View Full Version : My Xmod is coming :)

03-13-2008, 08:55 AM
I cant wait for my xmod to come. I just ordered it. I hope its as good as people say it is :)

03-13-2008, 09:34 AM
I cant wait for my xmod to come. I just ordered it. I hope its as good as people say it is :)

Oh yeah baby. :shooting:

Once you are up and running you will be kicking yourself for not doing it sooner. Just heed my advice on a few things.

after you have done that and you are ready to install the software on your gun,

3) Keep the manual OPEN :-)

4) If you do not already have, pick up the cheap set of digital calipers that Lornecash recommends in the manual. They are an important tool to have in your tool box if you are going to be tinkering with your mags.

5) Get your hands on a compass and check the noid polarity as per the manual. Do this right away AFTER flashing your gun and BEFORE you start to tune things. If the noid wires need to be reversed, do it. It will save you headaches. If you cant solder, drop me a line.

6) measure your on/off pin. Shorten it to .700, at least. With the stock size pin .716 you will only get roughly 15bps out of it. I run all of my guns at .700 and .690.

7) Once you are set up and the gun is ripping, be aware that the trigger rod can cause the gun to bounce in E mode. If the gun continues to fire after releasing the trigger (and you have the FIX up high and the solenoid is wired correctly)- check the trigger rod length and shorten it.

If you need help, drop me a line.

03-13-2008, 01:10 PM
are you getting an xmag or xmod?

Big E, I am runing the .712 pin and i can get to 18bps off of 800psi or 22bps off of 1100psi. doing the pin shaving think i can get to the 31? :ninja: running the newest style dynaflow

03-13-2008, 01:41 PM
are you getting an xmag or xmod?

Big E, I am runing the .712 pin and i can get to 18bps off of 800psi or 22bps off of 1100psi. doing the pin shaving think i can get to the 31? :ninja: running the newest style dynaflow

The Dynaflow makes it VERY EASY to get some killer ROF. I use them myself. There are sme major elves in those regs. With a normal tank, shave the pin. I tune all the guns with a Nitro duck pre-set at 800psi. If it will work with that, it will work with a better tank. You can also play with the plunger length, but that's hit or miss. Sometimes it makes matters worst.

Every gun has its own distinct personality and some you can get to work better than others. I think the best I have seen anyone get an emag to is 26bps (and that was just going by the BPS setting of the gun). I think TyMcneer did one, and that golden MicroEmag I got running for BioJuggernaught did also. But on the micro E I think I had the pin length down to something like .675 or something totally insane like that. I had it working like that on 800-850 psi.

03-13-2008, 02:14 PM
Big E you should have all that info in a sticky! when you say you have the pins in "all" your guns that length does that include mech and pnuemags if you have them? or are you just talking about emag/x mag

03-13-2008, 02:38 PM
Big E you should have all that info in a sticky! when you say you have the pins in "all" your guns that length does that include mech and pnuemags if you have them? or are you just talking about emag/x mag

Just the Emags. The solenoid stops the gun from 'running away'. Mechs I usually go by trial and error until I get a pin I like.

03-13-2008, 03:36 PM
well i got an extra emag pin ill play with and see what #'s i can get. :shooting:

03-13-2008, 05:07 PM
well i got an extra emag pin ill play with and see what #'s i can get. :shooting:

I just did an e-tach for my friend that was bone stock. Stock trigger, stock pin, everything. With the .716 pin I was able to get it to work fine up to 20 bps. (board settings). The FIX was 0 and it didnt bounce at all. Definitely one of the easier ones ive come across. Must have a "type A" personality.

03-13-2008, 05:12 PM
yea BigE, I know what you mean by personality, as mine seems to like the high pressure, and if you try to feed it 800 it will work OK, but give it 1200 or up and it will love you forever(at 27 BPS board settings...:)), though I still have the stock pin length. what are you using to turn down the pin...I am assuming lathe, of which I wish I could own...

03-13-2008, 07:09 PM
yea BigE, I know what you mean by personality, as mine seems to like the high pressure, and if you try to feed it 800 it will work OK, but give it 1200 or up and it will love you forever(at 27 BPS board settings...:)), though I still have the stock pin length. what are you using to turn down the pin...I am assuming lathe, of which I wish I could own...

i used an axe grinded, then forgot my tank is out of air

03-13-2008, 07:22 PM
How do you shorten it?

Dark Side
03-13-2008, 07:43 PM
I cant wait for my xmod to come. I just ordered it. I hope its as good as people say it is :)

You will never look back; but only kick yourself for not getting it sooner. Just do what BigE tells you to. Follow the manual to a T.

03-13-2008, 07:45 PM
yea BigE, I know what you mean by personality, as mine seems to like the high pressure, and if you try to feed it 800 it will work OK, but give it 1200 or up and it will love you forever(at 27 BPS board settings...:)), though I still have the stock pin length. what are you using to turn down the pin...I am assuming lathe, of which I wish I could own...

No lathe - I wish.... I just measure it with a digital caliper, and SLOWLY grind the narrow end on either my grinding wheel or dremel. Just make sure its nice and flat when you are done.

03-13-2008, 07:46 PM
grind it checking with the caliper ever 3 seconds worked for me

03-14-2008, 03:38 AM
bigevil i will prob drop you a pm when i am about to flash it.