View Full Version : flying Dutchman....question about your field

01-31-2008, 11:14 AM
I noticed that you have been operating a field in Maine since 87 in another post.
Where in Maine is the field located? Do you have a website or such?

I have a buddy that lives in Peru. There was a field located there called Crossfire for years that recently closed. It was a bummer. I didn't even discover the place until my second visit up and it seemed to have a good business going. Being the only place around other than back in the woods they kind of had a corner, unless you were willing to drive all the way down to Lewiston-Auburn. At any rate the owner got tired of it and closed down right before one of my visits last year.
Funny enough that there are enough players around that I ran into a few about to make the drive down at Ellis' and talked with them at length about the lack of good places to play....

01-31-2008, 11:51 AM
Wow Peru? I haven't been there in a while. My Gma used to live there. Is it still as tiny as it used to be?

BTW here is the name: Flying Dutchman Paintball In Guilford Maine

01-31-2008, 01:03 PM
Decent field, greedy man. Matt Holland might seem nice on the phone, but when you're at his field all he has is dollar signs in his eyes. He ran a three man rally for a while that was actually a really nice format. He bent the rules for his home team, and they still lost.
To be fair, the refs were great, and so were the accommodations, but as nice as his facilities are, there's no denying the fact that many of his first time customers don't return. That's not mentioning the fact that the home team got fed up with him too after years of loyalty.

01-31-2008, 01:33 PM
Decent field, greedy man. Matt Holland might seem nice on the phone, but when you're at his field all he has is dollar signs in his eyes. He ran a three man rally for a while that was actually a really nice format. He bent the rules for his home team, and they still lost.
To be fair, the refs were great, and so were the accommodations, but as nice as his facilities are, there's no denying the fact that many of his first time customers don't return. That's not mentioning the fact that the home team got fed up with him too after years of loyalty.

Interesting. Tell us more about the guy that started the FPO vs. BYOP thread and used safety as his reason for FPO.

01-31-2008, 03:02 PM
Decent field, greedy man. Matt Holland might seem nice on the phone, but when you're at his field all he has is dollar signs in his eyes. He ran a three man rally for a while that was actually a really nice format. He bent the rules for his home team, and they still lost.
To be fair, the refs were great, and so were the accommodations, but as nice as his facilities are, there's no denying the fact that many of his first time customers don't return. That's not mentioning the fact that the home team got fed up with him too after years of loyalty.


Matt is a great guy to hang out with. His field is by far one of the best in Maine. Pushes safety to the max on all players. But Matt is too old school, for years he's been living/running the dutchman on bare bones because running a paintball business in Maine is very hard. The maximum life range of an actuall paintball player in maine is roughly 2-3 years.
The problem with him not getting any business or well rounded dedicated players is the fact his field is located out int he middle of nowhere, miles from any highway. Back in the day a round trip cost me 80-90 dollars just in gas. Another problem was the unorganized scenario games he hosted. New players were sometimes left in the dark and the refs only payed attention to the regulars. I think one game I stood around for 45 minutes until someone told me the game was actually over... never fired a single paintball.
I'm not saying to competely avoid playing there, if you do plan on going up bring friends(mainly for gas money) play for the day and see it through your own eyes.

01-31-2008, 07:27 PM
Interesting. Tell us more about the guy that started the FPO vs. BYOP thread and used safety as his reason for FPO.

Yeah, I'm still wondering how outside paint is such a "safety" issue and can cause such massive spikes in FPS. But then again what do I know? :p

01-31-2008, 10:14 PM
Wow Peru? I haven't been there in a while. My Gma used to live there. Is it still as tiny as it used to be?

BTW here is the name: Flying Dutchman Paintball In Guilford Maine

Lol, if you blink going through Peru then you miss it and are in Dixfield. Its a good thing that there are four towns there right together cause apart they hardly qualify.

02-01-2008, 01:25 PM
Lol, if you blink going through Peru then you miss it and are in Dixfield. Its a good thing that there are four towns there right together cause apart they hardly qualify.

Yeah, I know the area. We used to have our family reunions out at my uncles camp in Carthage.

02-01-2008, 03:37 PM
Interesting. Tell us more about the guy that started the FPO vs. BYOP thread and used safety as his reason for FPO.

You'd be surprised to what lengths this guy was willing to go. He tried to introduce legislation in Maine that was going to change paintball. He brought along some nylon coated steel balls that I've never seen, and claimed that all paint should be bought through distributors only to prevent these weird ball from getting into the wrong hands..
I can't really recall all the details, because I remember being really sick with a fever, but I still went to the hearing with some potent allies who had some very strong arguments. In the end, we won, he lost, but he never gave up.
We tried numerous times to involve Matt in a State wide league, but he steadfastly refused, claiming to be the one and only field sponsoring the Maine State Championships and the like. After a while, no one paid attention to him anymore, and he just did it his way, for better or for worse. I can't say which way it went for him, and it's no skin off my nose either way.

flying Dutchman
02-03-2008, 05:57 PM
You'd be surprised to what lengths this guy was willing to go. He tried to introduce legislation in Maine that was going to change paintball. He brought along some nylon coated steel balls that I've never seen, and claimed that all paint should be bought through distributors only to prevent these weird ball from getting into the wrong hands..
I can't really recall all the details, because I remember being really sick with a fever, but I still went to the hearing with some potent allies who had some very strong arguments. In the end, we won, he lost, but he never gave up.
We tried numerous times to involve Matt in a State wide league, but he steadfastly refused, claiming to be the one and only field sponsoring the Maine State Championships and the like. After a while, no one paid attention to him anymore, and he just did it his way, for better or for worse. I can't say which way it went for him, and it's no skin off my nose either way.

Well now I remember you! Okay guys lets set the record straight. When we hold a tourney I'm in the supply area. I sell the paint and air and leave the event to the head ref. I can't overturn a call on the field that I haven't seen. The Rally is still going by the way. And this guy is talking about how great the refs are? Hmmm.

As for the legislation I was asked to go to Augusta to speak infront of the committee when they were considering classifying paintball guns as firearms. Myself and a dozen other field owners were invited. I was the last to speak. Only after anoter field owner had told the committee that there was no such thing as nylon balls in the paintball industry did I set the record straight. They are used at every factory to test markers. I had a player bring them in when he found them being used in a sandlot backyard field. The guys were shooting at each other with them. If you think that's safe it tells me a bit about you. If I remember right you made jewelry silver or tin or something. I remember you bought a marker and brought it back because of a tiny blem in the barrel and I replaced it for you an no charge, I think you only played here once or twice.

flying Dutchman
02-03-2008, 06:31 PM
You'd be surprised to what lengths this guy was willing to go. He tried to introduce legislation in Maine that was going to change paintball. He brought along some nylon coated steel balls that I've never seen, and claimed that all paint should be bought through distributors only to prevent these weird ball from getting into the wrong hands..
I can't really recall all the details, because I remember being really sick with a fever, but I still went to the hearing with some potent allies who had some very strong arguments. In the end, we won, he lost, but he never gave up.
We tried numerous times to involve Matt in a State wide league, but he steadfastly refused, claiming to be the one and only field sponsoring the Maine State Championships and the like. After a while, no one paid attention to him anymore, and he just did it his way, for better or for worse. I can't say which way it went for him, and it's no skin off my nose either way.

Your (not for profit league) charged players to join it, charged fields to join it and then asked the fields to give the players discounts. Sounds like the only one making money was the guys running the League. Now it and almost every field that joined it is out of business. I guess I made the wise choice?

02-04-2008, 06:37 AM
Like I said, no skin off my nose, but I'm not going to pass up the chance to put you in your place.

The Maine Recreational Paintball League was something I never got into either because I moved, but your stance towards it was isolationist to say the least. Like you said it was a non-profit league, where no one made ANY money, but you wouldn't know that because you didn't want to have anything to do with it. Any fees went towards running the league and that was it. Members were given discounts at fields, big whoop. It was a league created by players and fields together to promote unity in the state. and it ran very well until it's thriving member John Sherman died of a sudden heart attack. After that, it fizzled out and everyone went back home. Nobody gained anything from it in the end, but as wise as you were, you wound up with nothing too, so yeah, you made a great choice there. Thanks for your support.

I bought a gun from you, and I never said I was treated unfairly in that transaction. I played at your tourney, and we dominated everyone as you know. Your refs were fair indeed, but I was not the only one who witnessed YOU sending certain people back to the parking lot before the start of a game because of chronograph issues while you let your home team Justice slide on through with 308 fps. Then you go opening threads saying FPO is the way to go because it's not safe otherwise.

And when one of your guys got hurt in the middle of the game, where there was a clear advantage for another team(not us)you blew the whistle and just started the whole game over, replacing the player and eliminating any momentum that the other team had. How fair is that? Would another team have gotten the same treatment?

Your reputation in Maine speaks for itself Matt, Adventure Sports sent a team over to you and won your State Championship and they said they would never go again. Team Justice was crowned 'State Champion' for years by you because they never played against anything but a few teams in your area until that day. Most experienced players roll their eyes when they hear your name, with a been there, done that, attitude. As far as I had heard, even your hardcore team Justice gave up on you after years of involvement.

And as far as the legislation goes, there were barely three or four other fields in Maine at the time, and there was only one other representative at the hearing to stop you from carrying out your very questionable motives. If I recall correctly, you were promoting the concept of paintball guns being classified as firearms, and you whipped out your nylon balls to support your stance. In the end, you walked out the back door, while we were defending the game we loved. Care to comment?

So you want to know about me?
I promoted the sport of paintball for years in Maine. I attended the PTI seminars in order to help paintball grow in Maine. I helped every newbie I could at huge field days with an attendance record that you could only dream about. I had a solid relationship with the local business, which was 100% safety and newbie oriented. We put Maine on the paintball map, and people loved us for it.I've been accused of being crazy, over-adrenalized and being a bad singer on the field. I have a great team of guys who love to hang out and play paintball. We played tournaments at our 'home field' as well, and I can tell you that we were so fairly reffed that we only made eighth place, while the other 'home team' only made fourth. The team that won that day deserved to do so, and there were SIXTEEN teams from all over the State in an even battle. If anyone left because they felt unfairly treated, then I missed the point. And finally, for everything I did in paintball, it was just because I loved it.

So I know how to appreciate what it means to be a business owner, as well as a player. We've watched you for a long time, and we wondered for a long time too. There's nothing wrong with trying to make a living, but your methods are dispicable. You've always done anything you could to drag other people's names through the mud while playing the role of the honest and humble field owner in Guilford.

Just reading your arguments in the byop vs. fpo thread proves that you are willing to bend the truth for your own benefit. That crap about changing a freak insert and increasing the velocity by over 60 fps just doesn't sell, sorry, but you act like you've got hard evidence. I can make a gun fluctuate in fps with all kinds of different influences too, so there.
Like Coolhand pointed out, you have a certain motive, and you mask it behind something else, which in my very humble opinion makes you a dangerous person for our sport. I think there is very little that you wouldn't be willing to do or say for your own personal gain, and I stand by that assumption.

Daniel De Smedt

flying Dutchman
02-04-2008, 08:11 PM
Like I said, no skin off my nose, but I'm not going to pass up the chance to put you in your place.

The Maine Recreational Paintball League was something I never got into either because I moved, but your stance towards it was isolationist to say the least. Like you said it was a non-profit league, where no one made ANY money, but you wouldn't know that because you didn't want to have anything to do with it. Any fees went towards running the league and that was it. Members were given discounts at fields, big whoop. It was a league created by players and fields together to promote unity in the state. and it ran very well until it's thriving member John Sherman died of a sudden heart attack. After that, it fizzled out and everyone went back home. Nobody gained anything from it in the end, but as wise as you were, you wound up with nothing too, so yeah, you made a great choice there. Thanks for your support.

I bought a gun from you, and I never said I was treated unfairly in that transaction. I played at your tourney, and we dominated everyone as you know. Your refs were fair indeed, but I was not the only one who witnessed YOU sending certain people back to the parking lot before the start of a game because of chronograph issues while you let your home team Justice slide on through with 308 fps. Then you go opening threads saying FPO is the way to go because it's not safe otherwise.

And when one of your guys got hurt in the middle of the game, where there was a clear advantage for another team(not us)you blew the whistle and just started the whole game over, replacing the player and eliminating any momentum that the other team had. How fair is that? Would another team have gotten the same treatment?

Your reputation in Maine speaks for itself Matt, Adventure Sports sent a team over to you and won your State Championship and they said they would never go again. Team Justice was crowned 'State Champion' for years by you because they never played against anything but a few teams in your area until that day. Most experienced players roll their eyes when they hear your name, with a been there, done that, attitude. As far as I had heard, even your hardcore team Justice gave up on you after years of involvement.

And as far as the legislation goes, there were barely three or four other fields in Maine at the time, and there was only one other representative at the hearing to stop you from carrying out your very questionable motives. If I recall correctly, you were promoting the concept of paintball guns being classified as firearms, and you whipped out your nylon balls to support your stance. In the end, you walked out the back door, while we were defending the game we loved. Care to comment?

So you want to know about me?
I promoted the sport of paintball for years in Maine. I attended the PTI seminars in order to help paintball grow in Maine. I helped every newbie I could at huge field days with an attendance record that you could only dream about. I had a solid relationship with the local business, which was 100% safety and newbie oriented. We put Maine on the paintball map, and people loved us for it.I've been accused of being crazy, over-adrenalized and being a bad singer on the field. I have a great team of guys who love to hang out and play paintball. We played tournaments at our 'home field' as well, and I can tell you that we were so fairly reffed that we only made eighth place, while the other 'home team' only made fourth. The team that won that day deserved to do so, and there were SIXTEEN teams from all over the State in an even battle. If anyone left because they felt unfairly treated, then I missed the point. And finally, for everything I did in paintball, it was just because I loved it.

So I know how to appreciate what it means to be a business owner, as well as a player. We've watched you for a long time, and we wondered for a long time too. There's nothing wrong with trying to make a living, but your methods are dispicable. You've always done anything you could to drag other people's names through the mud while playing the role of the honest and humble field owner in Guilford.

Just reading your arguments in the byop vs. fpo thread proves that you are willing to bend the truth for your own benefit. That crap about changing a freak insert and increasing the velocity by over 60 fps just doesn't sell, sorry, but you act like you've got hard evidence. I can make a gun fluctuate in fps with all kinds of different influences too, so there.
Like Coolhand pointed out, you have a certain motive, and you mask it behind something else, which in my very humble opinion makes you a dangerous person for our sport. I think there is very little that you wouldn't be willing to do or say for your own personal gain, and I stand by that assumption.

Daniel De Smedt

When Arron ran into the tree limb and cut his head open it almost knocked him out Yes I ended the game. We took him off the field and checked him over, we stopped the bleeding and looked for signs of a concussion. He looked okay but did'nt feel up to going back in. The game I stopped was less than 20 seconds into the 20 minute time limit. So we restarted the game. The team had rookie spare player and was allowed to put him in to make the full 3 before the game was restarted. I'd have done the same no matter what team had a player injured,

The committee was looking at calling paintball guns firearms because a kid had taken one into a school and was caught scaring fellow students with it. For the record the state decided to call a paintball gun a dangerous weapon.

Sounds like you you've been misinformed for a dozen years.

So God forbid a field owner worry about the safety of a player huh. Keep going to your training classes.

02-06-2008, 04:59 PM
I use to live in Maine and played at Flying Dutchman several times. I never had a problem with Matt. He was always welcoming and helpful to me and my cousins. Over the past 3 or 4 years everyone I took to FD loved it and said that they want to go back when I come home on leave. Ive always found the prices fare, the refs are a great help and the fields are always in great condition. Ive never had a single negative experience there and plan to go back this summer while Im home.

02-08-2008, 04:24 PM
Well here's my input on this one. I used to be team captain of Justice years ago, and still play on occasion for them. I was at the previously mentioned rally, running my own team when Aaron was hurt, any good ref out there should have stopped the game to take care of an injured player. I can't imagine anyone who would rather put score ahead of safety. I still play at FD when I get the chance, and still have a great time.

05-12-2008, 12:05 PM
The Flying Dutchman May 10th 2008 Scenario Trip.

Shawn and the family headed up early Friday afternoon, to setup the camper (they’re planning on sending the whole week-end camping out).
Sam and I met up after work, packed (and it was PACKED) everything into his car, and hit the road around 5:30. We made a quick stop at the bank for the much needed road cash.
Once we were nearing the Newport exit, it was time to check the driving directions……mmmmmm, can’t find them. Must have fallen out at the bank, oh no! We knew we had to travel rt7 to get there, but that was about all we knew. Multiple calls trying to reach Shawn, finally paid off with some directions.
A quick stop for sandwich fixings/water/and junk food, we were getting closer to the perfect paintball week-end. One last pit stop for MciD’s burgers, and we're on the home stretch.
It was just starting to get dark, when we pulled into Dutchman’s parking lot. After some quick howdys to the owner, we got down to putting the new (never put up before) tent. MMMM the picture looks different, instructions were in English but it really didn’t make a difference. After we threw the directions away, and everyone stopped listening to me, we had a home away from home. A 10’x17’ three room deluxe in Beverly Hills J.
We brought up three cots, so Sam, Boyd, and I where living the good life.
We stayed up and shot the bull for awhile, called it an early day around 9:30.
People starting stirring around 6:00 the next morning, Shawn and Jen made coffee for those of us that needed it. Shawn heated up the sticky buns on the gas grill, mmmm, and fried up some M-McMuffins.
We broke down camp early just in case it rained later (it never did, it was the perfect day), as we had setup the tent under the only covered area, other than the pro shop. As people started to show up we got signed in and pick up some 70.00 per case paint. Our first impression of this paint was that it wouldn’t be good enough for drills let alone a scenario game. It was dimpled lop sided, and didn’t seem to be even full of paint (later we found it did shoot quite well, but the longer shots did not always break).
After chronoing in (more on this later), they divided everyone into teams, we ended up on the Cannibals team – Uga- Buga. Pitting us against both pirate teams, as the keeps of everything treasure.
The field is a 60 acre plot; one third is open space with an urban village, and a castle in another area. These areas were the pirate’s home bases (Islands). The other two thirds are wooded, with a nice mix and thick and open space. The outer back part of this was designated as land the rest was water. The pirates were given clues to where they could find the treasure and maps to it, every so often. They would need to take their boats (a white stick with a rope) from their island and head for dry land looking for the treasure, both pirate teams are looking for the same treasure at the same time, while the cannibals on land are just waiting for a fresh meal.
OK – let’s get down to some paint throwing.
Did I say paint throwing? – The four of us decided to go to the left side of our shore line and create a defense along it as the rest of the team headed to the middle and right side. (I think they knew something we didn’t, as most boat landings happened along those shores). I did get to be involved with one boat landing in the middle area, and we drove them back hard.
After three attack and defend rounds it was time for a lunch break.
As always, people come and people go. So we were asked to join the red pirate team.
And the irony of this was the first place we were to go was the very place we as cannibals had been defending all morning without a single shot fired.
The captain of the pirates had asked if we were an aggressive team, and everyone was “oh ya whatever you need we can do it” answer (At this time I’m thinking oh boy, if we F this up). So ten of us headed out on our boat in search for riches and fame. As soon as we started to get near shore we ran into the other pirate team (Which somehow could walk on water, we called for a ref to rectify this issue (more later). Of course doing all of this the cannibals were massing on the shore line. Taking fire from shore it was time for a new plan!! The plan – RUN AWAY!
We opted to back off, head for land at the far end (away from the treasure we need to get) in hopes to have less resistance to get back on dry land. After getting on land it didn’t take long for those starving cannibals to find us. The team started a push along the tape line. We (team51) decided to hold back and not move in hopes the cannibals would think the whole team had moved out, and we would be able to come up from behind them. It worked, but two cannibals stayed behind in the woods just walking around shooting trees. So much for the sneak attack.
New plan yet again – We took the boat, fell back out of site, and put the boat back into the water very quietly, ssssssshhhhh, BANG someone pulled their trigger – not so sneaky J. Under way, we made it all the way back without any resistance; we had a couple of other pirates from their base look at us once but didn’t react, sweet. We could hear the battle going on in front of us of the other pirate team and cannibals. We decided to let the other pirate team do all the work and then ambush them for the treasure. But were where they coming out? Which of the three trails would they use, if they even used a trail to retreat on? We decided to camp on the middle trail and we weren’t even ready when a scout came down the trail past us, nobody even was breathing, and he ran back to his team. We could hear him report back that it was clear, and someone asking are you sure I thought I heard something. Then they moved right into our kill zone. We grabbed the treasure and beat feet. With four of us on the boat we really couldn’t make great time so three of us opted to let go the rope (and die), Boyd left his marker with us and took the boat, treasure and bee lined it back to the castle island. We found out later Boyd had made a charge across the open space between the woods and the castle, and dove over the wall in some sort of super hero stunt. Where is the camera when you need it?
After that it was time for castle against the urban village. They divided the cannibals up onto the two pirate teams. Shawn and Sam stayed with the Castle, Boyd and I went for the woods. We went deep, and engaged a few of the blue pirates (bye – bye), we then let a few more go by then moved up from behind them. I was spotted by one, and he was ratting me out to the rest, I fell back a little for some moving room. I knew time was limited, so I made a charge towards the guys on the tree line with their backs to me and was able to take out three before the guys that were after me already, shot me out. To the dead box (which over looked the castle), from here I could see the castle was in trouble. I watched as someone from the blue team made it to the castle wall and stuck his marker over the wall and blinded fired the crap out of Shawn (Somehow, and don’t ask me how, Shawn was able to take this guy out as well). We watched as slowly everyone in the tower was taken out…….. But wait a minute….. Where is Boyd???
The refs were just getting ready to call the game..... when from the tree line Boyd charges across the open field, shooting the one guy in front of him outside the castle wall, dives over the wall, takes out more guys and has the ref call the game so he didn’t need to point blank the last kid.
What a way to end a great day of paintball!

I didn’t want to tarnish the great day of play we had with saying what could have been better, so I saved that for this constructive criticism (Please take this as such, in the big picture it is a great field)
The refs could have been better informed of the rules of this scenario, and had maps with a better understand of the bundies.
The chrono was setup on the balcony in front of the pro shop. This setup caused several issues from my point of view. First - as markers were being adjusted, people would forget where the barrels were pointed, and that was almost always at people in the setup area. Secondly - to go to the pro shop you had to squeeze by everyone at the chrono station.
The only other issue was that the refs seemed to not make any calls against players unless you called them on it. Masks up, barrels plugs, people running around in the water without a boat (no boat you drown), the ref would even be with these people at times and not make the call. This may be related to my first issue with the refs not being as informed as well as they could have been?? I hope so.

But really, I would love to go back and play again. We met a lot of great players, and had a blast.
On another note – I met the owner and creator of the Maine Paintball Club web site (www.mainepaintballclub.com). Due to several things he’s thinking of closing down the site. The biggest issue is related to the activity on the site, which is a same – it’s a great site. So maybe if we used it more he may change his mind????

Norman Richardson – Reporting
www.team51.net – [email protected]
www.nnesw.org - [email protected]
www.field51.com - [email protected]