View Full Version : Eyes on a karta body??

02-08-2008, 04:59 PM
Does anyone have some pics or a pic of a karta body and rail with eyes installed :wow: ??
my lil brain is running with an idea and im looking to get a visual of it first..


02-08-2008, 05:31 PM
Whatever idea your "lil brain" has conceived will probably come back to haunt you! Nobody likes to see a DW body have holes of any kind drilled into it! Tom himself was weary of holes. Holes are in fact the real reason Tom created Level 10 bolts. He mistrusted holes to the point that when they designed the ULE body and Dave suggested dual ball detents, but Tom knowing the truth about holes threatened to retire! When Tom first heard Bob Long's idea of a dual eye system, he knew the business was getting to dangerous (thats 4 holes!), and that's the real reason Tom left...

Seriously if you're gonna do it though, se if you can't try a reflective eye mounted underneath in the rail kind of what we've seen in the X-Mag. A Karta owner myself I would hate to see somebody else ruin their beautiful gun...

02-08-2008, 05:42 PM
Well my thoughts were no level ten needed, better air effency with lvl 7 plus not seen a karta with eyes.. guess i see why.. maybe my lil brain needs sadating for a while..lol...

just thoughts right now..
im making a EP mag using a mini morlock and didnt want the eye mode to go to waste..


02-08-2008, 05:44 PM
I'm sure it can be done and still look nice, but I think most of us are probably a little hesitant to do this sort of mod to any of the more rare or exotic bodies...

02-08-2008, 05:47 PM
Do it, screw all the purists and their lame opinions. lol

02-08-2008, 05:48 PM
I'm sure it can be done and still look nice, but I think most of us are probably a little hesitant to do this sort of mod to any of the more rare or exotic bodies...

All the more reasons to do it.. Thats why i asked if anyone else has done it and had pics. Im not sure what it would do to the resale value with the body and rail.. not that im planning on selling it anytime soon..

02-08-2008, 05:55 PM
do it but make sure you use laser eyes so you can light up the insides

02-09-2008, 12:16 AM
Hmmmm... its your body!!! do what you want.... make all the holes you require

I actually own two DW bodies that are cute for eyes....

One Karta that was originally on a Devilmag(tear-RIP)

Current State (waiting on a final destination)

Made an appearance on a set of Emag Lowers

Here it is in it's original state

And my other DW body thats been milled...

yet another DevilMag


So honestly it can be done...

Personally Lvl 10 and eyes since the Break beam eyes can be quite a pain in the ***, as my Dallara devil just recently got her sight back :clap: