View Full Version : Best Impy resource?

02-23-2008, 07:34 PM
Are there still any sites around that are good for Impy's?

I dug one out of my closet today and took it to the CFOA to have it tooled on a bit. One of the vendors were clearing out blackheart boards and I picked one up for $20. The tech looked it over and says its in good working order. I don't know how, but a leaking solenoid seal magically fixed itself after sitting in a closet for a while ???? :confused:
Anyway, didn't YDNA or somesuch have a really good site on teching and tweaking an Impy?
I also wanted to pick up a parts kit for the orings and this ancient max flow....

I have plans to get this one tuned up and give it to my kid and/or as a way (way) backup.

02-23-2008, 07:43 PM
Doom to smart parts, save a rock and throw that thing as far away as you can.

02-23-2008, 07:52 PM
Doom to smart parts, save a rock and throw that thing as far away as you can.

Lol, yeah, I hear ya bro. Bad ole smart parts so evil and all that, certainly makes this Impulse not shoot paintballs and no longer worth pulling out of a gearbag....right?
Seriously, this marker was a hot tourney grade marker what is it now, about a decade ago? Its been a minute for sure. Considering what they sell for nowdays why not put a small amount of effort into it?

I picked this thing up for 0$....read that 0. I actually got two of them off a shelf at a shop I frequent. They had sat there for about three years, neither of them worked. We had no idea who even owned one of them, and the previous owner of the other no longer plays and seems completly disinterested that I have his marker....once again considering what they sell for...lol I pulled parts from the two to make one working marker and a load of leftover parts not far from working.

So I have a free marker that in spite of being "out of fashion" is still quite capable. So with the addition of a $20 blackheart board it is now even more capable. A few orings and some tweaking and it will work as well as most things at slinging a paintball. Still IMO better than an Ion, and perfect for an 11 year old boy to enjoy.

02-23-2008, 08:03 PM
Yeah, they're kinda tall but fun to tweek around on. SP made them before completely lossing their mind so I hold no spite for my Imp. Got mine down to under 100 psi operating pressure on a rediculously low dwell, had to remove the LPR and go with a tapeworm cause that low of a pressure starved the LPR. :argh: Fun to pull it out every now and then just to get that "You're gonna use THAT?" reaction. I always enjoyed how easy to maintain and troubleshoot they were. It was always my backup electro back in the day.

02-23-2008, 08:08 PM
I still have a couple , a Drenny and a old Rat. They are blazingly fast , esy to shoot fast and easy to keep running. Nothing wrong with them at all.

Biggest thing in the Max is the piston o-ring , have some of those handy , and keep the poppet and ram clean and lubed. Dow on most things and I actually use R/C shock oil in the ram/hammer tube. Dow has too much stiction in there and causes FSDO , get it all out. :)

02-23-2008, 08:34 PM
I hate to advocate an inferior forum, but I recently picked up an impulse and, like you, had little clue about what to do, or could be done, with it. I went over to pbnation and the guys in the impulse section are nice, professional, and will walk you through everything. There's even a thread where you can sell off your miscellaneous impy parts. (Shoot me a PM with what they are, I'd be interested in buying a lot of those parts.)

Here's THE FAQ that I reference constantly:


BTW: that noid leak that fixed itself, probably the noid gasket.

Now that I have answered the threadstarter's question, allow me to input my opinions on impulses.


Punk, you and me are alike. I remember when imps were THE tourney marker. There truly was none better for a time. Even angels fell by the wayside. And, to be honest, they haven't made too many advances since then, so it is still a tourney level marker. It's a little heavy, but I bought my baby for 130, which means I traded about a pound for about 800 bux, if I were to compare the impulse to the ego.

I love playing with it. The youngins have no idea what it is, and the old timers get all nostalgic. It's odd, you'd think that you'd still see a lot of them at the field, considering how prevalent they were.

02-23-2008, 08:35 PM
I still have a couple , a Drenny and a old Rat. They are blazingly fast , esy to shoot fast and easy to keep running. Nothing wrong with them at all.

Biggest thing in the Max is the piston o-ring , have some of those handy , and keep the poppet and ram clean and lubed. Dow on most things and I actually use R/C shock oil in the ram/hammer tube. Dow has too much stiction in there and causes FSDO , get it all out. :)

You can't get FSDO if you have the CVS(check valve system) VA

02-23-2008, 08:42 PM
I hate to advocate an inferior forum, but I recently picked up an impulse and, like you, had little clue about what to do, or could be done, with it. I went over to pbnation and the guys in the impulse section are nice, professional, and will walk you through everything. There's even a thread where you can sell off your miscellaneous impy parts. (Shoot me a PM with what they are, I'd be interested in buying a lot of those parts.)

Here's THE FAQ that I reference constantly:


BTW: that noid leak that fixed itself, probably the noid gasket.

Now that I have answered the threadstarter's question, allow me to input my opinions on impulses.


Punk, you and me are alike. I remember when imps were THE tourney marker. There truly was none better for a time. Even angels fell by the wayside. And, to be honest, they haven't made too many advances since then, so it is still a tourney level marker. It's a little heavy, but I bought my baby for 130, which means I traded about a pound for about 800 bux, if I were to compare the impulse to the ego.

I love playing with it. The youngins have no idea what it is, and the old timers get all nostalgic. It's odd, you'd think that you'd still see a lot of them at the field, considering how prevalent they were.

Thanks for the site, I am reading through it now. I have always known there wasn't too much to an Impy, but wanted to find all the tweaking tricks.

I was figuring the leak was the gasket. It happened after I swapped the noid with the other marker for a suspected bad noid. It worked fine, then leaked. Sat for a while and it doesn't leak. How does the gasket magically fix itself? Meh?!?

I think plenty of Imps are still around they just sit in the bottom of the gear box nowdays.

02-23-2008, 09:35 PM
You can't get FSDO if you have the CVS(check valve system) VA

That's not true , there are a number of reasons for FSDO , especially with the stock board. ;)

02-23-2008, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the site, I am reading through it now. I have always known there wasn't too much to an Impy, but wanted to find all the tweaking tricks.

I was figuring the leak was the gasket. It happened after I swapped the noid with the other marker for a suspected bad noid. It worked fine, then leaked. Sat for a while and it doesn't leak. How does the gasket magically fix itself? Meh?!?

I think plenty of Imps are still around they just sit in the bottom of the gear box nowdays.

The gasket thing is a beast. I was having the same problem. Basically, since it's held in by two itty bitty little screws, even screwed in the noid can shift back and forth a good 1/16th of an inch. So, you probably threw something on top of the gun, which caused the noid to shift, which caused the seal to align itself.

And RRfireblade, let me enjoy my blind fandom :)

02-23-2008, 09:55 PM
My biggest problem right now is that the bolt is sticking forward when dry firing. I have one of the spike optimizers which I understand is supposed to correct that.

What should I do towards fixing this problem?

02-24-2008, 09:31 AM
It's not really a problem but fairly normal any time your not actually running an LPR.

Tapeworms and like cure that most of the the time but not always.

02-24-2008, 09:38 AM
And RRfireblade, let me enjoy my blind fandom :)

No big. :) They're great little markers but not without their little quirks . . . like everything else.


02-24-2008, 10:44 AM
I have 3 - A Toxic, a Nasty, and a Rat. Great guns, and you dont have to mortgage your house to buy one. Give me a PM if you need help.