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01-17-2002, 08:28 PM
Hello all,
I am doing a trade, and am just posting this for verification purposes.

ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: Hey i know someone with a 2k dark angel black, with drop and tank trying to trade for a cocker.....But you would have to throw in cash
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: Not much, just thought i would let u know about my friend
armanxpm: Tank, too?
armanxpm: I mean, does he have a tank also?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea itsa 68/4500
armanxpm: Hmm..
armanxpm: Do you have pictures?
armanxpm: Does he want a Cocker?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: we are trying to get a camera over here soon
armanxpm: Have you seen my Cocker lately?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: Yea he does want a cocker
armanxpm: It looks better than ever.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea i saw your most recent post
armanxpm: With the blue CP Flame drop?..
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: its VERY blue
armanxpm: Cool
armanxpm: Lol, not too blue..
armanxpm: ;-)
armanxpm: Has he seen my Cocker?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: Yea
armanxpm: Does he like it?
armanxpm: What condition is it in?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: His gun
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: awesome condition
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: it has just about....umm hold on
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: Ok.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: okay
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: it has 56,103 shots on it
armanxpm: But it is in good shape, right?
armanxpm: I mean, the board is good.
armanxpm: No major scratches?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: oh no dude
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: nothing is wrong with it at all
armanxpm: What all does it come with?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: hold on k
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA wants to directly connect.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA is now directly connected.
armanxpm: Cool.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA direct connection is closed.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: woops
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: sorry clicked connect to wrong person
armanxpm: ?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: heh
armanxpm: Lol.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: k dark angel black, with drop and tank, 14in boomy, and new twisted black volumizers
armanxpm: What kind of Drop and tank?
armanxpm: What is the bore size on the Boomy?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: .689
armanxpm: Cool.
armanxpm: When can you get pictures?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: kapp drop, and the tank is a crossfire
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i believe
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: he is sitting next to me
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: but we dont have the gun right here
armanxpm: Lol, Hi friend!
armanxpm: What color is the drop?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: and i could get pics at the feild saturday most likely
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: He says hi
armanxpm: Hydro of the Crossfire.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: the drop is black
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: he just bought the tank new in august
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: so not for awhile
armanxpm: 68/45?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ya
armanxpm: Body in good shape?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: hell yea man
armanxpm: Ok, cool.
armanxpm: I got my reg back.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: there are small SMALL minor scrtaches where he tripped and sacrificed his nuts for the gun
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: sweetness
armanxpm: The gun is shooting darts, with the right paint to barrel match.
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: On the barrel?
armanxpm: Dark Angel w/ millling?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: near the highrise
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA wants to directly connect.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: gawd my friend is dumbn
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA is now directly connected.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: it looks exactly like this
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: cept double trigger
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: and diff volumizers
armanxpm: Sweet.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: this is a pic of the gun when he bought it from ME
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: heh
armanxpm: Lol, seriously?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
armanxpm: Does it look better now?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: well....different highrise, different volumizers, and different drop and tank
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i think it lookts a tad better
armanxpm: Cool.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
armanxpm: Straight trade?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: no you would need cash....or to let him keep the tank, and like 50 bucks or something
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ill let you two work it out
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: his SN is TheInformant91
armanxpm: AIM, right.
armanxpm: He is not on.
armanxpm: Ok, do you have Paypal?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i dont have paypal
armanxpm: www.paypal.com
armanxpm: Say I referred you.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: and since he has no idea what the hell paypal is, im assuming he doesn't either
armanxpm: freediran@hotmail.com is my Paypal.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: why do you get money?
armanxpm: Yes.
armanxpm: $5
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: $5 more for you.
armanxpm: Or your frien, I mean.
armanxpm: I can send you Money online.
armanxpm: You can transfer it to and from your bank account.
armanxpm: Safest way! They insure both you and I also.
armanxpm: freediran@hotmail.com - put that as referral.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: okay
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: he will do it when he gets home
armanxpm: ;-)
armanxpm: You could not have him do it now?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: also, he says he has no problem sending first, because his step dad is an attorney and he feels like he has a bigger penis saying that
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: Sounds good.
armanxpm: Ok, here is what I can do.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ok
armanxpm: My gun + $100 Paypal - you get the money Immediately.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: He says okay, but he gets to keep a volumizer, because one technically does nothing anyways
armanxpm: Just one.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: heh
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: he is weird
armanxpm: Lol.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: he got dropped on his head when he was a baby or something
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: Ok, have him set up his Paypal.
armanxpm: Can you please?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i shall....but he will trade you his gun after this weekend
armanxpm: Ok, I have no problem with that.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: me myself, im going to go buy 2 new guns withe the insurance money :-D
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA direct connection is closed.
armanxpm: Dark Angel black,
KAPP drop
68/4500 Crossfire Nitro tank
.689 14in boomy
One new twisted black volumizer
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yes
armanxpm: For My gun and $100
armanxpm: Can you please get me the Hydro date on the tank.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea when he gets home he just left
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: so he should be home in about 30 min
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: cause he was *****in he had the munchies
armanxpm: Lol, ok.
armanxpm: Thanks, bud
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: no prob
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: heh....guess what kyles gettin?
armanxpm: Lol, what?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: http://www.rightattitudepaintball.bigstep.com/item.jhtml?UCIDs=573581%7C573591&PRID=700325
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: 1 of those
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: http://www.rightattitudepaintball.bigstep.com/item.jhtml?UCIDs=573581%7C573591&PRID=271518
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: and one of those
armanxpm: OMG!
armanxpm: Super sweet!
armanxpm: With the Insurance money?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: hehhehehe
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: What kind of KAPP drop was it?
armanxpm: KAPP 2?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: dunno
armanxpm: No problem

armanxpm: His dad is a lawyer, huh?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
armanxpm: Cool, can he help you get your guns back? The ones that you got frauded on?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: nope
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: dude why would i want them back i get 2 new angels
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: heh
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: Yeah.
armanxpm: Lol!!!
armanxpm: He cant ship tommorow?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: no after the weekend
armanxpm: Oh, you guys have a game?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: we surely do
armanxpm: Cool.
armanxpm: Can he send it Monday?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: most likely
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: heh
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: brb
armanxpm: Ok.