View Full Version : Specs on New Angel to be Released in Feb

01-16-2002, 06:34 PM

Tell us what you think of the new Angel specs!


01-16-2002, 06:39 PM
I read it and don't get most of it. It seems alot of it is "text" stuff. i don't think that is really a big deal

Load SM5
01-16-2002, 06:47 PM

Hmmm. Sounds Z-grippish?

01-16-2002, 06:48 PM
Sounds like a lot of 'gee whiz' stuff that looks good in an advertisement, but that most people will hardly ever use.

01-16-2002, 06:48 PM
Will the new angel come with the z-grip? lol, we all know that answer. Of course not! They would want to sell it as an expensive aftermarket part...

01-16-2002, 06:49 PM
I find the concept of "text messaging" on a paintgun to be.... amusing at the least.

Not being the engineer that the wdp guys must be I also have a problem understanding how the uni directional ball feed system will work withought adding drag on the paintballs.

also... seems like they are going to use the LCD to do all the functions of my PDA... Cool!

I wonder if I could load palmos 3.5 on it and play DopeWars.

I guess it comes down to... will they be able to deliver?


Load SM5
01-16-2002, 06:50 PM
A expensive as it is, I would hope that it might have a few aftermarket goodies on it.

01-16-2002, 07:00 PM
tom i think all of the new gimicks and bells and wissles are starting to get out of hand!

01-16-2002, 07:08 PM
OK, I know zero about Angels other than they are expensive and electro. One line in the description had me wondering.


Is that a typo?

Maybe its just me, but isn't it more important to look at your intended target instead of an incoming text message? Unless of course you could send "feel that welt, that was from me" to your opponent...

01-16-2002, 07:35 PM
The smaller 14-way is so you can mill more towards the back of the gun. And to think we had always joked about bein able to send e-mails through Angels...

01-16-2002, 08:06 PM

Don't take this the wrong way, I am just curious. If I am way off base in any of my assumptions, please let me know.

A 14 way valve? A single valve that sends air in 14 different directions? I'm have a mental picture of something similar to one of those round hairbrushes with bristles sticking out every which way. Do you happen to have a picture of a standard 14 way valve?


01-16-2002, 08:08 PM
I doubt you could send text messages to other players unless there was something on it to send the signal. I think that the new features on it are great. Some may not get used by the masses but that doesn't matter. Lighter, smaller is always a plus. Better looking is too. The trigger is what interests me the most besides the 'anti chop eye'. Smaller 14 way valve may be so you can mill it more, thus advertising it as lighter. What they really need to do is stop making the guns from cheap british aluminum.

14 way valve:

01-16-2002, 08:14 PM

Thanks for the diagram. I'm still not sure why it needs to be 14 way, but its not that important to me. It just struck me as odd.

01-16-2002, 08:42 PM
When i told him the angel used a 14way valve to run the ram...

dad- why a 14 way?
me- no one really knows, i figured someone gave em a great deal on a 14way so they used em

dad- is it british by ANY chance?
me- I think you just hit why they use a 14 way valve
dad- dang brits, I never could find a mechanic who could keep that ol MGB running right.... grrr

the opinions above are entirely my fathers (and mine really) nothing against british enginering, but anyone who will fly a plywood fighter in WWII well....

I know i know the mosquito was made in canada, but the british were the major users of the plane. also i know the plane was great, but for crying out loud, it was PLYWOOD!!!
:p :rolleyes: :p


01-16-2002, 09:38 PM
lmao........ people will be saying "what other electros are there?" when it comes out. Its the BMW/Mercedes of paintball. I wish my car had half those functions.......

I think this is where the true 'personal' marker section comes into play. You have so much adjustment possibilities. Its like when you sit in a car, you adjust the mirrors, steering wheel, seat, etc to fit YOU. I think this angel will be a BIG plus in personal configeration. Its not just slapping on different parts that look cool or are 'better', you can adjust everything to the way you want it, the way you like it. The trigger adjustments is the main thing that sticks out in my mind, so that its the way YOU truelly like it. Its high tech junkie meets paintball junkie, along with the ability to fit your personal style , and I'm all for it!

01-16-2002, 09:40 PM
There's one thing I think would be ******* (edited myself you should make me a mod!) awesome to have on a paintball gun. And that would be something so the guns could communicate and you could know when you scored a kill. This is probably like 10+ years down the line if ever but it's so hard to know how many people you tagged in a game of indoor recball. I don't know the times people have said to me "all of a sudden you stuck your marker around the corner and painted me from head to toe" or something similiar. Oftentimes it's hard to know when you hit someone because I don't know about you but when I see someone I get behind something and aim towards where they were and usually rip for a while then check if they're there. If they're not, how do I know if I hit them or then ran to a different area? O well just wishing I guess......

01-16-2002, 09:41 PM
Sounds like an overpriced piece of horseydung to me...:confused:

01-16-2002, 09:50 PM
Maintenance Advice System (M.A.S) great a marker that tells you when it needs to be fixed....

Test messaging... jeez you really can send e-mails on angels.

01-16-2002, 10:02 PM
My reaction may not be as enlightened as some, but I really do not see the benefit to most of the "features" on this marker. Please get the Extreme on the street...email or not.

01-16-2002, 10:21 PM
pb gear has em...


What a deal! I already preordered mine... I think that its cool that its coming out 02-02-02! If the Xtreme Emags were coming out on 02-02-02, I would have gotten one of those instead, but they aren't, so I'm getting the Dark Palm Pilot... I mean... 2 way pager... I mean cell phone... uhhh "paintball marker"

Someone will order it, open it up and say... "Dude! It shoots paintballs, too!"


01-16-2002, 10:35 PM
smaller, shorter and lighter,

3 biggest words on the damn page, everything else, just blah blah

but i want one:)

too bad i got a ripper, maybe ill trade, naw

01-16-2002, 10:55 PM
HA!!!that's funny.

01-16-2002, 11:29 PM
too... much... information... must self dest...ruct. ARRRGG!! I have no idea what half of that stuff does lol. Just sounds like its too much to deal with, and too much to break down.

01-16-2002, 11:39 PM
i had a cd player once that kept saying no(as in no cd) i was blind drunk and after it said no abought 20 times i threw it at a wall...hmmm 2 grand gun landing on somethig solid after having a malfunction hmmm sounds good might buy 10

01-17-2002, 12:10 AM
· Every 8,000 shots - Oil service recommended
· Every 19,000 shots - grease service recommended
· Every 29,000 shots - Bolt wear check required
· Every 41,000 shots - Valve wear check required
· Every 78,000 shots - Full service recommended

I thought this was intresting

01-17-2002, 12:39 AM
I thought it sounded sweet. I am looking to buy a new gun but 1800 is a bit steep.

01-17-2002, 01:02 AM
I have always hatted angels and i always will, i think its the english in them. LOL. This thing sounds like my f5 but open bolt. Messenging? Well id rather use my black berry on the feild than use an angel. All of these features are nothign really exciting. I would like them to scare tom kaye into getting rid of ALL mag blowback so we can use vertfeed at 18 bps on a halo :o:mad: Ive got my booyaah mag waiting for a halo now all i need is a fix for blowback. WHY WONT YOU HELP ME TOM?!:mad:

01-17-2002, 05:30 AM
I think, it´s a good gun; but never would buy it ...
The only gun I would love to have is the SFL EMag ... it´s the gun to have - the best on the market!

Question: Is the COPS something like the ACE???

liigood: Have you already an extended bolt? cf RT´s work really fine with 18bps and the extended bolt - blowback is not the problem.

01-17-2002, 07:14 AM
It sounded fine to me. I think they could have shown a picture of it as well though. And as with any new product, I would let others buy it first and see how it does on the consumer reports… I never buy hype.

I do see this as having a potential “overload” problem though. Like Scotty from Star Trek said… “The more plumbing you have, the easier it is to stop up the toilet.” More stuff, more chances of something going wrong. I am a believer of keeping it simple yet effective. There comes a time when all the “help” becomes a liability. I hope this is not that time. Again, we will see.

(Note: This is the great thing about AGD Markers… electro goes…. You still play.)

Also the word NEW is fantastic if it is either a NEW marker, or you have a few NEW things… I always see red flags when any product has so many NEW things added to it, or if that seems to be their biggest selling point. Again, more times than not, too many new things spell out too many new problems to iron out.

However, when reading some of these “NEW” things, they are really just improvements.. why not just state that…. Calling it NEW is a bit overkill and actually sounds worse to folks like me who are skeptical of NEW things, but LOVE improved things… improved means it is BETTER (hopefully.. LOL) but NEW… who knows? It is just new. New never denotes any level of quality or dependability… it just denotes its arrival on the market.

There are other things about that TEXT Release Information that don’t sit well with me either, but they have nothing to do with the Marker itself. As for anything other than what I already stated… We will have to see how it does in actual use. It sounds like the Marker to have if you want a lot of features. Will any of them actually improve your game? I doubt it. But we often buy things that don’t offer any real advanced benefit over other simpler products doing the same things…. We get them to GET THEM. And there is nothing wrong with that.

One thing eluded to by other posters, is how this Marker sounds like the perfect companion for the Cell Phone, Palm Pilot, Digital Camera, Sony Vio, etc. I think they are marketing it to the Electronic Generation… and again, nothing wrong with that. I do wonder why they did not enter a deal with AT&T or other large phone company and add in a pager with Nation Wide ranging…. You gots to have that for the busy executive on the go! :D ;) :D

The service recommendations are actually quite nice in my opinion. I service everything from my Office chairs, computers (just had that happen the other day), vehicles, etc. So seeing it being an integrated part of the Marker and have it “remind” you is fantastic. I know how easy it is to forget about servicing equipment. People like to complain about things that are added that just don’t fill any real purpose… well, this one does. Thumbs up for that feature.

01-17-2002, 07:20 AM
Yeah, but does it shoot paintballs???? :rolleyes:

Hah, I think its neet that it does all that, but...

01-17-2002, 08:30 AM
Lol, what the hell is a ninja geometer?

01-17-2002, 08:39 AM
I like the service reminders, and the shorter, lighter, aspects. The ACE sort of things sounds good to. The rest means nothing to me.

It does make me wonder, are they going to make a basic bare bones Angel. I think a pre LCD Angel that sold for $600-$700 would sell. Not that I want to encourage too much competition for AGD :D


01-17-2002, 09:12 AM
Tom! AGD Skunkwerks... RF communication is superior to IR - when was the last time you saw an IR keyless entry unit for a car. Long gone before it even started.

I just happen to know an RF engineer in your area who is an AGD enthusiast.....

HA HA HA HA HA!!! AGD will rule the world if that's the best WDP tuners can do!

01-17-2002, 10:08 AM
Looks like they upgraded every part of the gun except for the stuff that makes it shoot. Next year's model will whistle Dixie... I'd imagine.

Personally... I like following the K.I.S.S. model... Keep it Simple, Stupid.

I noticed the pivot feed... sounds like a response to the Extreme EMag. WDP is paying attention it seems.

01-17-2002, 10:16 AM
The new "features" are very interesting. I like vib handle in the angel. I think that could be usefull. As far as the text messaging???? Hmmmm... It may sound like a good idea to be able to communicate that way on the field. But, I thought that IR (infra-red) is a "line-of-site" technology. Anyone with a laptop trying to print using the infra-red port can attest to this. So, lets see... if you're on the field and the paint is flying and you need to get line of site to your buddy to tell him that you just nailed another guy...... why the heck couldn't you just belt out "strike 2" or something to that effect and let everyone know (even the guys you couldn't see) all at the same time?? I would think that would be much more efficient.
So, lets imagine that they decided to use RF instead... what's to keep the other team from intercepting communications? I think the whole messaging between guns is a little foolish. Just my humble opinion.
I really like the feature of being able to "program" your gun or interface with a PC. If they could run diagnostics with fancy graphs and statistics, that would be even cooler! Good idea? I also like the more complicated display.

01-17-2002, 10:41 AM
I've been looking at purchasing an angel or an e-mag for awhile now. At this point my impression on AGD products is that they are all about performance. When the extreme e-mag comes out I think it will be the best gun for the money. The ACE really seals the deal for me and if it handles fragile paint too (out of the box or with future AGD add ons), I'd be crazy to blow my money on another marker.

With the angel I could get a marker that shoots paintballs and gets the "blue screen of death" just like my pc, what a deal!

01-17-2002, 10:59 AM
Legend has it that you can wire it up to a NES and play Duckhunt... I dunno if that helps you on the field or not but... neat.

01-17-2002, 11:08 AM
The beauty of messaging is that you can ask for a date while playing on the field.

You know, "hey baby, I couldn't help but notice that yer angel is as shiny as mine... want to share a bunker?"

01-17-2002, 12:18 PM
i do like the idea of changing your trigger pivot point, but other than that, just too much extra junk.

You know the only reason why it has an on board computer to tell you what is wrong with it is because it has too much crap on it in the first place. Further more too many people treat them like cars and expect the car to run great without ever doing any routine maintinence on it. People need to learn there markers inside and out.

Dare i ask, what will they think of next?

01-17-2002, 12:32 PM
I'm interested in the Gated Feed, the 3 pivot point trigger, and the "Space Frame".

Everything else is just cool geeky stuff.

01-17-2002, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Failure
Lol, what the hell is a ninja geometer?

We may never know...:D

01-17-2002, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
Legend has it that you can wire it up to a NES and play Duckhunt... I dunno if that helps you on the field or not but... neat.

Neat, but who needs a $2K Zapper...

01-17-2002, 01:26 PM
The anti chop feature sounds good, IF it work as advertised.

Otherwise, sounds like lots of hype.

Oh yeah, some maintenance schedule. If you shoot an everage of 1000 rounds in a day... Sounds like an extreme amount of maintenance to me. The harley of paintball guns.

01-17-2002, 01:34 PM
Aside from the lifetime warranty and the fancy paint sensor, it sounds like a great bunch of hype!!! I'm sure everyone who is trying to keep up with the Joneses will rush out and buy one!!!

01-17-2002, 05:52 PM
well i had a semi long post but somehow deleted it so i'll just say i like the idea of the new angel.

01-17-2002, 06:20 PM
I think its going to be really cool. WDP puts up good products and I am curious what a nearly 2000 dollars marker look like. Does it include the abilities to make phone calls and to wach TV??

01-17-2002, 06:41 PM
Nothing you need and eveything you don't

later Hills