View Full Version : Fainting for Obama

02-16-2008, 04:49 PM


02-17-2008, 02:20 AM
Lol, orthostatic hypotension happens all the time in gatherings such as these.

On a lighter note, say hello to your next pres suckas :headbang:

Hilltop Customs
02-17-2008, 04:07 AM
even if this happens all the time...I bet his advisors told him to take time during the speech to "notice the fainting person and make sure they are ok." Just to make him seem more human and caring to the audience. Either that or its 100% staged. Notice how he never stops speaking clearly and directly into the mic? He wants every single person in the audience to hear him.

yea he will probably win the national popularity contest....not that any of the candidates will really "do" anything for the country.....let alone anything good for the country. Every candidate is the same...they just say what their advisors tell them the majority of citizens want to hear. And if there is not a clear cut majority opinion on a subject, they try and use their ever so prevalent BSing skills to work their way around the question without giving a definitive answer.

dont mind my disdain for politics...ive never voted, so i dont matter lol

02-17-2008, 09:10 PM
I agree, no experience, no good, but speaks eloquently.


02-17-2008, 09:44 PM

Say no to hippies!

02-17-2008, 11:45 PM

Say no to hippies!

QFT [/thread]