View Full Version : To "AO moderation team"

03-19-2008, 01:57 AM
Hey, if you are going to mod a post, at least have the guts to put your name. Please explain to me how what I posted was disrupting his sale thread? I have over 1k in my PP, Im always ready to pick up new stuff for the right price. His marker, no boubt about it, is a nice set up. I put OBO? $650 For you to think you can simply erase my offer because YOU think Im not being genuine is crap. I have bought from going before when he lists his stuff at an acceptable rate, and I will in the future, again at an acceptable rate. I guess you haven't been around on the feedback forums, I do a LOT of buying and selling...

Edit.......Ok now its a WARNNING. If you have an issue please PM the poster.

He has an item for sale for a price. If you are not intrested dont troll the thread.

This rule applies to YOU

#12. No disruption of a users For Sale thread, if you don't like the price then DON'T Post anything. Be respectful of their thoughts as to the items value.

I made a legit offer at a legit price, I had things to trade, noticed he didn't take trades. I didn't say anything about his asking price in my offer. Everything I put in my post was 100% true, the xmag lowers are milled like none I have seen before, I do have a one of a kind ULE length Ripper body, and the rail is a one of a kind (Ive never seen one like it) milled rail and I do have pictures.... He then posted he would take trades...... Don't see how this is an offense to the rules as YOU see it. I expect you to go around to every BST forum and change every ones offer, and warn them, you obviously can read minds so you will know when their offer is legit or not.

03-19-2008, 02:20 AM
to be honest ill back up air on this one that mag isnt worth what he was asking in my eyes .........and airs seemed like a real offer to me guys :confused: im not starting crap but to change someones offer is messed up :mad: were talking money now and personally i would have taken it a lil bit worse than air and i would have been :cuss: alot more .....

AO Moderation Team
03-19-2008, 11:03 AM
If you had read the post you would have seen no trades.

It should be noted the first post in the new thread, yours, was removed.

It should also be noted the poster removed his first thread to start a new one. Why did he Have to do that? Why did you remove your offer in the new thread?

Sure looked like you were being sarcastic. If that was wrong and a mistake was made then we are sorry for the confusion.

03-19-2008, 12:57 PM
very admerable of you guys! :clap: one of the reasons i stay around here good mods 99% of the time and when they are wrong they say sorry :cheers:

03-19-2008, 02:28 PM
Thanks for the explanation. How about you PM me NEXT time instead of assuming which we all now what THAT does.

Plus it wasn't WE, Im sure you didn't have a meeting to discuss it. IF you did then sorry. If you moderate, at least stand behind it with you screen name.

03-19-2008, 03:34 PM
Come on guys. Let it go. Mistaken but legitimate action taken by the mod(s). Mistaken, but legitimate. All is well now, right? :cheers:

If mods always waited to contact someone before editing their posts, edits would never get done. Sometimes mistakes get made. At least the Mod Team is willing to discuss reasons.

Oh, and the moderators using an anonymous name doesn't seem bad to me at all. My understanding is that if one mod gets out of line using the name, the others will tell them, otherwise, you can assume that any message from the Mod Team comes from all of them.

03-19-2008, 05:02 PM
very admerable of you guys! :clap: one of the reasons i stay around here good mods 99% of the time and when they are wrong they say sorry :cheers:

Come on guys. Let it go. Mistaken but legitimate action taken by the mod(s). Mistaken, but legitimate. All is well now, right? :cheers:

If mods always waited to contact someone before editing their posts, edits would never get done. Sometimes mistakes get made. At least the Mod Team is willing to discuss reasons.

Oh, and the moderators using an anonymous name doesn't seem bad to me at all. My understanding is that if one mod gets out of line using the name, the others will tell them, otherwise, you can assume that any message from the Mod Team comes from all of them.

We talking about the same mod team here? This is the mod team that refused to clarify a rule and decided to enforce it as it wasn't written, even after tons of users asked for clarification. Eventually they got sick of me and others pointing out all the new users that didn't understand the rule (because it wasn't written properly) and they changed it in the wrong thread, and called me an idiot for not seeing it in the wrong thread. Once that all came out, all those posts got bombed, so don't bother looking.

I've never had the mod team storm into one of my sale threads because someone posted an offer, even though I tell people not to post offers in my threads. But hey, I've been flamed by people who have blatantly said that they were flaming, yet the mod team didn't see fit to even edit those posts. I'd be banned pretty damn fast if I ever did anything similar. Moderation here depends less on the rules and more on the user being moderated.

03-19-2008, 05:16 PM
the point was THEY SAID SORRY

03-19-2008, 05:54 PM
We talking about the same mod team here? This is the mod team that refused to clarify a rule and decided to enforce it as it wasn't written, even after tons of users asked for clarification. Eventually they got sick of me and others pointing out all the new users that didn't understand the rule (because it wasn't written properly) and they changed it in the wrong thread, and called me an idiot for not seeing it in the wrong thread. Once that all came out, all those posts got bombed, so don't bother looking.

I've never had the mod team storm into one of my sale threads because someone posted an offer, even though I tell people not to post offers in my threads. But hey, I've been flamed by people who have blatantly said that they were flaming, yet the mod team didn't see fit to even edit those posts. I'd be banned pretty damn fast if I ever did anything similar. Moderation here depends less on the rules and more on the user being moderated.

might want to edit that
and let it go man...

03-19-2008, 09:59 PM
Mods have a tough job. There are times when they've been out of line, but the mods on AO are better than most. Notwithstanding what they may or may not have done in the past, I believe this issue has been solved acceptably. Is there even a reason for this thread to stay open?

03-19-2008, 10:06 PM
nope i vote closed

AO Moderation Team
03-19-2008, 11:45 PM
But hey, I've been flamed by people who have blatantly said that they were flaming, yet the mod team didn't see fit to even edit those posts. I'd be banned pretty damn fast if I ever did anything similar. Moderation here depends less on the rules and more on the user being moderated.

We didnt see fit, maybe we didnt even see it in the first place. You think we can read EVERY post in EVERY thread in EVERY forum on this board? The answer is the members. Did you even bother to report the post? If you had I would bet some action would have been taken if it was called for. Aside from spam reports does anybody bother to report with a reason??

I can tell you this, if a report is made it will get looked at and action will be taken if needed.

To the second part, thats a load. There have been standing members that have got a ban[ask BE] because it was called for. You know this because you have seen it.

Thanks for the explanation. How about you PM me NEXT time instead of assuming which we all now what THAT does.

Plus it wasn't WE, Im sure you didn't have a meeting to discuss it. IF you did then sorry. If you moderate, at least stand behind it with you screen name.

You are Welcome, but how about you dont tell us what to do. Next time you have an issue try PMing a mod instead of making a thread. Have you not been warned before?

Every Mod speaks for the Team, so the SN doesnt matter. Just so ya know there is a Mod forum where things are reviewed.

03-19-2008, 11:56 PM
If you had read the post you would have seen no trades.

Just to mention, asking for a trade in a thread that says "no trades" is a pretty common thing around here... just saying... and those threads don't get shut down or modified... I don't think...

AO Moderation Team
03-20-2008, 12:15 AM
Just to mention, asking for a trade in a thread that says "no trades" is a pretty common thing around here... just saying... and those threads don't get shut down or modified... I don't think...

Ya we know. This board is pretty under moderated as far as it goes. Unless a member reports a post lots of crap slides around here. If its to much bother to report or the thread starter doesnt care does it matter?

AO Moderation Team
03-20-2008, 12:32 AM
Is there even a reason for this thread to stay open?

Probably not, but out of respect for the thread starter it wont get locked untill it goes South.

We really dont like to edit, close or remove untill you all make us. :argh:

03-20-2008, 12:41 AM
Since you are here, AO Moderation Team, am I supposed to get email notifications of PM's and post that I subscribe to? I have my address filled in but I never get emails letting me know I got a PM or a thread has updated. Is this feature broken, turned off or should I do something different on my end? Is my email some how black listed? :ninja:


Hilltop Customs
03-20-2008, 01:37 AM
User CP----->edit options(on the left menu bar)----->2nd titled box down " Messaging & Notification "

change "Default Thread Subscription Mode" to whichever email you want, instant, daily, weekly

then right under is "Private Messaging" click the box to the left of "Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages"

good luck! :cool:

03-20-2008, 07:50 AM
Moved my eMail issue content to new thread... Thanks

03-20-2008, 01:10 PM
Just so ya know there is a Mod forum where things are reviewed.

I can just picture the whole mod staff... Army and Beamer talking to each other in the Mod Forum. :spit_take

03-20-2008, 04:07 PM
might want to edit that
and let it go man...
Why? I'm not breaking any rules, and as much as I disagree with the mod team they seem to be pretty good at figuring out that I'm just debating and not flaming.

We didnt see fit, maybe we didnt even see it in the first place. You think we can read EVERY post in EVERY thread in EVERY forum on this board? The answer is the members. Did you even bother to report the post? If you had I would bet some action would have been taken if it was called for. Aside from spam reports does anybody bother to report with a reason??

I can tell you this, if a report is made it will get looked at and action will be taken if needed.

Yes, the posts were reported by myself and several other members, including the one where the user specifically stated that he was flaming me. Also, Beemer and Army posted in that thread multiple times. It was during the whole ban-stick crap back in december, and since I was disagreeing with you guys people could apparently get away with flaming me. I've reported a lot of posts that haven't been touched, including really clear cut ones like spam. I realize you're a bit understaffed, but please don't claim that all reported posts are dealt with; there are more than a few that slip through the cracks.

To the second part, thats a load. There have been standing members that have got a ban[ask BE] because it was called for. You know this because you have seen it.
No, I'm talking about the other way around, users being allowed to run wild because they're all buddy-buddy with the right people. You think if I posted a thinly veiled attack on a guy doing a preorder that you guys would really let it go for 5 pages? I'm sure my topic would be locked, and depending on wording I'd most likely be banned. There are certain veteran types around here who I see routinely get warnings for things that get other people banned on the first offense.

03-20-2008, 04:57 PM
Why? I'm not breaking any rules

Heh. Check again, I was just nitpicking though, not quite that bad of a word. :)

03-20-2008, 10:23 PM
Hey, if you are going to mod a post, at least have the guts to put your name.

Like BlackVCG, LoadSM5, or something less anonymous? :)

03-21-2008, 12:12 AM
Army and Beamer

Aww gee now ya hurt my feelings and I wont get any sleep. :spit_take :cheers:

03-21-2008, 03:38 PM
Heh. Check again, I was just nitpicking though, not quite that bad of a word. :)
Oh, you mean crap. Nope, apparently if it's not on the cuss filter it's not cussing. Same goes for piss. They're filtered on a lot of sites, but not this one.

03-21-2008, 04:24 PM
Aww gee now ya hurt my feelings and I wont get any sleep. :spit_take :cheers:

Opps got your name and Beams mixed up. My bad.... but you all know what I meant! :ninja:

03-21-2008, 09:16 PM
There have been standing members that have got a ban[ask BE] because it was called for.

Then there have been users banned with no warnings as described by the TOS with no prior warnings for a misunderstanding of a rule. That means never, period, was I contacted by a mod or warned about a post. Just banned, and then summarily ignored when I requested an explenation(got one on PBN to the effect of "so what deal withit". No explenation of why the mods broke more of there rules than I broke here...)

But hey let's not nitpick right...

03-21-2008, 09:19 PM
Aggie... I don't know what you're talkin about.... noone ever breaks rules to enforce rules... and you know they always give you the explanation.... "Because I said so!!!"

Oh well..


03-23-2008, 04:30 PM
Oh, you mean crap. Nope, apparently if it's not on the cuss filter it's not cussing. Same goes for piss. They're filtered on a lot of sites, but not this one.

I actually meant the "D" word. Heh. Apparently it's all good though.


03-24-2008, 01:33 AM
I can just picture the whole mod staff... Army and Beamer talking to each other in the Mod Forum. :spit_take
But only after we give the super secret handshake.

03-24-2008, 03:33 AM
I like secret handshakes.

Target Practice
03-28-2008, 05:09 PM
dumb poster dumb thread

edit: page 2 snypa

03-28-2008, 07:31 PM
edit: page 2 snypa
Only if you're on noob forum settings. Whatup 40 posts per page can I get a hell yeah!

Target Practice
03-28-2008, 11:08 PM
Only if you're on noob forum settings. Whatup 40 posts per page can I get a hell yeah!

i need to budget my stupidity viewing

Ole Unka Phil
04-11-2008, 06:57 PM
Freakin whiners...

04-11-2008, 07:35 PM
Freakin whiners...Hey Phil! How the hell are ya! Call me sometime! ;)

Ole Unka Phil
04-11-2008, 08:00 PM
Alive and well...

Need to do that... Chew da fat!