View Full Version : Talk about depressing.

02-04-2008, 10:56 PM
Ugh! So my house was broken into early sunday morning, I wasn't home but now all my stuff is gone!!!

And of it, my 4 guns, which blows!!

I had my mag, which I had just gotten back from tuna with a tune and ule installed and never even got to use it!

It had ULE body, tuna rail, Xvalve, intelli frame, everything you could ask for. spent 800 bucks on it w/ all the upgrades.. all to have it just taken from me.

On top of it all, my angel 1 is gone too!! At least I got to play with it for a whole summer. Def. going to be buying one of those again, i feel the mag is irreplaceable.

The other two don't even compare lol, a ion and a spyder compact 00' with some upgrades to make it almost respectable? at least for my first gun it was extremlely sweet and hella reliable when all else would go wrong.

Other things taken were my brand new gaming computer, an oakley watch, seiko watch, and about 30 dvd's and some computer/ps2 games.

Now I don't expect to get this STUFF back, and I kno the person who did it has no idea what they have so I really don't expect to get my guns back. I just wanted to have a pitty party! At least they left all my pb gear, minus the vlocity and tank attatched to the A1, but man, I tell you, the mag, i really am going to miss it was sweet as sin!

02-04-2008, 10:58 PM
do you happen to know serial numbers? Ill keep my eye out on other forums/bay.

02-04-2008, 10:59 PM
Wow that sucks, be sure to check all local pawn shops.

Scum like this steal to resell, not use it themselves.

I would be very pissed right now, any idea on how they got in?

02-04-2008, 11:05 PM
As bad as it is, I suspect my roomate and possible my roomate's girlfriend are involved in the foulplay, maybe not directly but involved, no proof, no serials but I'd kno it if I saw it, had a red bicycle grip and a 12'' ultra-lite and the tuna rail was kinda dinged up. I called every pawnshop w/in 30miles I could find and will be doing so daily.

More than likely screwed, but I can hope. The + in minnesota you have to have a valid driver's licence to pawn, and so if I do find something that belonged to me, they are SCREWED. Excuse my language.

But I'll just keep my eyes open, about all I can do, but I sure am going to miss that mag.

EDIT....Please dont swear last warning.

02-04-2008, 11:17 PM
First, did you call the police?

If your roomate might have been involved, who does he know who might be into paintball?

Any photos of the stuff you could post? Post it here, M Carter Brown, PBL, and any other Paintball sites you can find.

02-04-2008, 11:25 PM
First, did you call the police?

If your roomate might have been involved, who does he know who might be into paintball?

Any photos of the stuff you could post? Post it here, M Carter Brown, PBL, and any other Paintball sites you can find.

-police, obv :)

And he knows people involved in paintball, and I'm suspecious of those two, but doesn't make sense then why'd they take some of the stuff but not all my gear, ie other tanks, hopper, pack, clothes, barrels, ect... And the fact that this wasn't just my paintball guns, which I estimated about 2grand, that I've put into them at least... it was my computer, watches and dvd's estimated 1500 - 2000

I can get fotos up, but i feel its kinda a moot point, but I suppose nothing can hurt.

I more think it is my roomate's girlfriend, shes a huge :cuss: , and shaddy as sin... not to mention she has a key, so who knows how many copies she's made... But all in all no proof against anyone so it doesn't matter in the end.

Moving out in less than 20 days tho, they dont' kno that but after this, i don't care lawl.

02-04-2008, 11:31 PM
Get photos up so people can be looking for it. I watch AO, PBL, EBay all the time for stuff. If I know what it looks like and spot it you will get a holler. Also take photos down to all the local stores and fields in the area. Eventually someone will spot something and you may get some if not all of it back.

Would anyone else have the serial numbers? Check with Tuna, he might have recorded yours.

To give you some hope, I reecently read of a fellow who had a machinegun stolen who got it back, about 10 years later. You might be supprised how a bit of leg work on your part would possible pay off.

02-04-2008, 11:36 PM
also check flea markets if you have them in the area ..... much easier to get rid of stuff there than in a pawn shop

02-04-2008, 11:41 PM
Um, how did they get in?

Have you asked the neighbors if any of them have seen anything?

02-04-2008, 11:45 PM
How they got in is unknown...

My one roomate was not home...

The other one, and his girlfriend got home at 2am... it happened after this, they were convinently "passed out drunk" upstairs in their room.

Awefully suspect... they usually lock the doors, but they must not have been...

All the stuff taken if two people would have been involved was minimum 2 trips, if it was only one person it had to have been at least 4 trips... at least...

The way my computer was unhooked, my desk was moved, everything was unplugged from the power strip and they took every, that is power chords and cords connecting moniter and computer... and you know how everything is screwed in? it all had to have taken time, and it was a big computer as well as a 22'' lcd, which is also bulky... whoever did it wasn't in a big hurry, which is awkward...

so yeah... haha

02-04-2008, 11:50 PM
The other one, and his girlfriend got home at 2am... it happened after this, they were convinently "passed out drunk" upstairs in their room.

They didn't bring anyone else home with them?

02-04-2008, 11:55 PM
I'd say your roomie is in on it, any beef between you two?

i'd have my ways about getting to the bottom of it, but i'd have people posting things like "Oh, what an e-badass" :rolleyes:

Turns out, i'm just violent, and have access to handguns.

02-04-2008, 11:58 PM
any beef between you two? Turns out, i'm just violent, and have access to handguns.

There may or may not be issues between them. Something as simple as greed could be enough reason for this. And access to handguns is never a bad thing.

02-05-2008, 08:50 AM
have insurance?

02-05-2008, 09:08 AM
Behemoth, you do know that brandishing a weapon can be a felony charge when there is no danger to your life?

Shame on you for even suggesting that someone do that. We don't live in an action movie and we can't all go around acting like some rogue cop pistol whipping people to find information. What you are suggesting is a worse and more violent crime that the original offense acted on by no proof other than a hunch. So even if a person was foolhardy enough to follow this bad advice any information obtained would be inadmissable as it was obtained under duress. Then when they call the police you would be subject to spending more time in jail for what you did than they would IF they even commited the crime.

I am not by any means saying that you are not foolish (read as e-cool) enough to do it yourself, but please don't go around suggesting that others follow suit. :tard:

Now to get back on subject. Were any other items taken that belonged to anyone else? If I understand you right then the roomies were home passed out in thier room and someone else managed to break in without forced entry and only got into your room and took your stuff. That sounds suspect as hell.
You had mentioned talking to the police. I would of course pass that suspicion along, and would pass along the names of any of their friends as well. Having good leads to follow cannot hurt.
The biggest problem for you is whether the police will actually take any time to investigate the leads and do some footwork. Chances are, no and will only find something if they stumble across it.
Not having pics or serial numbers is not going to help either.

Good luck with finding your goods.

02-05-2008, 11:51 AM
I am fealing for you. If I lived any where near you I'd be checking the pawn shops and craigs list for you!!! Oh yea check craigs list also!! :shooting:

None of your other roomates stuff was touched?? That is super suspicious........

02-05-2008, 02:42 PM
get some pics up. Check local craigs list. Good luck.

02-06-2008, 12:22 AM
Edit.....Look, see if you can MAKE one post with out SWEARING.

See the edits in your other posts.

Carbon Blue
02-06-2008, 12:29 AM
please post pics! Thieves need to rot in hell!! :mad:

02-06-2008, 03:34 PM
Edit.....Look, see if you can MAKE one post with out SWEARING.

See the edits in your other posts.

Guess I thought thats what the word filter was for.
my bad?

02-08-2008, 02:23 AM
OK my question is where was your stuff located?? I would think in your bedroom if you were sharing the place. Now wouldn't you have this bedroom door locked when you're not around? I could see the PC maybe being in a joint living area/living room. You didn't say anything about a door being broken down etc. I'm sorry you're stuff was stolen but if it was left in an unsecured area with a shady girlfriend having access to it.....

Hilltop Customs
02-08-2008, 03:57 AM
OK my question is where was your stuff located?? I would think in your bedroom if you were sharing the place. Now wouldn't you have this bedroom door locked when you're not around? I could see the PC maybe being in a joint living area/living room. You didn't say anything about a door being broken down etc. I'm sorry you're stuff was stolen but if it was left in an unsecured area with a shady girlfriend having access to it.....

Even if it was locked you know how easy it is to get into bedrooms in an apartment....ive had to break in mine and my 3 other roomates so many times....hell even in my old dorm with "security doors" all i needed was a metal coathanger. No evidence whatsoever of it hapening either. You can get in almost anywhere without a deadboly in less than 10 seconds...if the coathanger doesnt work, I have many other methods :ninja:

Narizo....sorry to hear about your room man. I'm in a similary situation, easily about 5k worth of electronics in my room, I'm worried everytime I leave...remote DVR and a webcam ease the worry a little though They can have the paintball guns, I'll have real guns when I come looking for them.

As for your roomates being in on it....who knew you had that much valuable stuff in your room? Think about the people who have been in your room and know what was in there. They are the only ones who would break into only your room and take only your stuff. Id say if you havent had a bunch of people in there...it was your roomates or someone they told to do it.

Once again sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you find out who it was and get your stuff back....and they get whats coming to them.