View Full Version : OMG My Hyper is finally in !!!

01-16-2002, 01:30 PM
OMG Guys,

My Hyperframe has finally come in. The long wait is over and now I can put all this tenstion to rest.

To refresh everyone that hasnt been reading the threads, I bought a Hyperframe from JesusFreak in November and sent it that month. There were accusations of fraud going on, but I decided to wait it out. Almost 2 months later and it finally arrives!

Its funny how it came in, there was no denying that it did arrive. The package was so poorly packaged and damaged with the address faded away that everyone in the office believed it to be an anthrax scare. No one wanted to touch it, but my father put it in the X-ray machine and called my cell reguarding the pacakge. Pretty funny, it even got worse then because they saw a solid gun shaped block with wires hanging out, so then it bacame a bomb scare and cops had to come down to inspect.

I had to calm my father and the rest of his employees down just so they could go back to work. When I finally arrived, I opened it without a doubt and shoed it to everyone to reassure them.

Its in, but the pacakge was damaged (guess thats whats happens when its sent parcel). The box was a small ionizer box with masking tape all over. There was a rip which Im guessing allowed some of the contents to spill out. Upon inspection there was no On/Off pin or new bolts. Only a Hyperframe.

I "borrowed" the new on off assembly from my local shop with a promise to replace theirs. I have dry fired my Mag with the frame through an entire 68 3K tank. The I brought it to the field to give it a rest game. It feels like magic. I have fired Impulses and Angels before at the field, but when an electro trigger is on your gun, its just so different.

There was a slight "rounding" wear on the bolt and sear, so I figured I would send it in to Centerflags to have them fit it perfectly. Oh well, with all the waiting Ive been doing, I guess I can wait some more =).

Thank you to everyone that was there for me giving me advice.

-Hyper (AO)

01-16-2002, 01:36 PM
interesting.... lol actualy funny! hahah wooooooooooo, sooo big. i love messing with this. good story... tell another...

01-16-2002, 03:08 PM
Man, I love mine too.. good choice and i hope you have fun with it..

This will sound wierd, but it will make you work harder for that extra dollar at work to pay for all the paint you'll be shooting

01-16-2002, 04:21 PM
Dubstar, I simply cant believe the Hyperframe.

Like I said before, people have let me fire their electros, but never really let me play with their guns on the field. When I played with my Hyper at the field, one word: UNREAL! I have to say, the electro conversion is the most largest improvement you will notice on your gun, HANDS DOWN!

Now rather than sliding ducking into my bunker than shosrt stroking my trigger. I can now slide in, and snap shoot a nice long string of paint to answer back my my mirror opponent.

My MicroMag is so damn compact, its so unbelieveable that something so small can unleash so much damage (I dont want to sound like my gun is the shiet, but moving from a Benchy 2x to a mounseclick trigger on the field of battle is a completely different thing).

This is so sweet, I wanted to play even more with it, but I dont want to run the bolt and sear out. I called Josh at Centerflags, and they said they WILL make it fit to 100% reliability.

Cant wait for it to come back.

PS Dubstar, I never noticed this, but the Classic Mag PF with Hyperframe has got to be the most compact electro out there.

Can anyone find me an electro even smaller?

01-16-2002, 04:51 PM
That's sweet dude. Glad to hear it.

I've been kinda interested in gettin' a hyper frame too, since I'm gettin' a warp-feed soon. I'd like to take advantage of the feed rate :D

Have you noticed any drop off when you fire the gun? I'm assuming that you are just using a normal classic valve, which i also have and was wondering if drop off was a noticable problem.

what else is on your setup?

01-16-2002, 05:22 PM
Look at my signature for all my modifications,

as for shootdown, dont believe what the others say about the Classic valve.

Do a search and try and find the HALO videos. These were the videos that were made using a Hyperframe specially programmed for 16 bps. As you can see in the video, it fired at 16 bps full auto with absolutely NO shootdown.

I didnt notice any shootdown before or after the frame, and can now fire my gun at an effortless 10 bps without even thinking about it.

The max rate is 13 bps on the Frame, but I setted mine on 10 bps so I wouldnt outrun my loader.


01-16-2002, 05:33 PM
welcome to the hyperframe club

01-16-2002, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by HyperSnyper
Look at my signature for all my modifications,

as for shootdown, dont believe what the others say about the Classic valve.

Do a search and try and find the HALO videos. These were the videos that were made using a Hyperframe specially programmed for 16 bps. As you can see in the video, it fired at 16 bps full auto with absolutely NO shootdown.

I didnt notice any shootdown before or after the frame, and can now fire my gun at an effortless 10 bps without even thinking about it.

The max rate is 13 bps on the Frame, but I setted mine on 10 bps so I wouldnt outrun my loader.


Dude, I think you're on crack. Those videos of Halo feeding at 16bps were of the EMAG. Sorry to sound like like a *Word*hole, but that's not a Mag with Hyperframe.

*All opinions stated are property of IceCool32*

01-16-2002, 05:53 PM
Dude, I think you're on crack. Those videos of Halo feeding at 16bps were of the EMAG.

Actually he is talking about the first video they made with a halo-hyperframe combination with the classic valve. It did indeed shoot 16 bps with no shotdown; however, I would prefer the emag over a hypermag anyday. But congrats on the "fixed" mag.

01-16-2002, 06:00 PM
Oh, ok.....sorry then, I was mistaken.....I apologize.

01-16-2002, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by IceCool32

Dude, I think you're on crack. Those videos of Halo feeding at 16bps were of the EMAG. Sorry to sound like like a *Word*hole, but that's not a Mag with Hyperframe.

*All opinions stated are property of IceCool32*

Ice, why dont you do an actual search and find out yourself. Go to "Search" and type in "HALO" + "Hyperframe" then maybe you'll find yourself a little surprise. Or you can just click on this link over here


There you go...

Now after your buzz goes away, you'll find out that there was a 2nd video showing the HALO on an EMAG at 18 bps.


Wonder why your name is "Ice"


01-17-2002, 12:31 AM
I bought a HF but I can't make it work in my mag... First it destroyed my hardnose bolt, then I got a new on/off pin from centerflag, now the bolt (my older foamie bolt) won't catch the sear properly neither seal the powertube :( I've tried different spacers but ran out of options how to fix the thing. Now it's sitting at the shop but I don't know what more they could do to it :( I've even thought about getting an Impulse....