View Full Version : A question about distance

01-21-2008, 01:33 AM
Take any current model high-end marker and an old mech Spyder Compact, both guns have the same barrel and both guns set to the same velocity, 275 fps. Shouldn't both guns shoot the same distance? If not, why not?

01-21-2008, 01:35 AM
yes both guns will shoot the same distance.

01-21-2008, 01:38 AM
At the same speed and same elevation the balls will travel the same distance.

01-21-2008, 02:07 AM
You could use a $10,000 solid gold Angel vs a tree branch slingshot, and get the same results.

Both balls traveling the same speed, will travel the same distance.

01-21-2008, 03:32 AM
they make those?! where can i get one?

Ive always wanted a tree branch slingshot!

01-21-2008, 09:06 AM
Hi everyone, not that I don't agree with the physics of it, but why do I feel like I get out shot, distance wise, when I play in the woods with my buddies? We are all around the same velocity, and everyone is using 12-16 in barrels. I am shooting a ULE Custom, and they all shoot 98c's. We are all around the same velocity too.

01-21-2008, 10:24 AM
Hi everyone, not that I don't agree with the physics of it, but why do I feel like I get out shot, distance wise, when I play in the woods with my buddies? We are all around the same velocity, and everyone is using 12-16 in barrels. I am shooting a ULE Custom, and they all shoot 98c's. We are all around the same velocity too.
the mass of the paintball you're using has some effect. I do believe that a heavier paintball traveling at 275fps will travel just slightly farther than a light one going at 275fps, due to it having more momentum.

other than that, the only thing i can think of is your mindset. :p

01-21-2008, 10:38 AM
Hi everyone, not that I don't agree with the physics of it, but why do I feel like I get out shot, distance wise, when I play in the woods with my buddies? We are all around the same velocity, and everyone is using 12-16 in barrels. I am shooting a ULE Custom, and they all shoot 98c's. We are all around the same velocity too.
Your friends are cranking up their velocity on the field :p

They're using 98c's you say? Do they have Flatline barrels? Because the backspin created by flatlines are the only legitimate way to shoot further at the same velocity. Otherwise either they're cheating or you're crazy :p

01-21-2008, 10:44 AM
Maybe you are shooting against the wind, or uphill or both? Other than a flatline on the 98's if all guns are at the same velocity, then distance would be equal..

01-21-2008, 10:47 AM
Your friends are cranking up their velocity on the field :p
Otherwise either they're cheating or you're crazy :p

LOL I almost replied the same earlier but thought it might start a BBQ. If your friends are like mine were back when we were in high school, i wouldnt be surprised if their post game chrono speed was different than their pre-game.... :ninja:

01-21-2008, 10:48 AM
Also, keep in mind that being "around the same velocity" is a relative term. If I'm shooting 270, and my buddy is shooting 280, that doesn't seem like much of a difference. However, let's say that we're trying to longball each other at maximum range where the paintball is in the air for two seconds. That difference of ten bps turns into his range advantage of ten or twenty feet... which can make a difference.

And let's not forget that some guns are... um.... less consistent than others. Automags on HPA tend to only fluxuate a few bps either way. Tippmanns and Spyders, on the other hand, can jump 10-15 fps between shots. If you're dueling with someone at long range, and he gets a random 15 fps spike in his velocity, then watch out! :eek:

01-21-2008, 10:54 AM
Just take advantage of your X-Valve's shoot up!

01-21-2008, 12:30 PM
If this is true then why do ions not go very far? How would one kind of marker go the same distance as the other but doesnt loose velocity?

01-21-2008, 12:41 PM
it's basic physics. Assuming things are equal (ball, barrel length, trajectory) the gun makes ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE when it comes to range. Setting flatline/ apex aside, if you are seeing a difference, then there MUST be another factor, holding at a different angle, wind, a regulator fluctuation, a dirty barrel interior, uneven paint, etc.

01-21-2008, 12:43 PM
If this is true then why do ions not go very far? How would one kind of marker go the same distance as the other but doesnt loose velocity?


I happen to own an ion (it's sad I know...I'm sorry) and it shoots the same distance as any other gun on the field. I've also tested several other guns and they all have the same basic distance +/- depending on all other varibles (paint variation from ball to ball, wind....etc)

01-21-2008, 12:48 PM
Alot of it is perception. If you were on the recieving end of your own shot you might think they were a bit more equal. This is really a big deal with renters most of the time. When you're playing you don't feel bounces that hit them or really know how close the balls are going to them. You do know for a fact how ever that they are getting too close to you.

1) Everyone is using the same paint
2) everyone has the exact same marker
3) Same barrel
4) Same velocity (before we even hand them out)

Like I said, the difference is mostly that of perception but there are a few things that change it

1) Wind
2) Reg spikes
3) Angle of marker
4) elevation

If this was conducted inside a building with no wind on level ground with measuring instruments you would find out pretty quickly that any distance gained by a marker over another would be no more than a foot and could be written off.

01-22-2008, 12:44 AM
Thanks all! No difference in distance is what I was thinking. It would be interesting to see what a 10fps or 20fps difference with the same marker would do to the distance. Anyone ever do a test like this?

01-22-2008, 12:56 AM
Thanks all! No difference in distance is what I was thinking. It would be interesting to see what a 10fps or 20fps difference with the same marker would do to the distance. Anyone ever do a test like this?

i will save you the trouble. one will go a longer distance than the other.

01-22-2008, 02:25 AM
If this is true then why do ions not go very far? How would one kind of marker go the same distance as the other but doesnt loose velocity?
Ions I have test thrown, have traveled an average of 120ft.
M98's, being heavier, can be thrown an average of 100ft.
Angels have wings, so they usually go to the 1100ft mark, but that would out of bounds on the most generous scenario field.
DYE markers are named for their throw distance: DM-4 goes 400ft, DM-5 goes to 500ft, etc.


The means of acceleration means nothing. If the balls are launched at identical speed, they will go identical distances. Period.

01-22-2008, 02:46 AM
Same paint + same speed + same elevation = same distance?

Next thing you guys are going to try to pull is that closed bolt markers aren't any more accurate than other markers.

01-22-2008, 03:10 AM
Paint size , fill (weight) and quality of shell can make a noticable difference in range.

01-22-2008, 03:29 AM
And trees help shorten your distance too.

01-22-2008, 03:30 PM
Also depending on how long your body is, the paintball may go less or more distance as affected by the lentgh of the breech.

01-22-2008, 08:07 PM
Ions I have test thrown, have traveled an average of 120ft.
M98's, being heavier, can be thrown an average of 100ft.
Angels have wings, so they usually go to the 1100ft mark, but that would out of bounds on the most generous scenario field.
DYE markers are named for their throw distance: DM-4 goes 400ft, DM-5 goes to 500ft, etc.


The means of acceleration means nothing. If the balls are launched at identical speed, they will go identical distances. Period.


01-22-2008, 11:59 PM
Also depending on how long your body is, the paintball may go less or more distance as affected by the lentgh of the breech.
Dynamics inside the gun, mean NOTHING outside the gun. All chronograph readings are taken OUTSIDE of any influence the marker produced. If the ball is going 300fps from an Emag, and 300fps from Nolan Ryan..................then both balls are going 300fps, period.

The weight difference in balls is so miniscule as to not have much, if any, effect at the chrono or downrange, especially at the total flight distance of paintballs (roughly 100yds at 300fps)

...and no, balls do not wobble like a water balloon in flight.

...and no, balls do not deform like a water balloon inside the barrel.

01-23-2008, 02:35 AM
The weight difference in balls is so miniscule as to not have much, if any, effect at the chrono or downrange, especially at the total flight distance of paintballs (roughly 100yds at 300fps)


My experience and past kinetic and trajectory testing for both law enforcement and military trainers has shown otherwise. In fact , down range the differences are actually at their greatest. I've seen nearly a gram difference between certain brand balls, that's almost a 3rd of thier entire weight. FYI , the average seems to be around 3.2-3.3 grams but I've had them come it at just under 3 and upto about 3.9. In addition to variation in overall sizes from a full .700 to under .660. Compounded by the variation in seam quality and uniformity the effects the overall size at the poles and rate(or ratio I suppose) of deviation between the two.

IMO. :)

But I am open to any alternative findings.

01-23-2008, 02:42 AM
I guess I should have added how it applies here.

"Generally" , higher quality paint is smaller and heavier with less seam.

Cheaper paintballs are usually larger and lighter and less uniform around the poles.

Generally. ;)

01-23-2008, 03:06 AM
I should add that longer guns and barrels will shoot farther than shorter guns/barrels. WHAT? If I have a gun setup with a 6 inch barrel and then switch and set up to a 20 inch barrel. You fill find that my shots land approximately 14 inches further(20-6=14). Likewise extending my arms when I shoot will make the paint go farther than if I shoot with my arms folded.

01-23-2008, 04:07 AM
Theoretically, if two shooters were to stand in the exact same spot, shooting at the same velocity, with the same paintball weight, and no wind, a 20" barrel will shoot 4" farther than a 16" barrel.


01-23-2008, 08:18 AM
I should add that longer guns and barrels will shoot farther than shorter guns/barrels. WHAT? If I have a gun setup with a 6 inch barrel and then switch and set up to a 20 inch barrel. You fill find that my shots land approximately 14 inches further(20-6=14). Likewise extending my arms when I shoot will make the paint go farther than if I shoot with my arms folded.
Actually that's not true. You would have to rechrono for that to be true. If you switch from a 6 inch barrel to a 20 inch barrel, the velocity will most likely decrease because of the added friction of 14" of tubing.

01-23-2008, 09:31 AM
Actually that's not true. You would have to rechrono for that to be true. If you switch from a 6 inch barrel to a 20 inch barrel, the velocity will most likely decrease because of the added friction of 14" of tubing.
wrong the friction is negligble compared to the extra 14 in the barrel would give for the air to expand to shoot the ball.

01-23-2008, 02:51 PM
Actually that's not true. You would have to rechrono for that to be true. If you switch from a 6 inch barrel to a 20 inch barrel, the velocity will most likely decrease because of the added friction of 14" of tubing.

Which is why I typed switch and set up. Chronoing is a pretty standard procedure for setting up, no?

01-24-2008, 04:40 PM
Something I never see come up in these conversations is how the air is applied to the ball, let me explain
a flatline or an apex puts backspin on the ball (as does a galactric Z mag) this allows for longer flight distances
having personally messed around with different styles of air passages in a bolt (these tests were preformed on a classic intimidator) I found you can actually generate a slight (not as much as earlier mentioned methods) amount of backspin from just the air preassure on the ball. the distance gained was very slight and didnt make up for the lack of accuracy from using a huge bore barrel
so if it went the other way, and put top spin on the ball, at the same speed the topspin gun WOULD shoot shorter distances than a gun that produced no distinct spin, I know this from one of my test bolts
Most of the aftermarket bolts Ive compared (alot) the hole patterns are very even and precise, although Ive seen stock spyder venturi bolts that have been put together poorly and the venturi actually favored one side of the bolt as opposed to being dead center, which could cause topspin, or sidespin if a large enough barrel was used

01-24-2008, 06:37 PM
If you want to shoot further, make a punching motion with the gun in hand and shoot before your arm runs out of length.*

*accuracy may suffer