View Full Version : Pic of my Emag

01-15-2002, 04:02 PM
Heres a pic of my Emag! It came out kinda fuzzy, and I didn't have my warp on that day(I used a hopper on a warpfeed body Emag...:eek: my warp sensor/bracket is at ProTeam...they take forever!!! I NEED MY WARP BACK!), but I have a red Proteam warp(really matches the gun good lol). The Emag is a really sweet looking blue(like a marble blue, or a reptile blue...I donno how to describe it). I might have it repowdercoated in a black to red to black fade(barrel starts as black, fades to red, first part of the body is red, and the back part of the body is black) because almost all my stuff is black and red, so my hopper and warp look funny with it. But heres the pic!(notice the "ENDO!" on the hopper :D:D! The other side said "Fight 4 Food" but the letters peeled after getting shot, and it used to say "HOO HA!" on the top part, but that also peeled). There is part of me in the pic. The pic of me came out really bad so I just cut me out lol :D:D


01-15-2002, 04:05 PM
Jeez, no one would ever be able to steal your Emag and hopper, I'd notice the ENDO! right away...lol.

Hopper is red and black, gun is sort of teal.....waz up wit dat?

Tony Arrivo
01-15-2002, 04:06 PM
uf;hv/m adofhhfghcv''ik-waefjasjv;k GAH ME WANT!!!!:eek: :eek:

01-15-2002, 04:07 PM
Nice gun major. Did you get the selector switch fixed yet?

01-15-2002, 04:09 PM
Actually gun is a mid to dark blue(its pretty cool looking). I bought the gun with the powdercoat job on it, and all my stuff is red and black(as stated above :D), so I think I should repowdercoat it :D. Yup, the "ENDO!" lets everyone know that its MajorDamage's :D. The switch(which is held on with tape in the pic lol) is being fixed by AGD(its with them now...:( I MISS IT!) and they are also making sure the powdercoat is ok, updating the board, checking on a possible stripped screw, and giving it a tune up :D. Should be back by next week I think.


01-15-2002, 04:31 PM
Hrmmm.....I'll trade ya 32* Jerseys...Mine is blue(it'd be cheaper than re-powdercoating everything.)

Attached:Jersey behind Impy.

01-15-2002, 04:45 PM
Hehe, throw in some cash and I might. I just bought the new version of the flame jersey(the red/orange one) so my otherone probably wont get used that much. LMK, :D Although I still have a red/black mask, hopper, warp, fill nipple cover, and lots of other stuff :D


01-15-2002, 04:46 PM
OH! I just looked at the picture some more and got an idea! THROW IN THE IMPY! :D:D:D


01-15-2002, 04:50 PM
Only if you throw in the sweet ENDO! hopper :D.

No, really.....How much cash?

01-15-2002, 04:55 PM
I donno, I guess like $10 or so(thats a little less than diffrence in price when they are new, the blue one usually is like $18 and the flames one is like $37 I think...) plus shipping. The jersey's elbow pads are kinda messed up on the inside though(I washed it with my pack...the velcrow kinda messed it up, although you can only tell when its inside out). So I donno if you'd wanna trade, but its in "pretty good shape". I'm not sure if I wanna trade, but let me know if you do then I will get back to you...and I will throw in the hopper if you throw in the Impy! :D!