View Full Version : i guess the mag is not the fastest gun out

01-20-2008, 12:57 AM
http://thumbs.vidiac.com/fd68f784-293f-41ae-be0e-9a0300c2a846.jpg (http://www.darksidevideo.org/video/fd68f784-293f-41ae-be0e-9a0300c2a846.htm)Click here to see Video (http://www.darksidevideo.org/video/fd68f784-293f-41ae-be0e-9a0300c2a846.htm)

tbh i dont think this is true. i still think the mag is still the fastest marker next to the viking but idk.

what you guys think?

01-20-2008, 01:28 AM

Myself and another person analyzed this and didn't see where it hit 40. 30ish is quite away from 40.

01-20-2008, 08:15 AM
I'm getting 30 as well... although it does sound faster than that.

The gun is probably designed for people will poor self esteem. However fast you're shooting, it tells you that you're going 30% faster. And you're not going to question the readout, right? I mean... computers are NEVER wrong. :tard:

By the way... there's another video right next to this one on that page titled, "My 41 bps Ion." But does the video actually even show the gun shoot? Nope. The kid is just playing around with the lights. :nono:

01-20-2008, 09:39 AM
lol, yeah thats no where near 40 :rofl:

Zone Drifter
01-20-2008, 10:09 AM

No idea how many bps that is, but I just thought it was hilarious that they did that with an excellerator. XD I used to own a few, and might get myself a 6.0 again just because I love how the body looks.

01-20-2008, 05:58 PM
sounded like they were running outta gas. :p

funny they were doing that with a gravity loader, and CO2.

01-20-2008, 06:11 PM
Those screens on the gun arent accurate at all either.

01-20-2008, 07:03 PM
the reason the lcd reads high is because it gives you the BPS calculated from the shortest time between two balls being fired, i.e. for at least two balls he shot 40 bps but he averaged much less

01-20-2008, 07:04 PM
I'm getting 30 as well... although it does sound faster than that.

The gun is probably designed for people will poor self esteem. However fast you're shooting, it tells you that you're going 30% faster. And you're not going to question the readout, right? I mean... computers are NEVER wrong. :tard:

By the way... there's another video right next to this one on that page titled, "My 41 bps Ion." But does the video actually even show the gun shoot? Nope. The kid is just playing around with the lights. :nono:

"Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest." -Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)

dont blame the computer, blame the programer :p

01-20-2008, 09:40 PM
if it was truly 40 bps, that would be about 4 seconds there and most of the hopper would have been empty. Good joke though, cuz their hopper was still half full. Maybe, just MAYBE if they try a Qloader then they might actually achieve 40 bps, MAYBE... Until then they reached 40 Cps. Cycles dont really count though or Vikings would have won long ago.

01-20-2008, 10:00 PM
if it was truly 40 bps, that would be about 4 seconds there and most of the hopper would have been empty. Good joke though, cuz their hopper was still half full. Maybe, just MAYBE if they try a Qloader then they might actually achieve 40 bps, MAYBE... Until then they reached 40 Cps. Cycles dont really count though or Vikings would have won long ago.

remember most if not all of the bps counters take the 2 shots that have the shortest time, calculate it as if that was kept up and then they give you that as the BPS


01-20-2008, 10:12 PM
Keyword = PEAKED

I noticed the title of their video on the second viewing. Oh well...some people just don't know what reality is though.

01-21-2008, 12:26 AM
the reason the lcd reads high is because it gives you the BPS calculated from the shortest time between two balls being fired, i.e. for at least two balls he shot 40 bps but he averaged much less
Right. It never actually fired 40 balls in a seconds time.

01-21-2008, 12:52 AM
remember most if not all of the bps counters take the 2 shots that have the shortest time, calculate it as if that was kept up and then they give you that as the BPS


I can tell you that the Eclipse ROF counter does not work this way, you will not get a reading until you've actually held a certain ROF for at least a second (i.e. it counts shots over a second).

That said I do not know how accurate that counting is at these rates of fire, but I can tell you that at BPSes in the teens it is dead accurate.

01-21-2008, 03:49 PM
Yeah, just because there were 40 electrical impulses going out per second doesn't mean it shot that. Then you also need to know if there was drop-off at 40 bps.

01-21-2008, 04:40 PM
Yeah, just because there were 40 electrical impulses going out per second doesn't mean it shot that. Then you also need to know if there was drop-off at 40 bps.

Assuming the eyes worked properly, which there is no reason not to, then it did indeed shoot each time there was a shot counted. As others have posted, though, the AVERAGE BPS in that string is "only" in the 30s.

Egos are fairly well known to be capable of this, as are several other guns.

01-21-2008, 05:42 PM
Assuming the eyes worked properly, which there is no reason not to, then it did indeed shoot each time there was a shot counted. As others have posted, though, the AVERAGE BPS in that string is "only" in the 30s.

Egos are fairly well known to be capable of this, as are several other guns.
When I looked at it there was not a second that I could count 40 shots. I always thought that in order to shoot 40 bps you had to fire 40 shots in a seconds time. Not 20 in .5 seconds etc. The most I counted was 32 in a seconds time. How could it shoot 40 balls in 1 second and average 30? Maybe I'm confused.

01-21-2008, 09:01 PM
You are correct, it has to fire 40 balls in one second, not a combination of anythign else that could possibly equal it if you did some math. That gun did not even come close to 40bps, period. To anyone who says the counters on egos are accurate, your dead wrong. They measure peak BPS and thats it. They will be more accurate at lower BPS but that doesnt make them right.

01-21-2008, 10:41 PM
How could it shoot 40 balls in 1 second and average 30?

Do you understand what an average is?

That said, my analysis of the sound clip squares with yours, 32bps right out of the gates and 30 sustained for the rest.

Oddly their own "40bps goldwaved" images show the same thing lol

So no, this video does not show a gun firing faster than 34 bps. They should try it with a qloader heh

01-21-2008, 11:40 PM

No idea how many bps that is, but I just thought it was hilarious that they did that with an excellerator. XD I used to own a few, and might get myself a 6.0 again just because I love how the body looks.
That made my night! :rofl:

01-22-2008, 05:49 AM
You are correct, it has to fire 40 balls in one second, not a combination of anythign else that could possibly equal it if you did some math. That gun did not even come close to 40bps, period. To anyone who says the counters on egos are accurate, your dead wrong. They measure peak BPS and thats it. They will be more accurate at lower BPS but that doesnt make them right.

I don't think anyone claimed they were 100% accurate or measured anything other than peak BPS. It says exactly that in the manual (peak ROF). However they do measure more than 2 balls. If you fired two balls and no more, no matter how fast you fired those balls, it would still say 2 BPS.