View Full Version : SFL Restoration

03-10-2008, 07:13 AM
A copy of a thread I posted here at BEO (http://www.bigevilonline.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=820&sid=d7fc76dd65f3a57d831036c739a02367)

Sometime around last October.. I was FINALLY lucky enough to just so happen to come across Edweird offering his SFL Emag for sale on the Thorums.

For some back history of this fantastic and collectible marker, refer to THIS PAGE at Z-man's website.

I got in touch with him ASAP, and worked out a pretty good deal to snag this bad boy from him.

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/30205584660.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6982476)
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/30205584741.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6982482)

This was how the marker arrived to me. It looks pretty good in the picture, however, upon closer inspection you could see that it had been neglected in a gear back for some time. There was dried paint in the barrel, body and in a few of the guns nether-regions.

I was also fore-warned that the marker did not shoot, and probably needed the 'solenoid adjusted'. Turns out that the gun needed both a new battery and noid.

Also, looking a little closer I found this;
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/30120215344.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6980400)
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/30120215254.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6980398)

I dont know wtf was going on with that breech. However, that bent in tab near the 'fake' detent hole was preventing the bolt from moving. So, out came the dremel, files and emery cloth to fix that up.

03-10-2008, 07:13 AM
A little tough to see, but there was a really bothersome 'scuff' mark on the drivers side before the breech.

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/30205584798.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6982478)
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/30205584768.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6982479)

I already had it in my head that the gun was going to anno unless it was in absolute mint condition. Since it wasn't I now gave myself permission to have my filthy way with the color scheme :-)

I also had to go about the task of tracking down parts. Tuna took his sweet time getting back to me with the items I needed to get the gun running. Iwas finally able to corner him in January at a local game.

I also wanted to pick up some new barrels to go to anno with the gun. I found a 3 pc Dye UL set and a rare PMI perfect bore barrel. The PMI was a nice choice because they were used by AGD Europe as stock barrels on the non-CnC Euro Xmags. Plus it looked pretty good with the SFL.

03-10-2008, 07:14 AM
Anno -

I had used Gruntbull for the anno work on a couple of other markers that I had done for myself and for other people. Each time they did an awesome job. One of those markers being a gloss silver Xmag (for "Someone")I used this as a guinea pig to see how GBA could handle an Xmag. Here are the results of that 'test run'

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/29720300223.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6948995)

I obviously couldn't have been happier with the results.

Once I acquired the sfl, I began talking to Todd at GBA about what I had in mind for the anno on the gun. My original plan was for a dust silver base with a black acid wash. Todd talked me out of it saying it wasn't a good idea to do with this color combination. He informed me that there was no 'true black' colored dye and that 'black' was actually a very dark purple. Where the colors mixed on the gun, it would look more purple than black. He suggested the dust silver with a heavy black splatter.

Here was the gun when I first took it out of the box upon gettng it back from GBA
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5720213068.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7749582)
They did an awesome prep job on the marker. All of the scuffs and previous laser engraving was gone. Only in one spot if you look at it from just the right angle can you see a faint hint of the "Shocktech" logo.

03-10-2008, 07:14 AM
Assembly -

Re-inserting the body bushing - I actually got pretty lucky with this. Once I cleaned off the old loctite from the bushing on the wire wheel it went right back in without needing the special tool (IE: Trip to see Tuna).
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5720213194.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7749589)

Replacing the SFL's battery terminals
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5720213164.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7749588)

A nice shiny new rail bushing (those are not extra parts you know) and loctiting any remaining set screws.
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5720213156.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7749587)

Logic Fireblade trigger and the 'dreaded' re-annoed Xvalve. (Attempt it at your own risk)
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5720213117.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7749585)

03-10-2008, 07:15 AM
Here she is back together in all of its face mowing glory.

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5820193087.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7754645)

One of the things I forgot to mention, was the awesome feed neck mod done by A-tach-one.
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5820193134.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7754647)

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5820193070.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7754641)

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5820192946.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7754636)

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5820192940.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7754638)

03-10-2008, 07:16 AM
Some Before & After's

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/30205584615.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6982475)
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5820193134.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7754647)

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/30205584768.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6982479)
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5720213197.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7749586)

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/10/30205584729.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/6982480)
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/2/5820192940.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/7754638)

03-10-2008, 07:28 AM
Damn man, quite the sexy beast.

I still want to attempt something like this on my hyper mag when it gets back to me from a tech that is taking his merry sweet little time. (3 months grr!) I really want to get it all together and take it out to a CFOA : ) You planning on showing this thing off at any big tournies Evil? I bet all the kiddies would freakout thinking it's the next invert mini upgrade hahah.

03-10-2008, 08:16 AM
Congrats, very sweet set up, and Im diggin the ano. Any one out there looking to get rid of their SFL, hit up ol AirAssault :shooting:

Temo Vryce
03-10-2008, 09:44 AM
Damn dude, if that shoots half as good as it looks, you're going to be menace on the field. It's hard to listen someone tell you that your dream won't work, but I'm glad that you were big enough to listen and take the advice that GBA gave you.

03-10-2008, 09:56 AM
Damn dude, if that shoots half as good as it looks, you're going to be menace on the field. It's hard to listen someone tell you that your dream won't work, but I'm glad that you were big enough to listen and take the advice that GBA gave you.

Yeah me too. I couldnt be happier with the way it came out. It shoots amazing. I dont know why, but the two most accurate and consistent mags I have both use dust colored valves -although just a coincidence.

03-10-2008, 10:02 AM
The gun rips..I really was amazed at how good it shot

edit: you forgot to add the tough guy pic


03-10-2008, 10:03 AM
As much as I dislike splash/splatter anodizing, this is beautiful. Really nice job!!

03-10-2008, 10:05 AM
The gun rips..I really was amazed at how good it shot

edit: you forgot to add the tough guy pic

Too bad we didnt have some pics of the welts on Cyberave's back to accompany that pic. :D

03-10-2008, 11:18 AM
I like it.

03-10-2008, 11:55 AM
Very nice!

03-10-2008, 12:10 PM
Damn man, quite the sexy beast.

You planning on showing this thing off at any big tournies Evil? I bet all the kiddies would freakout thinking it's the next invert mini upgrade hahah.

Tournies? Me? Nah those days are long gone. Although I might meet up with Jim Walton in April for one of the SPPL events. You may see me floating around with it at some local NY/NJ/PA big games but thats really it.

Fortunately I am lucky enough to play with many mag-savy people :-) I do get lots of looks from most of my mags, especially when I run the warp on the Xmag. Last fall at Castle Conquest in EMR pb there were plenty of people who fondly reminisced how much they missed their AGD guns after seeing mine.

03-10-2008, 12:26 PM
very nice man :wow:

Hope i dont have to face this in a motm.

03-10-2008, 01:00 PM
Bigevil- Looks great!! I guess I have to go pull this out from under my bed......


03-10-2008, 01:31 PM
Bigevil- Looks great!! I guess I have to go pull this out from under my bed......


You know, if you ever want to part with that I can give it a very good home. :D

03-10-2008, 02:19 PM
I also, would likey the chance to have an SFL!

Nice write-up BigE! Gruntbull is now the leading candidate for my anno needs (if I ever get time to complete any "projects" going on).

Hotness :cheers:

03-10-2008, 02:34 PM
You know, if you ever want to part with that I can give it a very good home. :D

add what these two will offer for it and thats my offer for the SFL :D no poop.

03-10-2008, 04:45 PM
Looking good BE :D


mr doo doo
03-10-2008, 04:59 PM
wow, that SFL looks ridiculous...that is in a good way ;) . You have one nice looking mag there mr. BigEvil, and i hope you wont let it go for the rest of your life :headbang:

03-10-2008, 05:29 PM
great looking SFL , really like the GB anno job
OH & it's good to see ya around here too

and the 'dreaded' re-annoed Xvalve. (Attempt it at your own risk)
& how did this work out ? should we be as scared as we have been told ??

03-10-2008, 05:39 PM
From what ive seen re-anodizing a valve isnt hard to do nor does it cause any side effects. Ive seen 2 or 3 anodizers do it w/o any problems at all. My guess is the rumor was started to keep prices of certain parts high and let people believe you could only get a custom valve through tuna.

03-10-2008, 05:58 PM
Looking good :cheers:

03-10-2008, 05:58 PM
Very nice Scott !


03-10-2008, 07:18 PM
Does the x still work after the ano?

03-10-2008, 09:08 PM
Does the x still work after the ano?

Yup. Works great - however there is no guaranty from any one who attempts it. You have a 50-50 shot so if you try it be prepared that there is a good chance you will kill it. Also... the z lock pin will NOT be in the same place it was before.

**Let me add to this - IF the people doing the anno screw it up the job or generally dont know what they are doing - good chance a re annoed valve will be scrap. Remember, anodizing something changes the metal.. usually resulting in metal being removed. Think about that.

Also, yes tuna does custom valves but good luck trying to get one unless you are buying a whole custom gun from him. He wont even let ME get my hands on one separately. :cry:

03-11-2008, 11:11 AM
Nice work there Big E. She turned out fantastic :clap: oh, and that feedneck that looked like some serious work. good job :hail: