View Full Version : Obama Man Can !

03-06-2008, 06:50 PM


03-06-2008, 07:48 PM
I have a craving for fertilizer...

03-07-2008, 12:01 AM
In before lock.


03-07-2008, 12:37 AM

03-07-2008, 01:34 AM
The funniest part about that is..... SAY HELLO TO YOUR NEXT PRESIDENT SUCKAS!!!!!

No really, say hello. Now I know it makes some of you rednecks out there upset because a black man is going to be your next pres, but you'll be ok. McSame doesn't have a chance against Obama, that's why all the sad right wing folks are praying to their bush god that HC wins the nomination, they know at least against her they stand a bit of a chance.

03-07-2008, 12:08 PM
The funniest part about that is..... SAY HELLO TO YOUR NEXT PRESIDENT SUCKAS!!!!!

No really, say hello. Now I know it makes some of you rednecks out there upset because a black man is going to be your next pres, but you'll be ok. McSame doesn't have a chance against Obama, that's why all the sad right wing folks are praying to their bush god that HC wins the nomination, they know at least against her they stand a bit of a chance.


The main reason we want to keep hilary in is because we know that YOU will not call her a racist. Every "right winged folk" is automaticly a racist/sexest when he doesnt vote for your canidate. Also its hilarious to watch the liberals beat each other up. We just keep pouring salt on the wound.

I am not a Mccain fan, but between him or the other two I will defiently take him.

03-07-2008, 12:26 PM

The main reason we want to keep hilary in is because we know that YOU will not call her a racist. Every "right winged folk" is automaticly a racist/sexest when he doesnt vote for your canidate. Also its hilarious to watch the liberals beat each other up. We just keep pouring salt on the wound.

I am not a Mccain fan, but between him or the other two I will defiently take him.

LoL, show me where I called any one a racist. I simply said I know it makes some of you rednecks upset. Vote for McSame if you wish, some one has to lose, it may as well be your guy. The only reason dems are battleing is because we have two well qualified people, the best you guys can do is, dare I say, a flip flopper to use a blast from the republican past. McSame has changed his mind on several key issues to fall right in line with his daddy bush. It was awesome to see him suckling the teet of his daddy at the white house. Gonna be even more awsome when the wheels go flying off the straight talk express when the fight for November comes. Your boy is a hypocrite that doesn't even have the backbone to stand up for what he believes..... Big time butt woopin coming, just get ready to be owned. Obama takes indies and even the more liberal righties, Your party can't even decide if they like McSame...... Im lovin it. Economy is in the crapper, poor telecoms aren't getting a free ride from breaking the law like papa bush wants, FBI actually admits to breaking the law, worst approval rating sence Nixon, yeah buddy up to papa bush, looks great on the resume :rofl:

You are all idiots.
Well said :tard:

03-07-2008, 12:35 PM
You are all idiots.