View Full Version : accuracy

01-15-2002, 05:20 PM
I have been playing with pump guns for a while now, and have been asked to join a team. My first choice was to go with an autococker(but one thing to another led me to look into looking into mags)so now i was wondering, my time with pump guns have spoiled me on accuracy, and i was wondering im the minimag, with a new barrel on it and veritcal reg would be a good choice for accuracy.(i do have a limited budget) so tell me if that would be a good combination for accuracy or if i should search elsewhere.

01-15-2002, 05:26 PM
*Cough* No marker is any more accurate than another. Paint to barrel match, yes. Magical elves....no. Buy a Minimag, AGD has THE best customer service.....EEEEVVVVVERR.

01-15-2002, 05:30 PM
i have my reasons why there are accurate guns but i wont get into that, anyways, are the minimags being made anymore? This was something one of my friends told me and i was just wondering.

01-15-2002, 05:38 PM
*Cough* No marker is any more accurate than another. Paint to barrel match, yes. Magical elves....no. Buy a Minimag, AGD has THE best customer service.....EEEEVVVVVERR.

That is one huge cough. But anyway he is right accuracy is mainly paint to barrel match, what you are thinking of is recoil. In long bursts some guns are more accurate than others just because they do not have as much recoil. However, single shots with the same paint-barrel match will have the same accuracy.

01-15-2002, 05:38 PM
get into your reasons, I'm interested in what you have to say.

01-15-2002, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by LaW
get into your reasons, I'm interested in what you have to say.

Yeah, I'd like to hear this too. I guess with pumps you have longer to AIM, without so much return fire coming at you.

01-15-2002, 05:45 PM
I have a MiniMag with a 47cu in Flatline and Dye Aluminum barrel. I generally shoot either PMI Premium or Anarchy paint. This setup has proved to be very accurate for me, it both shoots straight and is consistent (+/- 5 fps).

You mentioned running a vertical reg. This could make your gun more consistent, but at a cost (I don't mean money, though that is also a cost to consider). The cost would be posible drop off during rapid fire. The drop off would be due to the fact that (assuming you run compressed air) there would be three regulators (tank,vertical reg, and A.I.R.)that the air from your tank must pass through before it can be shot. The more regulation the air undergoes, the longwer it takes the valve to fully recharge. In most cases two regulators (tank and A.I.R.) should be sufficient for a consistent gun.

As far as I know MiniMags are still being produced due to popular demand.

01-15-2002, 05:45 PM
Yes, they are still being made. You can pick one up from www.paintballgear.com, for 300.00 bucks. As far as a barrel is concerned, I would purchase a Freak system, pricey, but well worth it, a 12v revolution, and a H.P.A. system with a decent drop forward/cradle. Then as upgrades go I would chose the Retro valve, Intelliframe And then a Warp feed. This will be about 1100.00 after all the upgrades but well worth it. You may be able to find a deal thru Ebay, with most of this stuff included or in the classified section here.Good Luck!!!

01-15-2002, 08:09 PM
minimags are no different then regular mags besides the word minimag on the side of the valve and the added weight to the front of the breach.

and acuracy is really do to the fact of paint to barrel match. but i find an excellent combination of barrel and paint is a J&J ceramic barrel and PMI Marbs the barrel can be picked up cheap online or off ebay for 30 bux brand new.

01-15-2002, 08:21 PM
Yeah, that may be so Dax, but if hes joining a team and they do tourneys alot, chances are all the tourneys wont be using Marbs, thats why a multi bore barrel, like the Freak would be a better choice, in the long run, however if your just playing rec, and use the same type of paint all the time then I would recommend the new All American with interchangable tips, buy a small tip for speedball and a long tip for woods ball...............Plus they work awsome with marbs !!!!

01-15-2002, 08:33 PM
recoil, bore match. yadda yadda. no matter what, if you take the same time/thought before each shot youll be fine, otherwise say screw it and just get Emag or RT with Warp and halo and use ROF like me.

01-15-2002, 08:38 PM
warlord i do agree alot. i love the freak but he said he is on a budget and the freak isn't a budget barrel unfortunatly. but the J&J is and its an excellent barrel and works well with alot of different paints. otherwise i would of suggested the freak.

01-15-2002, 09:23 PM
Accuracy also depends on how well YOU can aim and handle the gun. I personally prefer a nice long drop with angled bottemline ASA, making the tank shoulder extreamly well. SMALL barrels are my thing as well, I have a 5 inch barrel right now. :cool:

Dropforward is a most if you want to be able to have a nice shot, otherwise the tank is too long and you'll be bearing all the weight with your arms! :eek:

01-15-2002, 09:31 PM
Hmmm, Stretch Z Drop, 10" J&J 2 piece barrel, TKO Mag package from Pbgear.net

01-16-2002, 01:19 PM
if you want accuracy yes it is paint to barrel match so DUH get a freak for it i have a freak on my rt pro and i have shot a grouping of about 3-5'' 20-30 feet away

01-16-2002, 03:46 PM
basically all i can think of right now, but i hear that mags being light have more recoil and that throws off the ball, and you all have talked about paint barrle match.

01-16-2002, 03:49 PM
Thank you all for the info, so basically you are saying that the automag with a good paint barrel match will be a good choice to go with. again thanks for the info.

01-16-2002, 03:49 PM
Lighter gun= More recoil
Heavier gun=Tired arms(hard to aim with sore arms)

So take your pick.

01-16-2002, 04:12 PM
thats true if all guns worked the same. The mag only has the force of the bolt going back and forth, unlike stacked blowbacks where the bolt and hammer go back and forth. Also that force is closer to the grip on your hand so it won't tilt as much. Mags have little recoil.

The gun itself has nothing to do with accuracey really, the barrel and paint does though.

01-17-2002, 11:27 AM
The gun DOES DOES DOES effect the accuracy. The reason is, mags have a very consistent shot; A Spyder, for instance, does not. If you are aiming at something and you want to hit it, a mag will be better because you know how it shoots. Spyders and stuff are unpredictable.


01-17-2002, 11:42 AM
if recoil is all that big of a deal to you, then pitch in the extra couple of bucks and get a super bolt.

01-17-2002, 02:02 PM
Thats not entirely true, Dealaman, my buddy has a bone stock spyder with a Max flow 88/3000 system and his only fluctuates +/- 10 fps, on any given day. Thats pretty decent for an entry level marker, my Mini, is same way with a preset tank, If I dropped the coin on a flatline I imagine it would be better, But I dont have enough coin right now.