View Full Version : shoulder problems

03-10-2008, 07:00 PM
well last september when i wrecked my motorcycle i hurt my shoulder..went to the DR. he couldnt see anything, and its progressivley getting worse..right now its at the point where it feels like i just did 10,000 75lb curls with that arm. and when i start to rotate it backwards it just catches on things and grinds and clicks...i went to the chiropractor thinking maybe he could pull it out or something, but he said he wont mess with it and check in with a doctor..and they gave me no usefull info at all.

i know you guys are not medical doctors..but maybe someone experienced something kinda like this.. any help is great!


03-10-2008, 07:11 PM
My experience is that Doctors practice medicine. Dont expect them to be able to fix it back to 100%. My knee still hurts after tearing ligaments and cartledge 6 years ago. :(

Good luck, and hopefully you have good ins. These types of things are expensive.

03-10-2008, 07:13 PM
Have they done an MRI or cat scan on it?
May have torn up your rotator cuff or something. Needless to say, the Dr missed something. I hate to hear you are still hurt. Yours was not long after mine...not to say I am fully healed by any means, but I am at the least getting around.

03-10-2008, 07:28 PM
yeah i think i went down a week or 2? after you..thought i was better..but this shoulder is just killing me.

and they did do an MRI and he couldnt see anything..but it has also gotten worse since they took the xrays and MRI..maybe i need to go back and have it checked again.

03-10-2008, 10:59 PM
I've got plenty on anecdotal experience with shoulder issues through swimming and water polo. It sounds like you have cartilage damage and possibly some tendon damage. Arthroscopic surgery is fairly minor, I've had both shoulders done for minor work.

03-10-2008, 11:35 PM
yeah thats what i have been told..what kind of stuff do they do with the surgery..do they even have to put you out?

and how long were you down for.

just asking this cause my DR. recommended it, but didnt want to cause i would be out of work for to long.

03-11-2008, 04:15 PM
You will not need to be put under for minor arthro work. The doc will make a small incision so he can get the tool into the area. For the minor bone chipping you may have, there is a vacuum head on the tool to remove the material. As for the shrink-wrap (not the doc's term) think of the tendons that hold your upper arm ball into the shoulder socket as stiff rubber bands. If you have severe usage, you can stretch these tendons out. If you need this tightened up, the doc will use a heating tool to literally heat-shrink the tendons.

Both will have you in a sling for around a week, with follow up Physical Therapy to make sure you're good to go.

03-11-2008, 06:12 PM
Water polo, Ricker? I expect better from the likes of you.