View Full Version : Retro valved mag won't fire

02-25-2008, 04:56 PM
I've owned mags in one incarnation or another for since around 1994, so i like to think i know a bit about them, However this new problem has got me stuck. I know it's a simple fix but i can't see it for looking! So here goes....I thought i'd build myself a new mech retro valved 'cos i missed the bouncing of my old mech retro valved mag, so i pulled out my 2 retro valves out of the cupboard, one of which is in my Pneumag both of which i know work perfectly. However, when i gassed up my new mech retro valved mag it would not fire. All i get is alot of resistance when the trigger is pressed and no firing. So i swapped both back into the Pneumag and they both worked fine. Swapped them back and they no worky worky. Sometime they'll hiss from the lvl 10 but they won't fire, sometimes not. All i get is lots more trigger resistance. Oh they both fire once when i gas it up but not after. Any ideas?

02-25-2008, 09:43 PM
hm, i think i have the same prob, except ive just put on a modded non-agp trigger frame, so ill needa make sure it's not that first.
I think it could be due to the sear not pushing the on/off far enough, so perhaps switch sears n see if that does anythin. But not too sure, just throwin out an idea:) gl on it

02-25-2008, 11:34 PM
I thought it might be the sear but i don't have another one handy, the others are in my pneumags. I'm working away this week so i won't be able to try out anymore fault finding until the weekend. :(

02-25-2008, 11:40 PM
What kind of gripframe are you using on this gun that won't shoot?

How much space is inbetween the trigger rod and the back of the trigger when the gun is gassed up? Did you try turning up the velocity a bit?

02-26-2008, 01:13 AM
You probably overtightened the sear pin. Loosen it up so it's still snug but not in rock solid. It should work. I noticed this when putting my Tac One's sear back in: if you put it in too tight, it doesn't work very well. Lubing the axle can also help some. Additionally, ensure the front gripframe bolt isn't overtightened. This can cause misalignment and result in the gun not shooting.

02-26-2008, 09:18 AM
Check your grip frame screws too. I bought a set of hybrid grips and the screws they came with literally pinched my classic sear such that it wouldn't fire. I spent about an hour scratching my head on this until I removed the screws. :tard:

02-26-2008, 12:20 PM
BlackVCG What kind of gripframe are you using on this gun that won't shoot?

How much space is inbetween the trigger rod and the back of the trigger when the gun is gassed up? Did you try turning up the velocity a bit?

I'm using a spanking new Intelliframe, and now that you mention the gap between the sear and the back of the trigger, i think this is the problem. I think we're onto a winner here!! I'll be home on Thursday so i'll try it out then. Thanks guys. :)

03-06-2008, 08:08 AM
I'm in the same boat too. Let me know what you guys find out.

03-06-2008, 04:31 PM
Aye it was the length of the sear after all. I made it shorter and all was good. Works ok now. Thanks guys.

csallen039 I'm in the same boat too. Let me know what you guys find out.

Turn the rod so it becomes shorter until there is about a 1mm gap between the rod and the back of the sear. It may require further adjustment, so adjust it to suit.