View Full Version : First Tourney "back"

03-15-2008, 10:06 PM
Today I played in the newly formed GFOA series with some good buddies from two teams I played on over the last couple of years. The current team is Dynamic, made up of old members of Dynamic, the original Havok, and of course Team Twisted.
The capt. of the team was nice enough to offer me a standing invitation to play with them any time. It worked out that they thought they would be short of players due to the finacial situation of one of them. Luckily for me five others showed up and I was only needed as an alternate.
It was great to get on the field at that level again. We played in the open division and several of the teams we came up against were really good. I played anchor/home in the three games I participated in. I got clipped hanging my marker out in the first game while reloading...newbie mistake, did really well controlling lanes in the second, and held my own for a while till I went down in a gun battle in my third.
My mobility needs to be a bit better as I was having problems bumping out to secondaries, and in that third game it really cost us. I would have been in a much better position to defend and prevent movement in a bunker I was unsure of my ability to get to quick enough.
Overall it was a great experiance and it fed the fire for me to get up, get out and get back on track. Although my "leg" sure does hurt now...lol.

Its kind of funny, eveyone saw me limping and kept telling me to "walk it out". To avoid undue attention I just went along. It is one hell of a twisted ankle.

03-15-2008, 10:35 PM
thats awesome dude! Kudos to you for really not letting a crap situation tear you down. Seriously.


03-15-2008, 10:40 PM
LOL, "walk it out"

Great that you're out and enjoying the game :cheers:

03-16-2008, 12:42 PM
Nice! It's good to hear that you're back in the game and workin that leg out.

03-16-2008, 12:55 PM
We used to have a player at the field from time to time who used a prothesis. Not sure of the level of injury.

It was interesting, he played mid / front and after he got to his first bunker he would pull is leg off and "dispose" it behind him (I guess he had issues with not being aware of placement). Kinda made you feel you could play no matter what.

Kudos to those who don't let aversity of great levels keep them from what they enjoy.

03-16-2008, 11:55 PM
We used to have a player at the field from time to time who used a prothesis. Not sure of the level of injury.

It was interesting, he played mid / front and after he got to his first bunker he would pull is leg off and "dispose" it behind him (I guess he had issues with not being aware of placement). Kinda made you feel you could play no matter what.

Kudos to those who don't let aversity of great levels keep them from what they enjoy.

wouldnt that qualify as leaving equipment behind?? lol

03-17-2008, 10:26 AM
wouldnt that qualify as leaving equipment behind?? lol

I think it was the same as the day I played on crutches - medical equipment was considered disposable :) Hehe, but yeh, the first time watching when you didn't know you were like... :eek: :confused:

03-17-2008, 12:30 PM
I am actually looking forward to my balance and confidence being high enough to remove my leg and place it with the foot hanging out one side of the bunker....I will just lay in wait and whack folks from the other side.

Old School 626
03-17-2008, 03:11 PM
Rock on! :headbang: