View Full Version : When will it be enough????

01-18-2002, 12:05 AM
After hearing about all the features of the new Angel I've started to wonder...when will it be enough? Do we really need to shoot 22-30 bps? Do we really need a marker I can email myself with? When will it all be enough? who asked for these kinds of features? I've been around computers since i was a child and i've seen the huge progression they've gone through...but i don't see a lot of people asking for these features..Do we want an Xtreme eMag with the same features or would we really just be content with a good light marker that's forgiving on paint and could really take a beating?

01-18-2002, 12:09 AM
Ah grasshopper, you have asked an essential question! That question I too seek to answer....


01-18-2002, 12:11 AM
That angel is just dumb... Soon it'll have satellite internet capabilities and will use AOL version 15.7 or whatever. Who the frick cares about instant messeging or emailing your teammates in the middle of a game!?!? It's just supposed to be a friggin paintball gun not a 10 in 1 house appliance!!! Soon they'll be chopping tomatoes, blending shakes, and cooking rice at this rate!

01-18-2002, 12:14 AM
I don't think we need all the new features but i dont think people that play rec need that great of a gun in the first place. My mag does fine in small turneys and rec and i dont plan on gettin a new gun until i wanna play big turneys(that is i ever have the chance). I'm not saying better guns isnt good for the industry but i think when paintballs fly through guns as accurately as bullets do in real guns i think that'll be the day i'll go !wow!

01-18-2002, 12:18 AM
me personally...I'd rather have a nice sweet looking Blue "Dave" X-Treme eMag and a 68/45 Flatline...and as far as that new Angel...It can have an Ethernet Hookup for Broadband internet access for all I care..but i still wouldn't touch the sucker..AGD has treated me way too good for me to even think about changing markers....much less to an Angel full of overpriced cr*p that does me no good anyways...if you don't have game, you don't have game..being able to instant message your friends isn't going to make up for that...like RobAGD's sig says...don't let ROF make up for your lack of game...

01-18-2002, 12:39 AM
right on bunny!

01-18-2002, 12:46 AM
Ill be the first to buy the teleportation angel!

Beam me to the FLAG!

sereously, semi, burst and maybe full auto for scenario games and putzing around is probably all I want in a gun.

Just as long as it shoots paintballs reliably.

01-18-2002, 12:58 AM
But...Will it sell?

I bet it does. People like the "coolest gadget" factor. It's what makes angels ( $1000+ 'cockers and dare I say, E-Mags) popular. It's why there are so many aftermarket goodies for 'cockers. Paintballers are a vain bunch.

01-18-2002, 01:35 AM
I think, you donīt need it!
But this gun will sell like hell, because everyone wantīs to be up to date and send EMails with his marker ... ;)
For me, the simplicity of a marker is more important. Itīs so much useless stuff added on the new Angel...
Different fiering modes, a ACE (to prevent chopping really good) and a good trigger is all a gun needs (Of course a good design too).
So, I wonīt buy the Angel only because of the millions of features, but because of the quality of the marker!
Thats the point: If the marker is bad, you could add tons of stuff and I also wonīt buy it!
For a good marker like the Angel, it looks a little bit too much like a shiny toy with a lot of glittering, flashing stuff :rolleyes:

01-18-2002, 02:00 AM
The features are just dumb, I mean no one will use them. I like the game timer on the Emag, and a clock would be cool(I never wear a watch and always have to ask what time it is...usually no one knows :D), but messengers? Diffrent modes of fire? Fignomonomoters? Why do we need this stuff? I mean, most people only use semi anyways, Ive messed with the burst modes on my Emag, but not even with paint. Just in the house to see what its like. If the Emag was a little easier on brittle paint I think it would be perfect(or if there was a modular that took mag barrels! The Matrix has one!)...or maybe if you had a cerebral uplink(Brain Intellishoot!) you think about shooting and it shoots! :D:D:D!


01-18-2002, 03:27 AM
well let's see. keep the same angel and give it new names? add a few stupid useless features and a few hundred dollars to the price tag and sell many more? i think we've found the winner. let's face it. all the people that buy these 2000 dollar barometer's with email capabilities that sometimes shoot paint, have the money to blow. the little 10 year olds that tell their parents to start them off with paintball and they dive into their wallets to whip out 5 grand for their son. do you think they have any problems busting out a few hundred extra dollars to buy some inane angel with some extra features? of course not. angels aren't meant for the average person. they're meant for the people with money to burn. throwing all these features in there just makes it easier and more of a profit.

all in all, i don't think it's a bad deal. i think it's just more things to break.

01-18-2002, 06:27 AM
I remember the old days of computers where the commodore 64 was top of the line and now hearing about some of the features on the angel it puts my commodore that is stored in my basement to shame. If I really wanted something like that I would probably buy an emag and attempt to hook it up to my PDA but to its excessive not nescessary.

I think I will continue to use my strictly mechanical guns until I feel I can play just as well with a mag or an e-mag. To me electronic markers are for more advanced players that need the winning edge that extra BPS. For the people who play for a week and go out and buy a thousand dollar gun. Good for you, but remember just because you spent more doesn't mean it will make you more of a player it will only spoil you.

01-18-2002, 07:56 AM
if you noticed, AGD is the only company that will agree with you in that field. Any other manufacturer is constantly seeking the bigger and badder stuff, stuff you really don't need and that will do nothing more than drain your wallet. But look at Tom, he's had the Automag for somewhere around 10 years now! With the mag unleashed into the world, it conquered the sport and no one thought it could be better. Hell, my mag is about 8 years old and i've had not one problem with it. I have absolutely no complaints. I am filled with the memories of tagging out the guys who just spent $1500 on an angel, and the sheer joy of watching them walk off the field kickin the dirt because some guy with a 8 year old gun nailed them when they were wide open. But it's all about progression and marketing. We live in a capitalist society where the larger corporations determine how and where you spend your money. This is why i've stuck with AGD, because AGD doesn't do that crap. As a result of which i'll always have my mag, and i'll always be there to watch the guy with the angel kick the dirt.

01-18-2002, 08:18 AM
Guys why hate things so much? People seem to want to slag it off just because it isn't an AGD product.

Originally posted by MajorDamage
The features are just dumb,

So you think an anti chop device and a more ergonomic grip are dumb? Did you think that, when AGD said they would be doing it with their products?

Also you think the fact that they are trying to ensure you always have a ball ready to be loaded is dumb?

You think the ability to fine tune a timer is dumb? These are things all players should appreciate. Some of the other stuff is just 'fluff', but it certainly isn't all dumb.

Originally posted by TheBigRaguPB4L
well let's see. keep the same angel and give it new names? add a few stupid useless features and a few hundred dollars to the price tag and sell many more? i think we've found the winner

It's not the same Angel. It is the same basic design operation but it is a different body (smaller and lighter) and it has different internals which are designed to be improved, faster and smoother and more consistant. The basic concept is the same, some parts are improved and it has lots of new features. Some of the features are useful some are not, but most of them are quite cool.

It's sad to see people hating just for the sake of it.


01-18-2002, 09:33 AM
I know why they have the email and chat on the new Angels! I cannot believe nobody figured it out!!! With this feature they have something to do while they are sitting in the deadbox with their $1500.00+++ gun :):):) I cannot believe the price they are charging for those guns. Knock half of the useless BS off of the gun and drop the price. I have a rookie team and one of the players wants to get one. He has never played a tournament game in his life but he wants to spend all of that money to buy that gun. The gun does not make the player. They all look the same in the deadbox.

01-18-2002, 09:45 AM
Typically when advertising a product, one lists the FEATURES and BENEFITS. Now, WarpedSports has a list as long as your arm on new FEATURES? What, if any, are the true benefits of thier IR3?

There are some new benefits, but they dont really make it clear. I mean, if I made a new emag with new "wonder bolt" - which was just a basic AGD bold with a 4 star vs 3 star insert - there wouldnt be a benefit, its just different.

There are people who like the gadgetude involved, but generally, if people dont see the VALUE of such features, then they are less likely to shell out the cash.

Of course, people still buy features with NO benifits (Feature, add an ANS front in to your STO Cocker. Benifit, none, you just swapped out parts that acutally arent as good for the most part)

Still there are others who will buy it just so they can say they have what is percieved as "the best"

01-18-2002, 10:07 AM
You know what I hate about it? The price Tag.:) I would love to see how some of these things work, The trap door feed, the anti-chop eye (sounds more advanced than the AGD idea), and the Grip / Trigger assembly. It sounds like a lot of complicated adjustments, but if it works once it's set, I think it's a cool idea.

01-18-2002, 10:11 AM
Out of all the features that are listed on the new angel the only thing that sounds like an improvement to my ears is the ACE. I rode the WDP bandwagon for a year and in that time I got pretty decent at trouble shooting sick angels. Probably because every conceivable thing that could go wrong with them happened to mine. I just hope that wdp has spent as much time fixing the problems that existed as they have cramming more stuff in there to break. I better sign off on this one, my E-mag just told me it needed a shot of oil.;)

01-18-2002, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by manike
Guys why hate things so much? People seem to want to slag it off just because it isn't an AGD product.

So you think an anti chop device and a more ergonomic grip are dumb? Did you think that, when AGD said they would be doing it with their products?

Also you think the fact that they are trying to ensure you always have a ball ready to be loaded is dumb?

You think the ability to fine tune a timer is dumb? These are things all players should appreciate. Some of the other stuff is just 'fluff', but it certainly isn't all dumb.

It's not the same Angel. It is the same basic design operation but it is a different body (smaller and lighter) and it has different internals which are designed to be improved, faster and smoother and more consistant. The basic concept is the same, some parts are improved and it has lots of new features. Some of the features are useful some are not, but most of them are quite cool.

It's sad to see people hating just for the sake of it.


I see your point but it's still crazy that an angel could double as one of those messenger things. You know, the text beepers from motorolla were cool but adding it in an angel is kinda extreme. I don't even want an emag because it wouldn't benifit. I feel exactly the same for the angel. If I wanted an angel with improved stuff like the ir3 I would wait for one without all the nifty doo-dads and gadgets on it. I just want a hardcore paintball gun with only the necessities. I think that if they made the ir3 with features like the emag without manual it would be awesome.

01-18-2002, 06:29 PM
I think it sounds pretty cool actually. It seems like I could have more fun just sitting in my house playing with it than actually playing paintball. If I had a spare 1500 bucks lying around I'd probably pick one up. I am really curious about that 3 pivot trigger or whatever it is. I bet it will sell very very well. I'm gonna have to stick with my emag for now. I'll get an extreme body at some point.

01-18-2002, 08:21 PM
every body is missing the point

if a new piece comes out...someone will buy it ---probably an experienced paintballer

what happens to his old marker? well, it either becomes a back up or is sold to another paintballer

well, what happens to that paintballer's old marker? it gets sold to another paintballer and so on and so on and so on..

BUT - what breaks the chain? When it is sold to a new paintballer..

It gets more people in the game and helps our sport grow..

Don't worry about - 20bps in the hand of player won't neccissaiily put you out - it will only make you a better player....

It's like vehicles...Why a 2002 GMC Avalanche when a 1970 suburban will still get you around :D

my thoughts - I could be wrong


01-18-2002, 09:16 PM