View Full Version : Paintball VS. THE WORLD!

02-11-2008, 08:40 PM
Ok The world is your paintball field. where would you play and why?

personally id like to play in a mall. My mall to be specific. 2 floors, and underground parking lot. Main floor is basically a long oval with 3 connections along it. the corridors are about 20 ft across. lots of giant flower pots, benches and big 3 sided ad displays litter the halls. 4 main entrances 3 downstairs, 1 upstairs. wide variety of shops, small stores to full size 2 floor department stores.

my scenario would be typical swat team vs Les bad guys. hostage rescue
each of the 2 teams would comprise of 50 people
swat team gets to chose its entrance point
les bad guys get to chose where ever they want in the mall to make thier stand. all pile in zellers? or spread out and make choke points everywhere? AAAAH

Or the west edmonton mall. but 1000 on 1000 :p

Curious to see what other people have in mind

02-11-2008, 08:41 PM
I would play in walmart. And Corning. And the mall. And the college. And anywhere I frickin could!!

02-11-2008, 08:45 PM
a golf course would be fun....but theres no defending team..just helpless golfers!

02-11-2008, 08:47 PM
oooh, what about the white house!??!?!?!?

02-11-2008, 08:49 PM
run down china town

02-11-2008, 08:57 PM
Bunker that china man!!!

02-11-2008, 09:09 PM
i would love a small town search and eliminate. and jsut tons of peple. the mall would be cool too and a casino scenario would be cool.

02-11-2008, 09:13 PM
Oooh casino.... camo guys would stand out.

mr doo doo
02-11-2008, 09:18 PM
Bunker that china man!!!
was that necessary? :p

02-11-2008, 09:19 PM
Im just feeling really good mr doo doo.

02-11-2008, 09:20 PM
hahah i thought it was funny :p

02-11-2008, 09:23 PM
You guys aren't thinking big enough, cubicle farms!!! :headbang:
The ultimate office toys!

mr doo doo
02-11-2008, 09:36 PM
its cool, haha :rofl:

02-11-2008, 10:06 PM
i would want to play on the USS Ronald Reagan. and not just because I want to shoot some old bosses either.....i think it would be fun. nothing like a bunch of war planes posing as bunkers with lots of sharp pointy edges to spice up a game of paintball!!

Whee McGee
02-11-2008, 10:28 PM
Chernobyl and abandoned institutions/asylums/prisons are some of the ones off the top of my head. Reasons I'm sure are pretty obvious.

02-11-2008, 11:01 PM
COSTCO! or Sams Club for you southerners.

02-11-2008, 11:07 PM
A very large school with say 3 floors and a tech wing bio wing and a bunch of other qing. Wait thats my school :)

02-11-2008, 11:23 PM
ok, here a couple of mine
1. Old West Ghost Town. perfect place and setting for a high noon showdown.
2. parts of war torn europe, like Russia where they haven't repair parts for decades
3. underwater lab or anything underwater/ground. Resident Evil and Deep Blue come to mind
4. a couple of old pirate ships, nothing like paintball on the high seas mate.
5. Redwood National Forest, sorry but anybody could play there and i have always loved that place.

ok there are a few. lets see what other ideas you got.

02-11-2008, 11:58 PM
too bad it's confined to the world, bring some bunkers to the moon, that would be fun.

earthly- ruins, like the Colosseum, old castles, pine forests, or courses based on maps from games like counter-strike, DOD, Halo, etc.

02-12-2008, 12:09 AM
too bad it's confined to the world, bring some bunkers to the moon, that would be fun.

we could play a game of capture the flag atop a symmetric asteroid that is circling the eart... oh wait that's Unreal Tournament.

a high rise office building would be cool. First team to reach the flag on the roof and bring it back down wins. :clap:

02-12-2008, 05:46 AM
MY Workplace!! Slaughterhouse FTW!! Imagine using a Cow Half as a bunker!
Scenario would be basic attack/defend or any variation the stroyline you wish, but insertion would be at the main entrance, through the kill floor, past the upstairs offices in to the boxing area, or downstairs past the locker rooms into the coolers and the Grinding section. Lots of machines and even more blood and guts and all the fun things associated with the two! (oh and it'd have to be during work hours, just be sure evryone has Gogs on. :p

02-12-2008, 09:44 AM
MY Workplace!! Slaughterhouse FTW!! Imagine using a Cow Half as a bunker!
Scenario would be basic attack/defend or any variation the stroyline you wish, but insertion would be at the main entrance, through the kill floor, past the upstairs offices in to the boxing area, or downstairs past the locker rooms into the coolers and the Grinding section. Lots of machines and even more blood and guts and all the fun things associated with the two! (oh and it'd have to be during work hours, just be sure evryone has Gogs on. :p

brutal... haha i bet there's a pleasant odor as well :D

02-12-2008, 11:26 AM
There are actually two places near my house that I've thought, "Man... I would love to play there."

1. There's an abandoned Renaissance Fair about three miles from my house. It has a complete period town, a jousting field, etc. It would be like urban warefare, Medieval style.

2. There's also an abandoned prison about thirty miles north near Woodbridge, VA. This is a full prison facility that is no longer used. How cool would it be to have a scenario day there?

For both these places, I've tried calling and emailing around, but I can't even find the person who could give me permission to use the facilities, let alone convince them to let me run some games there. If only...

02-12-2008, 11:57 AM
I would play in "de Doelen" in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

It's a concert hall and the lay-out is sick. I worked there 3 days. Still got lost.
It has about 6 floors. But not regular. A lot off open ceilings and what not. Lets say it is possible to shoot from the 5th floor onto the 2nd. They're all connected by different stairs. Lots of pillars. And it's BIG.

All day long all I could think about was how sick it would be to play there.

Link off a plan. Doesn't do it justice though.

02-12-2008, 02:10 PM
Stonehenge? the great wall? or one of those cool egyptian temples with all the pillars?
Maybe even main street of a small town.

02-12-2008, 03:11 PM
I would keep trying. those sounds kickass. the township or city should be able to help you.

There are actually two places near my house that I've thought, "Man... I would love to play there."

1. There's an abandoned Renaissance Fair about three miles from my house. It has a complete period town, a jousting field, etc. It would be like urban warefare, Medieval style.

2. There's also an abandoned prison about thirty miles north near Woodbridge, VA. This is a full prison facility that is no longer used. How cool would it be to have a scenario day there?

For both these places, I've tried calling and emailing around, but I can't even find the person who could give me permission to use the facilities, let alone convince them to let me run some games there. If only...

02-12-2008, 04:27 PM
There are actually two places near my house that I've thought, "Man... I would love to play there."

1. There's an abandoned Renaissance Fair about three miles from my house. It has a complete period town, a jousting field, etc. It would be like urban warefare, Medieval style.

2. There's also an abandoned prison about thirty miles north near Woodbridge, VA. This is a full prison facility that is no longer used. How cool would it be to have a scenario day there?

For both these places, I've tried calling and emailing around, but I can't even find the person who could give me permission to use the facilities, let alone convince them to let me run some games there. If only...
try going to town hall and check the land registry. it would tell you who owns it. the best part is its public records so anyone can check it out.

02-12-2008, 04:47 PM
try going to town hall and check the land registry. it would tell you who owns it. the best part is its public records so anyone can check it out.

I've tried that with the Renaissance Fair, but the only thing on the land registry is a corporation name (from Northern VA) and an address. No telephone number... no email... nothing. I tried writing a letter, but nothing ever happened. I tried googling the company, but that didn't help either.

As for the prison, it's in another county, so I haven't gone through the effort of tracking down all the info.

I'm willing to bet that the owners of said locations would be open to the idea of a big scenario game, but I'd only be asking for me and a couple of friends to come and play. It's real easy for them to say no to that.

I'm making excuses... I know. How about I just say, "I'll get right on that!" and let you all know when we're going to have a VA AO meet at the Ocoquan prison (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=38.698096,-77.254668&spn=0.001917,0.003616&t=h&z=18&om=0&layer=t). :D

02-12-2008, 05:14 PM
this is the kind of thread that gives pballers a bad name

on that note
SCHOOL, that would be the best scenario ever, 3 floors,elevators,cafeteria,gym...

a cruise ship, hostage
small agme, maybe 20 vs 15, the smaller group with the hostage

home depot, wood piles, long isles, greenhouse thing...

02-12-2008, 05:26 PM
How about that place in men in black? the one thats all white and has lots of stairs? I think that would be sweet.

02-12-2008, 05:40 PM
this is the kind of thread that gives pballers a bad name

on that note
SCHOOL, that would be the best scenario ever, 3 floors,elevators,cafeteria,gym...

a cruise ship, hostage
small agme, maybe 20 vs 15, the smaller group with the hostage

home depot, wood piles, long isles, greenhouse thing...

ive worked at home depot, that's actually a great idea. one team could wear those awesome bright orange aprons to designate their team =]

Zone Drifter
02-13-2008, 04:41 PM
I've always wanted to play in a mall as well, especially with glass railings so you can see the people, yet can't hit them. gotta be tactical.

I would also love to play in a downtown abandon city area, kinda like out of I am Legend, only, maybe not all dilapidated and grown over.

Also, an airport that looks like it was just in chaos and abandon, leaving suitcases and all kinds of stuff in the way to hide behind.

Hmm... when i was in the air force, we would go to an abandon weight station, and that was pretty neat, but i think the last choice would be a graveyard... i mean, i would never do it in real life, that's pretty disrespectful, but it just seems like the perfect setting for a pistol/pump standoff with alot of people.

02-13-2008, 11:31 PM
#6. The Alamo. set about 100 inside and 1000 on the outside.
#7. a train yard. moving rail cars and such.
#8. Race Track. use the middle for the game with trailers and cars for bunkers
#9. Ft. Hood, Tx. use real tanks helicopters and other army equipment to transport troops to different parts of the base. (for those that don't know Ft. Hood is the largest land military base in the world)
#10. Carlsbad Caverns. do i have to give a reason?

Don Carnage
02-14-2008, 12:51 AM
I'm totally down with the idea of an officebuilding with lots of cubicles.

02-14-2008, 01:40 AM
#11. Buckinham Palace, game would be called "God, Save the Queen"
#12. for all the prison ones the most famous one, Alcatraz.