View Full Version : Customer Hyperframe triggers, other than luke, diy mod

02-08-2008, 03:55 PM
Well I wanted something other than luke's hyperframe trigger. So I stared at my trigger long enough and relized that its the same layout as Dragun triggers and therefore I can use my ole favorite dragon tooth trigger. which are 10$ + Shipping. Only difference is the Pin to hold the trigger in is spyder sized so you gotta cannabolize one from a spyder and drill your hyperframe trigger pin out a lil. I'm sure some other spyderclone triggers can be dropped in.

they got curved and flat,, its under Dragun accessories.

Adjustable forward travel, Back travel, and point of activation. :headbang:


Kick :cuss: results may vary. :shooting:

Now I'm just waiting on my trigger switch and AL panels to come in the mail and i think i cant do any more modding but internal ULE.

02-11-2008, 03:59 AM
Does it scrap the bottom of the trigger guard when pulled?

02-11-2008, 09:51 AM
Does it scrap the bottom of the trigger guard when pulled?

nope has ~2-3mm of clearance, 2mm being at the closet and 3 at the farthest.

02-11-2008, 10:21 AM
trigger looks good mark, how's it feel?

02-11-2008, 11:49 PM
looks good, but whynot the ULE rail???

02-12-2008, 05:38 PM
Where you getting your grip panels from?

if you can link and pics (when you receive them)