View Full Version : FREE ENTRY to 2002 College and High School national Championships

01-18-2002, 07:19 PM

Thanks to the participation of our Gold Contributors AKALMP (http://akalmp.com/akalmp/akamain.htm), Diablo Direct (www.diablodirect.com), and PMI (www.pminetwork.com), as well as our host field, Challenge Park Xtreme (www.challengepark.com), the National Collegiate Paintball Association is able to offer all teams FREE ENTRY to the College and High School National Championships (www.nationals.college-paintball.com) on April 27. Paint will be $65/case or less for PMI Marballizer, Diablo Inferno and other brands to be added.

College and High School tournaments cater to a wide variety of skill levels, allowing the best to compete while providing a friendly and inexpensive environment for new teams to acquire the experience to become formidible forces on the field. All skill and equipment levels are welcome and encouraged to attend - college and high school tournament participants range from first-timers to multiyear veterans and use equipment from the most basic stock semi on CO2 to the latest high-tech electronic markers.

College teams who play in the NCPA include:

Drexel University - Purdue University - United States Military Academy - Michigan State University - University of Illinois - Iowa State University - University of Wisconsin, Whitewater - United States Military Academy - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Culinary Institute of America - University of Cincinatti - Michigan Technological University - Rutgers University - Ohio State University - Berry College - Steven's Technical Institute - Clemson University - University of Arizona - University of Georgia - Mississippi State University - University of Alabama - Kansas State University - United States Air Force Academy - University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) - and more!

The National Championships are the final event in the college season. While the winners of the National Championships become the National Champions, teams also receive ranking points towards an ego-building season title by attending various regional college tournaments. The complete college paintball tournament schedule can be found at www.tournaments.college-paintball.com, but includes:

February 16 - South Atlantic Coast Conference - Regulator's Outpost (www.regulatorsoutpost.com) in Dalton, GA - www.sacc.college-paintball.com

TBA - Iowa State University Indoor Invitational - Total Paintball in Davenport, IA - www.gpic.college-paintball.com

March 16 - Great Plains Intercollegiate Conference - Drop Zone Paintball (www.dropzonepaintball.com) near Topeka, Kansas - www.gpic.college-paintball.com

March 16 - South Atlantic Coast Conference - Regulator's Outpost (www.regulatorsoutpost.com) in Dalton, GA - www.sacc.college-paintball.com

March/April TBA - NorthEast Intercollegiate Conference - United States Military Academy (http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/4152/index2.html) at West Point, NY - www.neic.college-paintball.com

April 6 - Midwest Intercollegiate Tournament - Sniper Jack's (www.sniperjack.com) near Champaign, IL - www.mict.college-paintball.com

April 27 - College and High School National Championships - Challenge Park Xtreme (www.challengepark.com) in Joliet, IL - www.nationals.college-paintball.com

More information on the National Championships can be found at www.nationals.college-paintball.com. Please register for events early at www.register.college-paintball.com.

The National Collegiate Paintball Association is a nationwide, non-profit organization consisting of college paintball clubs across the country, formed to promote paintball at the college and high school levels. All college paintball clubs and teams are eligible for membership and the NCPA provides support to all college and high school clubs.

Any questions or comments may be directed to NCPA President Chris Raehl at [email protected] or (715)720-9131. Information on Industry Contribution Opportunities may be found at www.contribute.college-paintball.com. Information on the NCPA's college and high school programs may be found at www.college-paintball.com and www.high-school-paintball.com respectively.

Fields interested in hosting college and/or high school tournaments should contact their local college club or NCPA President Chris Raehl. A list of college clubs may be found at www.collegelist.college-paintball.com.

- Chris

01-18-2002, 07:19 PM
We'd love to have AGD out at the event. My E-Mag will be there. ;)

- Chris

01-18-2002, 07:41 PM
Does the team need to be endorsed by their school? I am interested, but our school does not support a paintball club.

01-18-2002, 08:00 PM
I'm gonna force whatever school I end up at to have a paintball team....

Or at least I'll start a club. Good work to all who have put effort into getting the college circuit going, you deserve a pat on the back!

01-18-2002, 08:09 PM
come on out tom,

you could draw some of the players into the shinging light of the emag extremes, and away from there precious angels :D

01-18-2002, 08:18 PM
You don't need to be recognized by your school. (It's helpful if you are because recognized clubs tend to get money, but the NCPA doesn't care either way.) Just need to bring ID's and schedules/transcripts so we know you're all going to college. (Or high school, as the case may be.)

- Chris

01-18-2002, 11:32 PM
Sounds good, I'll see about putting a team together.

01-19-2002, 12:04 AM
I will be there with my E-Mag too.

(e1ement5 <---- Plays for Drexel University)
And whats with the Rankings, last I heard Drexel was #1 ?

01-19-2002, 02:02 PM
Number one for now... Going 2-3 at the NEIC was certainly impressive, but with Naitonals counting double in the rankings, it'll mostly come down to how teams perform against each other in April 27th.

Are you guys going to stick around for the 10-man on Sunday?

- Chris

01-19-2002, 02:47 PM
I would love to take my team there.If i could find someone to sponser us,so i dont pay for travel(hint hint...AGD!)i have 5 man team,and they all go to my school,but my school doesnt have club or whatever.

01-19-2002, 04:16 PM
Which school do you go to? If you don't have a club, start one - it's usually pretty easy to do, just do it the same as you'd start any other club at your school. Some schools will give you money out of their student activities funds.

If you're within driving distance, the tournament itself is cheaper than a day of recball, and flying into Chicago is pretty inexpensive as well if you can't drive.

- Chris

01-19-2002, 04:28 PM
Element5, did you play with Drexel at the tourny at west point in the fall? I remember seeing them there, I was with RPI.

Rensselaer Polytech will be at the NEIC tourny at west point this spring. I dont know if we'll be able to make it to the national championships though. Hopefully we can. It would be really sweet if AGD could make it. Especially if they could come to the tourny at west point. Amy Low was there last time I remember.

01-19-2002, 06:52 PM
that sux, oh well. guess just forget about the west coast paintballers.

01-19-2002, 07:01 PM
Regional tournaments are generally run by conferences - MICT, NEIC, GPIC, SACC.... there isn't a conference out west yet. There's been some discussion about something in the Las Vegas area, but if you look at the list of college clus, the density of clubs there isn't enough to suport an event... yet.

That's not to say we wouldn't be game for running one - where are you located and what college do you go to If we can get 4 colleges who will send teams, we'll definitely do events - just havn't seen that yet on the west coast.

Let me know if you want to put something together. We'd definitely like to see events out there if there's interest.

- Chris

01-19-2002, 07:38 PM
No Drexel won't be playing the 10-man on sunday. This is gona be our first time to Challenge Park Xtreme, and we are gona have fun and play rec ball all day sunday. Woo Hoo!

01-19-2002, 08:52 PM
I don't know how many teams are going to be there for the 10-man, so it culd be something we just do for an hour or two just to see if we want to do it again.

- Chris

01-19-2002, 09:38 PM
I am from the Nortshore of Illinois, I go to Stevenson. Our school has made it perfectly clear they will not support or endorse any support of paintball organization. You can count on a team from me. :D

01-20-2002, 05:41 PM
Please head over to www.register.college-paintball.com and register for the tournament as soon as you get a chance. Also list your team at www.hslist.college-paintball.com - that lets us keep track of where teams are and send out information and put together events. What is your home field? Do you know of any other people from high schools in your area who would like to form HS teams?

One thing we're really trying to do is get regular local level high school leagues going. Basically the Nationals only closer and more often. (I.e. cheap fun and friendly). LMK if oyu'd be up for organizing something like this. Looks good on a resume/college application.

- Chris