View Full Version : Question about the new shocker

02-20-2008, 12:09 PM
I have not been a huge fan of the new NXT I think its called, but I was just offered one hell of a deal and I really don't know if I can pass it up.

A buddy has an 07 NXT shocker, its basically stock aside from a new bolt guide, I think an NDZ, not sure.
Anyway, its got a bad solenoid, the board was snapped off of it and its un-repairable. He has offered me the marker for $100, and a new solenoid is $80.

Would you buy it for that?

I know that I really don't care for Shockers. I have owned two of them and didn't own either one for even a month. I have never had one of the new ones, but have to admit I am not crazy about them either. This just seems like one of those things I will kick myself over if I pass up on...but might if I get it as well.
If nothing else its cheaper than an Ion and I was considering getting my boy a nicer marker....

02-20-2008, 12:24 PM
I'd grab that for $100. Gotta figure you can find a used after market board around somewhere for a decent price.

02-20-2008, 12:25 PM
well sounds like you already know what your possibly getting into.

if its that good of a deal go for it, but dont expect it to be better than anything else SP has made for any reason.

02-20-2008, 12:30 PM
well sounds like you already know what your possibly getting into.

if its that good of a deal go for it, but dont expect it to be better than anything else SP has made for any reason.

Yeah, I think thats what bothers me about it. Both the shockers I had were tempermental as hell and worked right pretty much when they felt like it. I would hate to get this, spend the money to fix it and then every time I hand it to the boy have to work on it to get it operating properly.....
I kind of figure that if nothing else I could fix it and turn around and sell or trade it for something I like.

02-20-2008, 01:14 PM
new solenoid $80

stock board used online. $50ish or less

shocker = $230

im sure you can sell for 350ish

02-20-2008, 04:05 PM
You could probably get around $400 for an NXT. SFT's are going for like $250-300 used.

02-20-2008, 04:38 PM
If you don't want it, I'll take it off your hands.

02-20-2008, 04:45 PM
You can sell an NXT quickly for around $375. I would fix it up and sell it. You can then use that money to by your son something better. I've owned an NXT and didn't like it much. Out of all the 06 and 07 markers I've owned, I would have to say that the NXT was my least favorite. Didn't like the feel of it and sold it rather quickly. Didn't have it long enough to experience many problems. I did have bolt stick on occasion though but that was fixable.
I'd buy the shocker, repair it, sell it for at least a $135 profit (depending on the needed work) and buy a PMR or Mini for my son (if I had one).

02-20-2008, 05:15 PM
I'd pick it up... Always wanted a Shocker... but now SP is evil to me. You can fix it up and resale it.

02-20-2008, 06:03 PM
shockerowners.com for used parts ;P