View Full Version : New Users

02-16-2008, 10:50 PM
seems like i'm seeing a lot of new posters
Are these lurkers , that are just posting
Or do we have that many new users ( new Mag users )

02-16-2008, 10:53 PM
There's a mag revolution going on. There have been several trends in paintball, I think mags are part of the next one.

02-16-2008, 11:17 PM
seems like i'm seeing a lot of new posters
Are these lurkers , that are just posting
Or do we have that many new users ( new Mag users )

Well Thanks to Custar I'm a new Mag owner and I'm also a Lurker (I only post on things that peak my interest)... 2 Mini-Tac Ones and counting with a G-Force in the near future...


02-17-2008, 12:38 AM
I just brought a friend into the mag world. He has been buying up stuff left and right this week.

02-17-2008, 01:06 AM
I've noticed this myself. Good to see interest spread. The mag is still one of the best mechs available, next to a (working) cocker. And any electro mag can compete with the best of them. Plus, the new trend in pneu'ing mags is interesting and can be appealling to the tinkerer. Especially considering the performance I've seen out of some of these pneumags!

I got the "Hey, nice Shocker!" comment at the last SoCal AO meet when I was playing with my X-mag :rofl: I think one of the things that can be attractive now that couldn't be back in the nineties (is that when I started playing, yikes!) is that they are not the common "high-end" marker that they once were. Not because they aren't as good as the others around these days, but because back in the day you had mags and cockers on the tourney scene. So mags can be just as interesting these days because you simply don't see as many floating around on the fields (at least among high-end markers) as you do Egos, Timmys, and the like. It's funny that something that's been around for almost twenty years is "different" on a lot of playing fields these days. I worked at a filed where the Jax Warriors practiced sometimes. On those days, you had RTs (they were the first to have them), classic mags, cockers, Tippmanns, Spyders, Sheridan based stuff, VMs, pumps, and eventually the shoebox Shockers! Oh, and ICD stuff. That was pretty much it.....

So I say, welcome new maggers! Bring your friends and relatives! Think mags can be expensive?! NOOOOO, just get a classic off of Ebay for less than a couple hundred bucks and have some fun learning about your new gun and playing with it! Want more firepower?! Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade! Wanna go electro? Pneu? NO PROBLEM, the mag can do that! Feel loyal to your Spider or Ego? Don't worry, there's room in the gearbag for a mag!

Welcome to the new maggers! BUY! SELL! TRADE! DISCUSS! ENJOY!!!!!


Zone Drifter
02-17-2008, 11:52 AM
I think it's because when people really get into paintball, they do research, and they find out just what the real paintball geeks use. It's pretty much a market run by smart parts and tippman, but when people get tired of that they look to see what all the other players are using (usually the players that tag them out). then again... last scenario i was at, i only saw 2 mags out of just over 200 people. everyone had tippmans or smart parts guns. But... i did get a couple people either asking me what gun i had, or telling me that they owned one and wished they had never gotten rid of it. I've yet to get anyone who just straight up offers to buy my gun off me though...

02-17-2008, 07:51 PM
I've yet to get anyone who just straight up offers to buy my gun off me though...

Oh, I have. Everything from "Wow, how much did you pay for that?" from the kiddies, to "Can I have it?" from the tourney players, to "I'll give you $xx for it," from outright admirers.

If Mags are coming back, great! I hope they are, but I have yet to see it.

02-17-2008, 08:13 PM
i've been lurking for quite a while around here, just never had the guts to post, guess i got that out of my system....

02-17-2008, 08:47 PM
I'm also a lurker. I hope mags don't become one of the new things...then my mag won't be as rare. Well..my soon to be mag. I'm tired of shooting markers that you see 5 of at every field. And I like to tinker with my markers and I don't have as much of the chance with any of the the markers I've owned because they're pretty much the best they can be without touching them. Or at least they should be for over $1000 :eek: But I buy used :headbang:
That was a pretty long run-on sentence.

02-17-2008, 08:54 PM
Still lurking. I had to start using the AO resources. No one in my area had or knew anything about Mags ,besides "didn't they go out of business years ago?". More disturbing is that most had never seen one before. Now I see a lot more, and most are new. :dance:

02-18-2008, 09:53 PM
I learned about mags through the whole specialops thing. I am not really involved with it i mainly play with friends on my own property. Anyway they were talking about mags being made out of stainless steel and being the best other mech gun besides tippmanns. I got one and it is WAY better than my tippmann :headbang: . I reciently got a pneuframe but need to get an x valve and a better hopper to really take advantage of it. :D

02-18-2008, 10:23 PM
i've had my m-mag since 1996. it's been collecting dust while i was in med school. now that i've got some more time to play, i'm bringing my AGD back with a vengence. there's no better place to gather info on how to upgrade and tweek than here.