View Full Version : What would you guys say if...

02-26-2008, 07:10 PM
I were to say that i have two gun designs (granted this is after i get out of college and get some money to start any production on a prototype to show you guys, so it'll be 4 years). One of these is a low pressure replacement for the mag valve that would use AGD bolts, an ego frame, etc etc and would be able to theoretically shoot deeper into the tank than a mini (you can thank warbeak for this, i was going to make it higher pressure) and everything, and it could be mech but short stroking would be a huge problem.

However, i have another design that would need around 800 psi input, but it would be able to cycle fast, but it would need an electric trigger frame, most likely an ego or similar frame. It would also be very energy efficient and should be very air efficient, but it would be a completely new gun. This gun would also be tiny, the feedneck would be a bit further back than a mag's and it would end at or maybe even before where the field strip screw is on a mag. Also, i know that i'll get questions, so in theory it should be able to cycle two times in the time it takes an ego to cycle once, if not more.

Since it's so far away and these are just concept designs, i'm not going to go to delve into how they work or prices, but i'm just trying to see what would be marketable as much in advance as i can (because i plan on making protoypes asap).

Thanks for your input, i greatly appreciate it.

02-26-2008, 07:19 PM
I like the low pressure idea. Frankly anything new would be good from AGD. We all know with the current leadership that would never happen. :cuss:


02-26-2008, 07:21 PM
I like the low pressure idea. Frankly anything new would be good from AGD. We all know with the current leadership that would never happen. :cuss:

Well this would be an aftermarket valve anyway, and would require a weaker spring, although i don't know how fast this design would be able to cycle.

EDIT: Ok, i went about this the wrong way, think of them both as completely new markers, and don't let wanting your mag to shoot lower into the tank be a factor because it wouldn't operate like a mag at all, and would need a vert reg most likely.

02-27-2008, 01:02 AM
I like the possiblity of the mag outdoing itself so I def would like to see the high pressure idea if in the theory it can cycle faster. :headbang:

02-27-2008, 01:04 AM
Sorry for the double post, but i forgot to mention that the high pressure marker would have a much smaller part of the actual gun, would not need a vert reg, and what i have in mind for that is very light, so it's basically a small, light, fast cycling marker, and the fore grip would surely be made very lightweight, so think in terms of the mini for weight, or possibly even smaller.

02-27-2008, 06:36 PM
Anything using existing parts is probably the smarter idea, but faster cycling is always more interesting. :) :shooting:

02-27-2008, 07:09 PM
Anything using existing parts is probably the smarter idea, but faster cycling is always more interesting. :) :shooting:
Man, i must say i'm surprised at the result on both here and pblegion, both sites so far are in support of the marker i would build for myself, and the one i really want to build. I'm going to wait a bit longer before i commit to either one or the other, but i'll probably end up making both eventually, but only if enough interest is shown.

As for how fast it can cycle, if i can get a solenoid strong enough that runs off of a 9 volt battery (which i think is pretty feasible) then i really don't have any clue how fast it could get up to, that's something i would have to test, so unfortunately it may be a year or two before you even see anything that has to do with this (mainly getting enough money to make a prototype) but from what i've seen it seems like i'd have support if i could get it made, so i'm excited.

02-27-2008, 07:22 PM
I'm personally not extremely interested in a new gun, but I would love to see a new valve and might be willing to help you on any probs that you have. I have a couple of designs that I'm working on as well and would love to see what you have.

02-27-2008, 07:29 PM
Anyone with ideas on new valves is welcome to post them in the open-source thread. Think of the chances that you'll ever make any money off this. . . now think of the massive temptation to just blurt out your idea. . . yeah, you know what the right thing to do is.

02-27-2008, 07:33 PM
You wish bud, lets just say (poof). Puzzle that out.

EDIT: I don't want to disclose that idea yet, I just made a breakthrough and will be working furiously to develope a prototype. Think of a mag vlave that can do unthinkable things with a modified sear and you will know what this is.

02-27-2008, 09:01 PM
I'm personally not extremely interested in a new gun, but I would love to see a new valve and might be willing to help you on any probs that you have. I have a couple of designs that I'm working on as well and would love to see what you have.
See, that's just the thing, i would rather make something that is my own rather than just making a new design for an existing marker, and in my own opinion the design i came up with for the mag valve is sub par, especially compared to my other design.

02-28-2008, 11:27 AM
I appreciate your enthusiasm but are you serious ?

Your asking about the markebility of a 'potential' proto of a product 4 years down the line ? With all due respect , you can't fortell where Paintball will be next year never the less 4 years or more.

It's good to dream tho but try and keep at least one foot on the ground. :)

02-28-2008, 12:02 PM
I agree,
The market for markers (ha!) has been unpredictable. We say we want quality and reliablity but something like the ion steps in and we think '200 bucks for a marker that shoots that fast? I take 3'. Don't under estimate how difficult this is. There have been a lot of products/people trying to make the mag a top tourney gun that have been killed by rules(reactive trigger) lawsuits(e/x-mag, hAIR) and the general impatience of AOers.

02-28-2008, 03:21 PM
just not an ego frame.....they're really not THAT great.

Old School 626
02-28-2008, 03:43 PM

I'd like to see production upgrade parts for the current X valve like a totally pneumatic frame (in the works I know) and a *quality* electronic version like Loguzzzzzzz' E-maggos. Then amybe add on a non-foamie LX bolt ... things like that. Expand the platform.

02-29-2008, 12:25 AM
just not an ego frame.....they're really not THAT great.
I only used that because it's the only one that i know that will work with my design, if i can find another electropneumatic one that would work that was cheaper i would definitely use that.

And as for me asking, i might be able to produce it sooner (albiet with a long waiting period) than 4 years from now. I'm not trying to see what would be marketable in 4 years, i'm trying to see what you guys would want in a paintball marker, and as for those of you that said neither and asked for stuff for the mag, i already said that i don't want to be making products for another marker, i have designs for my own, it's just warbeak and others said it would be cool if that design could use AGD bolts and mainbodies, so that's why i put that, but really i just want to know what you guys would prefer.

Think of the choices like this, either a low pressure marker that can fire as fast as it needs to (basically it can meet what tourneys are capped at now) or a high pressure marker that has the ability to cycle fast (how fast i won't know, but it seems to be only limited by how fast the solenoid can cycle).

And the third choice is neither of those and something that is completely different. I basically want to design a gun and sell it, but i also want to make it worth my while, so that's why i asked for your input. Tell me what you want RIGHT NOW in a marker, don't even take the part that i said about 4 years from now into account.