View Full Version : Sticky bolt?

01-30-2008, 11:30 AM
While showing off the virtues of the Lvl X bolt to a friend, the bolt stayed open, emiting a loud sound of gas, instead of the usual chuff.

It's the only time this has happened, so I was wondering... Would this be a simple case of not enough oil? Other than this one-time incident while showing off the antichop, the bolt has never stuck before and performs beautifully when playing.

01-30-2008, 02:54 PM
Was the tank below 1k psi?

When was the valve last oil'd?

Was this a higher than average ROF?

You mighth ave the thumb screw too tight, or too loose that can cause bolt stick but that would happen very often vs what you described above.

01-30-2008, 09:44 PM
Was the tank below 1k psi?
I believe so, yes. I had the tank filled up a couple of days later

When was the valve last oil'd?
Just before using it

Was this a higher than average ROF?
No, I was doing the rolled-up dollar bill trick to show off the Lvl X antichop

You mighth ave the thumb screw too tight, or too loose that can cause bolt stick but that would happen very often vs what you described above.
The thumb screw was on too tight I believe. I'd screw it in and then tight it real good with an allan key.

I read on another board that I should jsut tight it up real good by hand and not over-tight it with an allan key.

But still, it was a one-time thing. Outside of that odd incident, the marker has performed beautifully.

01-30-2008, 11:24 PM
try it with the thumb not as tight, that should solve your issue