View Full Version : New Angel With Text Messaging Between Guns

01-17-2002, 06:44 AM


01-17-2002, 07:10 AM
OH MY LORD!!! I want me one of those!! :D

01-17-2002, 11:38 AM
Erm that "Programmable Text Messaging" means after 1,000 shots it tells you "hello" at 30,000 "You need to oil the bolt" and at 50K "Buy the next angel"

(I made them up :))

Not text messaging between angels, though you can transmit peoples set ups between them, so if you like Mr. Smiths set up options he can send them to your marker. So no need to mess around copying everything.

01-17-2002, 11:46 AM
hmm.......maybe they will have this at mgo......and i could put my little paws all over it

01-17-2002, 01:29 PM
Thats the last thing I need....my cover man stopping to check text messages...*L*
I wonder if I can put an embedded linux system into the grip, drop in a Java 2 mobile VM and then run GAIM so I can chit chat while low-crawling...*L*


01-17-2002, 03:13 PM
i wonder
if i have that gun and someone else on the other team has that gun if i can hack his angel, throw in a virus, and shut it down!

:D :D :D

01-17-2002, 03:55 PM
I just spoke to Bart at WDP. They will have them at MGO Graycie so you can get your hands on one.

The messages are set to come up at certain numbers of shots or when you reach certain rates of fire. You CAN NOT send text messages between guns. It is NPPL legal. You can only transmit settings and timer info that is 'not performance related'...

The C.O.P.S. to stop you chopping paint is actually an accelerometer. And can be fine tuned as well as turned on and off during play.

It has a new two piece ram which is not user serviceable and it designed to have a lower co-efficient of friction so it is smoother and more consistent.

The grip is more vertical and is designed so that your fingers pull the trigger intowards your palm which is apparently the most comfortable and easiest way to pull it according to Bart.

The one way feed allows 3 balls to be stacked over the breech that can not return back up. So if you invert or run with your gun you will still have a shot available when needed. They reckon this doesn't slow the feed down at all.

Lots more I can't remember :) I will be getting a site tour the week after they release the gun so I can take pictures and get into the technical nitty gritty.

I think I also just reserved one for myself... oh well my credit card needed a bashing :)


01-17-2002, 07:37 PM
Sounds just like a bunch of extra stuff. If I had the money I'd buy it just to have it. The only thing that sounds innovative is that 3-styler trigger thing. I'll have to try one out.