

Well I dont know how they do it on PBN really because I go there rarely.
But its nice to be able to post "heres what I have and heres what I want" on trades
without clogging the for sale thread up. The ones I've seen move slower that the FS threads too.

01-19-2008, 11:26 PM
Well I dont know how they do it on PBN really because I go there rarely.
But its nice to be able to post "heres what I have and heres what I want" on trades
without clogging the for sale thread up. The ones I've seen move slower that the FS threads too.

dont think im hassling ya ;)

im only posting cause i like the idea but since theres not a poll(yet) all we can do is talk it out.

It is a buy sell TRADE section

whats to stop or prevent from posting

"got hyperframe, looking for classic valves"

or something similar? infact i think thats the intended purpose of the forum as is.

or are you wanting something more like

"thread title"

(inside thread)
i got a hyperframe
2 nubbins
4 valves
titanium valve
rubber chicken

looking for

xmags and twistlock boomsticks


01-20-2008, 04:06 AM
I'd like to see seperate threads. The WTB's get pushed to the bottom quickly and disappear.
THen it's like begging to keep them near the top LOL

01-20-2008, 08:19 AM
I'd like to see seperate threads. The WTB's get pushed to the bottom quickly and disappear.
THen it's like begging to keep them near the top LOL

That was my point, the for sale thread is a fast mover.
A WTT / WTB thread generally is not and doesnt need to be upped a lot.
And I dont think it would have the PBN kiddies posting stupid stuff.
They would get eaten alive in here if they tried that.
