View Full Version : Funny thing Happened

01-17-2002, 12:22 AM
Funny thing happened the other day. (The reason it's funny is because the guy in the story is so incredibly dumb) Here it is: I was on the bus home from school and someway or another I got to talkin to this guy about paintballing, and this was the conversation: (Starting at the beginning of the funny part.)

Me: "Yeah, I've got an automag and I love it."
Him: "Automags suck. The player matters, the gun doesn't. I have a Spyder Compact and I love it."
Me: "Oh." (Trying unsuccessfully to restrain a laugh)
Him: "Really, I mean, yesterday I was at the range and this guy was at the range and he started talking about how accurate his Angel was. I said that I could sharp shoot just as well as him, so we had a contest. He hit this tree branch twice, and then he missed. Well, I hit it three times in a row!" (Making odd hand movements the whole time)
Me: "What kind of gas do you use?"
Him: "CO2. Compressed air doesn't have enough power and nitro has too much."
Me: "They are exactly the same as far as paintball is concerned. They don't have too much or too little power."
Him: (He now starts talking about guys turning they're velocity up to 700 fps and saying that it leaves a big bruise.)

The funny thing is about this story, it's all true! This guy at my school actually told me all this on the way home today. What a nut. Mags rule!


01-17-2002, 12:24 AM
What the hell? I don't even say falacies like that. I can't really comment on that but what happens when you're hit at 700 fps if even possible?

01-17-2002, 12:35 AM
i don't think paint could withstand much pressure. it would just shred it in half.

01-17-2002, 02:18 AM
Even if it did hold up you wouldnt be able to post here about it, think of it like this, if 320 fps is strong enough to break your hand, imagine what 700fps would feel like?

01-17-2002, 07:24 AM
LOL sharp shoot!!!! thats hilarious.... i think u need to show this guy the power for the mag dealaman

01-17-2002, 08:10 AM
i tried to see how fast my tippmann could get one day, the highest velocity spike i got was like 350, i've never tried w/ my mag i dont wanna risk screwing it up. danm 700 that'd hurt. It would take the fun out of the sport. Why even bother playing if it's not gonna be any fun.

01-17-2002, 09:48 AM
Did this same guy tell you how he took out seven angels at the same time with his magic paintballs and a Brass Eagle Talon that had an empty 12 gram in it?

01-17-2002, 11:05 AM
No, he didn't tell me that. But after he said all that other stuff, it wouldn't have surprised me a bit. Im gonna tell him to meet me at the field I go to and teach him not to bad mouth mags. Haha

01-17-2002, 11:49 AM
Newbies....you cant live w/ them,and you can't kill them either!:D

01-17-2002, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by [NA]WARLORD
if 320 fps is strong enough to break your hand...

Way back when it was just becoming popular to limit velocity the field I played at started at 325. NO ONE but me was under. The first game was delayed as everyone had to "turn down" their guns. 350 was average and there was a 375 or two. :(

01-17-2002, 03:34 PM
I chopped a ball over the chrono and it read like 980. I was really only shooting 270.

Lone Gunman
01-17-2002, 05:22 PM
At my local field there was this guy who had a Spyder SE. He shot at close to 800 fps (what the store owner told me) and the balls still held up. Keep in mind that he was using C02 and it was about 100 degrees out.

I've seen 50 caliber muzzle loaders shoot at 850 and go through a semi-large sapling (6" in diameter).

Now I don't know about you, but I would hate to be looking down the business end of both of those things.

01-17-2002, 05:36 PM
I was hit by a paintball traveling at 350fps from 50 yards away and it killed so bad. I don't think the paintballs would stand at 800fps, the impact with the bolt would break it. Where did you hear that a paintball would break your hand if it is traveling at 320fps?

01-17-2002, 06:45 PM
I was informed of that a few years ago by a Field owner that a person put their hand in front of another guys barrel, other dude pulled trigger and it broke his hand along with 2 fingers (probably a rookie using rental equipment), they pulled gun fom field and chronoed it at 320 fps. It was just one of those weird lessons you learn in life that you never forget.

01-17-2002, 06:51 PM
Yeah the military uses that... TO PIERCE TANK ARMOUR!!! :D

Thats just funny, I remember when my friend first got his mag, we got that thing up to like 400+fps. Using the stock barrel, those balls curved really bad.

01-17-2002, 09:31 PM
hahaha 700fps? ive shot trees down with less.