View Full Version : The Ego all hype? Still on the fence

03-28-2008, 07:40 AM
I wanted to post this somewhere that I would not get instantly burned to death about having a less than fanboi opinion on this marker.

I recently purchased a used Ego7. It is a beautiful marker. Super light, good mill work, feels nice in my hand. It came with pretty much all the upgrade that it needs already having the zick kit and bump pistons. I actually had to look those up to see what they were...lol

The marker is easy to take apart and clean. Everything is laid out simply, much like any other stacked tube marker. Truly much along the lines of a marker that IMO it emulates in the timmy series. NO I am NOT saying this is a timmy, but it is much like it.

The user manual that came with is nice, well laid out and very thorough in its explaination of assembly, maintainance, etc.

Now let me got down to brass tacks. This marker would have cost me something in the neighborhood of 1200 bucks last year. The 8 version which is barely different is actually fetching a touch more than that this year. I paid half that, one year later, for a pretty much "fully upgraded" one. We can see already some point of issue here. If this marker is so damn nice, how come they are not holding any kind of value?
Not that many things are nowdays, mind you. About the only few things that I am actually familiar with that do are Mags and Vikes...anywho.

I got it home and the first thing I did was to diassemble, clean, re ring, and lube/oil in the appropriate places. It was apparent that the previous owner had taken very good care of this marker. It was not nasty and nothing was out of place or malfunctioning.

The first thing I noticed upon using it is that it has TERRIBLE consistancy issues. I went in search of answers and find that this is not an uncommon issue at all with this marker. There are threads all over the most common site (which I will leave unmentioned) about this and how to fix it.
Apparently this company, Bump, thought to make some improvements on the consistancy and efficency of the marker and designed these high priced "upgrade" pistons. As I can only compare this to a stock 7 that a buddy has...well I will wait a moment to get into that.
So in addition to these upgraded parts of apparently little actual affect on anything. I have this zick kit ram. Now the idea behind this is that it has a little cushion of air behind it and helps the marker not kick so bad. I have the stock rammer, but have yet to put it in....here is where the comparison to my buddies stock Ego7 comes in.
His marker has no discernable amount more kick than mine. He is using all stock parts. This $50 upgraded ram seems to be nothing more than a bragging point IMO. I actually had to set my dwell several ms higher than he was able to tune his to. As a result of the zick kit or the pistons I am unsure, but the result is that he is gaining efficency of a much higher order.
His consistancy is considerably greater...but there again, my mini has better consistancy than this Ego. I am experiancing velicity changes + and - 30 FPS. I have been through the regs, made recommended adjustments, new batteries, even had a local "expert" check everything out. I am now down to the apparent "go to" answer of, since I replaced all the orings perhaps it needs to break in again. A period of time that varies up to an incredible 10K cycles.......????

As far as that part goes I actually did get the stock pistons and rammer with the marker and am going to put those parts in as an experiment and see what changes if anything. However I cannot right now due to the newest and at this point most costly problem. I cannot change anything in programming because the LCD screen went out right after I got it.
Yes that's right. It was working fine. Played one game with it, didn't take any kind of hit to the grip frame, drop, or rough treatment. I brought it home, working fine. Layed it on a table I use for storing all my markers, in the house in climate control. Pick it up the next time to fiddle around in the back yard and guess what? No display. Of course it will power on and operate, but I have no idea what any settings are should I wish to change them. Luckily I had already spent a couple of afternoons, a case of paint, couple of tanks of air, and a battery in the chrono making adjustments to it to be both legal and as consistant as possible. Good thing too.....
So now I have no faith whatsoever in the stock board. I have owned Eclipse LCD boards before. Had this problem to a varying degree with some Zero B boards a while back, but would have thought they addressed this issue.
Instead of spending $50 to swap out and having to worry about it happening again, I went absolutely bat (crap) crazy and spent almost $170 on that new Tadao board with the OLED. Yes, here I have this over priced, value loosing, inconsistant beauty of a marker...and now I am throwing an almost 200 dollar designer board in it...I guess so I can be more agg?!?

Well I must say. The jury is still out on this. WAY out. I dunno if I did myself a service, or if I have jumped off in the middle of hyped out money pit, marker style. When I get the new board and am actually able to adjust my settings I am going to check and see whether the $100+ in "upgrades" actually just made it worse.

I will get back to you all about it. Until then...I love to shoot the thing, I love the feel, the weight, the profile. But at this point I kinda feel like a guy with a high maintainence, good looking girlfriend, who is a bad lay and can't cook.

EDIT**** Please read through and then check this thread.

03-28-2008, 08:19 AM
Great read! THANKS!. My experiences are the same with egos. Ever try a DP Fusion F8? IMO it shot just as good or better than the Ego7 I had. Dont know why I sold my F8...?

03-28-2008, 08:23 AM
Nice to hear your thoughts.

Re: inconsistency: I would suggest the first thing you do is put everything back to stock before you go any further. Try that, and then take it from there.

Secondly, the gun is still under warranty and it will cost you nothing to have the stock board fixed. The board will be replaced Free Of Charge.

I would suggest you contact [email protected] to get the board replaced, and he may also have some suggestions for the severe inconsistency. Obviously that level of fluctuation is not normal.

03-28-2008, 08:24 AM
IF a gun costs 1000$ shouldnt it work decent out of the box? this seriously sounds worse than a gun i bought, spyder electronic clone, back in 2002 for 180$ then.

03-28-2008, 08:26 AM
Hey Jack,

I am the second or possibly third owner of this marker. I have no idea when or where it was purchased new, and it has aftermarket pistons in it. I would imagine that all of that makes the warranty a non issue, wouldn't it?

I do plan on changing it all back to stock and see what happens as soon as I get the new board and can access settings.

03-28-2008, 08:31 AM
I have never owned an ego, but have used several of them. The local store-sponsored team uses them so they are very popular in the area. I have seen them be quite tight over the chrono... most of them between +/- 5 if not better. I have heard of those upgrades but quite honestly do not know what they do or whether or not they are any good. I know a lot of guys had been talking about the "cure bolt" for it, but once again.. just something I overheard at the shop. The +/- 30 does not sound right.. I'm hoping that maybe you were just unlucky and had a board going dead and it wasn't giving a consistent pulse to your solenoid.

I hate seeing people put a bunch of money into a gun that turns out to be a lemon. I don't want to mention this but it sounds like you have now spent $770 if I did the math correctly on that. I spent $100 more than that and picked up a brand new macdev droid. That's the most I've ever spent on a maker but I honestly feel it was one of the best choices I've made. I try to stick with AGD, AKA, Macdev, and PPS markers in my collection. I had sold my cyborg so I needed a new macdev marker and it just worked out.

I hope that ego works out for you. If it doesn't, I know a father & son who have played egos for a long time, and they recently both sold their egos and picked up DP Thresholds and have not looked back. And I hear DP is releasing a couple new dp markers this weekend.. can't wait to see what's next.

03-28-2008, 08:32 AM
Hey Jack,

I am the second or possibly third owner of this marker. I have no idea when or where it was purchased new, and it has after aftermarket pistons in it. I would imagine that all of that makes the warranty a non issue, wouldn't it?

I do plan on changing it all back to stock and see what happens as soon as I get the new board and can access settings.

No, the warranty does not work like that. As much as some people might like you to believe that Eclipse is an Evil Behemoth that cares not for its users, I think if you speak to Gerry (he is teching in HB this week, BTW) he will be more than happy to supply you with anything you need. It wouldn't matter if the gun had 200 previous owners, a Dye reg, a Ti rammer, a CP on/off, a re-ano and a custom bolt. The board would still get fixed free of charge for you.

03-28-2008, 08:34 AM
I have a feeling that tweaking your dwell will have a significant impact on your performance. Other than that, that's really weird. You might have gotten a bad egg or something...
A bunch of my teammates use Egos and theres are all pretty consistent.. and I shoot an Etek which is also very consistent.. though admittedly not as consistent as my PM5, which tends to shoot +/- 1 FPS :)

I would not say that Egos are all hype. A good bit of the newer models is hype, but they are still sweet, hi quality guns. For the most part, at least. Even my Etek, which is supposed to be a 'cheapo' Ego, seems to be made much better than any other electronic gun that I've used

03-28-2008, 08:35 AM
Sounds like my old PM6. I could never get the shot consistancy to be in "normal" range. As for the price of the gun, if you go out and spend more than $700 on a brand new gun then you are throwing your money away IMO. Just wait the one year and you can snag a fully uped one for half price like punkncat and hope its not a lemon.

03-28-2008, 08:37 AM
I have never owned an ego, but have used several of them. The local store-sponsored team uses them so they are very popular in the area. I have seen them be quite tight over the chrono... most of them between +/- 5 if not better. I have heard of those upgrades but quite honestly do not know what they do or whether or not they are any good. I know a lot of guys had been talking about the "cure bolt" for it, but once again.. just something I overheard at the shop. The +/- 30 does not sound right.. I'm hoping that maybe you were just unlucky and had a board going dead and it wasn't giving a consistent pulse to your solenoid.

I hate seeing people put a bunch of money into a gun that turns out to be a lemon. I don't want to mention this but it sounds like you have now spent $770 if I did the math correctly on that. I spent $100 more than that and picked up a brand new macdev droid. That's the most I've ever spent on a maker but I honestly feel it was one of the best choices I've made. I try to stick with AGD, AKA, Macdev, and PPS markers in my collection. I had sold my cyborg so I needed a new macdev marker and it just worked out.

I hope that ego works out for you. If it doesn't, I know a father & son who have played egos for a long time, and they recently both sold their egos and picked up DP Thresholds and have not looked back. And I hear DP is releasing a couple new dp markers this weekend.. can't wait to see what's next.

I had also seen and used several Egos previous to my purchase of this one. I have wanted one for some time and being the gun whore that I am, could not stay away as hard as I tried to convince myself to.
What actually drove me to get it was that a friend and ex team mate brought his up to the shop where I was hanging out and I took the time to clean and rebuild his. I took it out back afterward and it shot SO nice. It was unbelievable.

I am really hoping that it has something to do with either the board or some piece or part being out of adjustment or just plain broken/wrong for the marker.

03-28-2008, 08:38 AM
No, the warranty does not work like that. As much as some people might like you to believe that Eclipse is an Evil Behemoth that cares not for its users, I think if you speak to Gerry (he is teching in HB this week, BTW) he will be more than happy to supply you with anything you need. It wouldn't matter if the gun had 200 previous owners, a Dye reg, a Ti rammer, a CP on/off, a re-ano and a custom bolt. The board would still get fixed free of charge for you.

Thx, I will check into that then. If nothing else having a good stock board around is not a bad thing.

03-28-2008, 08:43 AM
When you speak to Gerry, you should also ask him to send you a couple of New-Style QEV diaphragms. This is the seal that lives inside the QEV body. It is quick ad easy to replace and may be another cause of inconsisteny. In fact, pull the QEV apart and take a look at the seal and make sure it is not cut/mis-placed.

03-28-2008, 08:44 AM
You gotta love that a head honcho from Eclipse managed to find his way into this thread so quickly. Think what you want about Eclipse, but I kinda like that level of customer service. I very much doubt any of the head guys from Dye or Smart Parts are going to post up on a thread about their markers in a forum dedicated to a competing company.

I don't mind egos, I just don't want to shoot something that everyone and their brother shoots. I still miss the beautiful nexus cockers :( But I'm happy Eclipse was able to find success, they always made quality stuff, and deserved it.

Punk, your issues sound like they must be an abberation. +- 30 FPS is just way, way too inconsistent. I think there are probably issues with Egos, and their resale blows (as dones any gun name which includes a year number), but I doubt they are THAT bad.

03-28-2008, 08:45 AM
I will get back to you all about it. Until then...I love to shoot the thing, I love the feel, the weight, the profile. But at this point I kinda feel like a guy with a high maintainence, good looking girlfriend, who is a bad lay and can't cook.

This is why I buy guns that are at LEAST 1 year old, there is enough information about the marker out there and I've had the oppertunity to try someone elses at the local field. Then I make the decision based on confort...and since the gun is 1-3 years old the price is rock bottom.

However I am a big fan of the rammer/poppit valve markers design (I shoot a intimidator for an electro..and always thought angels are hot, still want a G7 someday, never really thought all that highly of the ego) I have yet to find a poppit marker that wasn't easy to trouble shoot, fix, and maintain. But then again if you have basic functional knowlage about the marker you own troubble shooting, fixing, maintaining is easy on any platform you understand well enough.

03-28-2008, 08:58 AM
Damn, just read the thread on MCB. Sure is a lot of intelligent, informed love for the ego line. Who knows, maybe I should...

03-28-2008, 09:07 AM
Here in Brazil, people are crazy about Egos. What I've learned with time is that they shoot different from a Mag, meaning that the ball flyies in an arc shape and not so straight as a Mag. But I never heard of people complaining of inconsistency or board problems. Have you matched the paint and barrel? I know it's a dumb question, considering everything else you already did but that's the main consistency cause I've seen in the past years. Old and/or cheap paint being used with a high-end marker.

Today, in my humble opinion, if you want a stacked tube marker, the best to go with would be the new Bob Long's Vibe/Protege. It gets over 2000 shots with 68/45 tank (according to the manufacturer) and the price is fair, comparing to other high-end electronic markers. Add 4 eyes and Bob Long's quality and you should have a great marker.

03-28-2008, 09:11 AM
When you speak to Gerry, you should also ask him to send you a couple of New-Style QEV diaphragms. This is the seal that lives inside the QEV body. It is quick ad easy to replace and may be another cause of inconsisteny. In fact, pull the QEV apart and take a look at the seal and make sure it is not cut/mis-placed.

I'm not the original poster obviously but I'd like to thank you for coming here and helping one of your gun owners. The industry really lacks in companies that are willing to go out of their way to help their costumers.

03-28-2008, 09:28 AM
I'm not the original poster obviously but I'd like to thank you for coming here and helping one of your gun owners. The industry really lacks in companies that are willing to go out of their way to help their costumers.

No problem at all. I was just cruzin' around and bumped into this by complete fluke. As you can see, I am not a regular poster here, but I’d always do whatever I can to try and help out someone who is having an issue.

To be perfectly honest, I was a bit sceptical about posting in here at all. AGD forum members have a rather fearsome reputation......................I didn’t know how it would be received, but I thought the OP needed a little help, so I took the risk…….

03-28-2008, 09:33 AM
No problem at all. I was just cruzin' around and bumped into this by complete fluke. As you can see, I am not a regular poster here, but I’d always do whatever I can to try and help out someone who is having an issue.

To be perfectly honest, I was a bit sceptical about posting in here at all. AGD forum members have a rather fearsome reputation......................I didn’t know how it would be received, but I thought the OP needed a little help, so I took the risk…….

I think our bark is worse than our bite... its not like your last name is Gardner. Plus the Eclipse Splash parts for automags are still hot these days. That has to say something about Planet Eclipses Products.

03-28-2008, 09:33 AM
This is why I buy guns that are at LEAST 1 year old, there is enough information about the marker out there and I've had the oppertunity to try someone elses at the local field. Then I make the decision based on confort...and since the gun is 1-3 years old the price is rock bottom.

I am the same way. I have only ever bought one "new" gun: a classic Automag. Everything else I bought has been at least a year old. Heck, I bought an SFT Shocker from 03, and am now trading it for an 06 gun. I figure I'll let someone else eat the depreciation cost.

03-28-2008, 09:34 AM
To be perfectly honest, I was a bit sceptical about posting in here at all. AGD forum members have a rather fearsome reputation......................I didn’t know how it would be received, but I thought the OP needed a little help, so I took the risk…….

Courage is the resistance to fear, not the absence of fear.

03-28-2008, 09:41 AM

I dispached that email as you suggested. I will try to remember to mention the QEV part on a reply. If that part was torn wouldn't it leak from there?

Anyway, thanks much for your suggestion and support.


03-28-2008, 10:06 AM
No problem at all. I was just cruzin' around and bumped into this by complete fluke. As you can see, I am not a regular poster here, but I’d always do whatever I can to try and help out someone who is having an issue.

To be perfectly honest, I was a bit sceptical about posting in here at all. AGD forum members have a rather fearsome reputation......................I didn’t know how it would be received, but I thought the OP needed a little help, so I took the risk…….

I'm punkncat's friend with the 07 Ego, got an upped 05 too. I was just cruzin like you were and ran into this under new posts. I'm new to the whole forum thing, but been playing since 1986. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and even though I am new here too, these guys are way nicer, more informed, and just generally more helpfull than some other places I've been.

I just want to say THANK YOU, both to Jack and to the rest of you for helping my friend, his ego is way nice, and even though I'm a PTI cert. airsmith, the consistency is not like mine and has me at a little of a loss. :tard: :confused: :cuss:

Our concensus before was to return to stock and then try to work backwards, swapping the ram and piston out to see where we were. Never fear, one of us will keep you guys posted. And for the record, I'm not inpressed with the bump pistons, I don't see spending the money on them, but the marker came with them. The Zick ram is way woth the money, IMO!! I think that looking at the QEV may have a point. Could be bad, dirty, etc. I helped him rebuild it, so I know everything else is good oring wise. Thanks again, and BTW, I should be getting a Tac One :hail: with a qbow kit here in @ 7-10 days, I can't sleep (really)!!! Clay :headbang: :shooting: :cheers:

03-28-2008, 10:17 AM
Hey, Martin, I the more I think @ it, the more I want to teardown your QEV and replace the hoses if my newfound hose is the same. I remember working on a cocker, and a shocker, both had bad inconsistendy issues, and they were both dirty. The qev on the ram for the cocker, and air galleries and manifold screws on the shocker(too much lube plus dirt, water, oil = crud that took 45 minutes to clean out!) We never went into your QEV. Any way, see you this afternoon. Clay

03-28-2008, 10:53 AM
I will get back to you all about it. Until then...I love to shoot the thing, I love the feel, the weight, the profile. But at this point I kinda feel like a guy with a high maintainence, good looking girlfriend, who is a bad lay and can't cook.

Oh the ego GFU can cook, but she puts too much habanero in everything, so each bite is like a gut punch. I much prefer my egomag GFU, shooting her is smooth like butter dripping off a hot biscuit. < (paraphrased, not my line).

03-28-2008, 11:05 AM
The PE guns are great, but I just don't believe in having to pay an inordinate amount of money for some minor differences in each gun model. Not much has changed on the PE platform since it came out but yet the minor upgrades each year make the kids want to spend their money for the latest & greatest.
Although to be honest with you guys, as long as the gun is tuned properly the gun works great. If it's having inconsistency's a couple of o-rings are a possible suspect. I know one of the PE techs at Huntington Beach this weekend, ask for Steve and he should be able to help you guys out.

03-28-2008, 01:06 PM
I'm not the original poster obviously but I'd like to thank you for coming here and helping one of your gun owners. The industry really lacks in companies that are willing to go out of their way to help their costumers.



Don't be afraid of AOers, we're all paintballers in the end :cheers:

Empyreal Rogue
03-28-2008, 01:24 PM
It's funny that you said this. We see -a lot- of Egos on our field where I work and right out of the box they seem to shoot beautifully and I even begin to ponder investing in one.

Then anywhere from 2-6 months later, continuos problems set in. Board problems, ram problems, consistency issues, all kinds of problems you don't want to have in any type of paintball marker. I honestly still think it's a little hyped just from the observations I've seen. Several of the Ego owners who are regulars have sold them and moved on, or simply just moved on. It's a good marker, don't get me wrong. But it seems that it requires a lot of maintenance for something you paid an arm and a leg for.

Personally, I still think the Cyborg is one of the best electronic tournament markers on the market. Excels in consistency, efficiency, speed, weight, and simplicity. Only downside is that it isn't the prettiest looking marker, but if you find a creative milling company then the sky's the limit with them if you think about it.

And then there's the Droid, too. I haven't seen one in person yet so I'm trying to keep my opinion neutral. But with all the extraordinary things I've heard and backed by a company like MacDev you can't really expect anything less than superior quality.

03-28-2008, 02:13 PM
No problem at all. I was just cruzin' around and bumped into this by complete fluke. As you can see, I am not a regular poster here, but I’d always do whatever I can to try and help out someone who is having an issue.

To be perfectly honest, I was a bit sceptical about posting in here at all. AGD forum members have a rather fearsome reputation......................I didn’t know how it would be received, but I thought the OP needed a little help, so I took the risk…….

Since you're here, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your guys helping me find old parts and answer questions about an 05 frame I used on a mag project. The simple fact that they took the time to help me with a used part that was going onto a non PE marker spoke volumes about your company and it's customer service.

03-28-2008, 05:42 PM
Since you're here, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your guys helping me find old parts and answer questions about an 05 frame I used on a mag project. The simple fact that they took the time to help me with a used part that was going onto a non PE marker spoke volumes about your company and it's customer service.

I've had few experiences with PE, but they have all been good. After all, I have Ledz's Aurora Imp............

http://f5.putfile.com/5/15016565573-thumb.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/2734522)


I've also been noticing the price drop in models from 07 or 06 and have become more interested in getting one just to see how they played. I keep seeing them for decent prices on Ebay and have to remind myself I still own other markers I haven;t even played with yet.....maybe I should just borrow one for a couple of games.......

I'll probably break down down and get a cheaper used one (when I get a new job-last day of SpeedRacer, YEA!)...........

03-29-2008, 06:39 AM
I bought my first Mag from Planet Eclipse, a lovely ProMag.
I’ve been dealing with Planet Eclipse since the early 90’s and they really are the masters of customer service, they really do go above and beyond the call of duty.
Any issues I’ve had in the past have been sorted out without quibble.

Eclipse Rocks. :headbang:

My SL66 varies no more the +/- 2fps.

03-29-2008, 10:46 AM
Hi Jack,

Good to see you here. We are actually quite friendly to other markers here on AO as you see.

Tom Kaye

03-29-2008, 03:00 PM
Anytime you get a "pre-tinkered" gun, you never know ...
I have found Eclipse products to be some of the finest in paintball over the years, and the Ego is a fairly simple design, so I'm sure you'll get this worked out to your satisfaction, barring some real screwups by the previous owner.

Surprised to hear about your ongoing screen problems; of the half dozen Eclipse boards I've owned and many I've worked with over the years, I have yet to have screen trouble on any of them (knock on wood). What are you doing that you get problems with the screen?

03-29-2008, 03:53 PM

I've owned 2 egos new, an 07 Origin (can bee seen rockin' it in AO SoCal picks from last October) and an SL74. Gotta say I've experienced a little of what you have, but have had no serious issues. As for the consistency, both my guns were new, and I would see the occasional 30fps variation, but I've chalked this up to the newness. My screen did go dark during one game at AO SoCal, but after turning it off and letting it sit, it "Self Cured", and I havent had a problem since.
Positives: Too many. Quality construction, light, easy to clean & maintain, as fast as anything out there, excellent manual, from what i've heard-excellent support, etc, etc... Is why I own one (Sold the Origin, Sadly), and why I own a Mag as well.

Any Electro-Pneumatic device that is built to strict tolerances, which is then abused the way we in the game tend to, is gonna need TLC to get & keep working at high levels. I've owned (and maintained- I do all my own gun maintenance) many of the high-end markers out there (DYE / Matrix, Bob-long, AGD, Ego). The Mag is the only marker that comes close in ALL of these aspects.

03-30-2008, 09:36 AM
NO I am NOT saying this is a timmy, but it is much like it.

Its OK, you can say that because it IS a Timmy clone. That being said some inconsistancy is normal with Egos but it shouldn't be alot or super noticeable in a playing situation if it is I'd take Eclipse up on thier offer to fix it. Over all it should be a good marker for you as long as you don't hit it hard in a dive(the frame is prone to bending in some situations) Good luck.

03-30-2008, 09:43 AM

That's so cool that TK found his way in here and posted up... Good on ya man!!!! Are you making the AO game in SoCal????

You can run with the NorCal crew iffin ya like.... :D

And not a threadjack 100%... I also have just recently gotten an Ego and it's got a leaky solenoid....

The research I've done online is it can be a very common problem if the input pressure is too high. But I'm curious as to when does it become irrepairable???

And what's the best fix???

Anyone else have this issue with their Ego???? It's an 06 I believe...


03-31-2008, 01:11 AM
see punkncat you should have never left the matrix family....jk.. good luck

04-07-2008, 10:47 PM
As an update on this....

I got in the new board and swapped out the bump pistons in lieu of the stock ones.

I previously had the dwell set at 14 with the lpr in about 1/2 turn from flush. I was running on an HP output tank. I am not sure what the reg pressure was set at as I had no guage.

I changed the board and pistons and took it out to the chrono. The dwell is set down to 11, the LPR is in about 1/8-1/4 turn from flush. I am using an LP output tank and had to only slightly increase the reg pressure. I was able to get +/- 10 FPS with many more duplicate velocities using marbs.

I used about 1200psi on my 68/45 after using about 1000 balls, much more in line with what I was expecting.

I am still waiting on a return email from planet concerning the stock board which I suspect of having much more wrong with it than just the screen. At this point I am not sure whether the board or the bump pistons were the main culpret in this issue.

04-08-2008, 10:46 AM
Ive owned a lot of guns and I only have 2 right now my classic mag that I bought in 1996 and my 2006 sl66 ego...both are super reliable.
I love my ego, the stock board is great and it has the screen, I wouldn't changed it...I have the bump pistons in as well and they really didnt do too much, but I do get +/-3 over the chrono

things that could be messing up your consistency; are bad settings or a bad board (sounds like it since the screen went out) or low battery -ego's need fresh batteries.

or if you have the titanium rammer (i know you said it had the zick so probably not the problem)

another possible reason is that the rear qev could be clogged

04-08-2008, 06:40 PM
My friend runs bump pistons and I have seen him run +/- 2 fps on many occasions. I have a feeling that your dwell may still be too high. I run 7ms on my bushy and 8ms on my timmy. Any time I raised the dwell so I could lower the operating pressure my consisty wen't to hell. Higher dwell also led to poor efficency in my popit markers.

04-09-2008, 09:59 AM
Just WOW!!!!

You guys weren't kidding about going above and beyond on their customer service. I am amazed that they would even consider being this nice to a "transferred" owner of one of their products.

I will fill you in a bit later, but I have no doubt that this issue will be resolved and have a bow on top to boot.

04-09-2008, 02:46 PM
Yeah, eclipse does have great service, and their markers aren't ALL hype. They are a tad expensive, but wait a year or two and you get a great deal. I paid 450 for a NIB Aurora Etek recently. It's beautiful and one of the best guns I've owned :)

Ego 7s are so much smaller without the ram sleeve though *drool*

04-09-2008, 03:19 PM
My friend runs bump pistons and I have seen him run +/- 2 fps on many occasions. I have a feeling that your dwell may still be too high. I run 7ms on my bushy and 8ms on my timmy. Any time I raised the dwell so I could lower the operating pressure my consisty wen't to hell. Higher dwell also led to poor efficency in my popit markers.
I have a well used timmy that I tinker with. The solenoid on it likes marker oil. When the dwell has to come up from 9ms or I start getting first shot drop off, I put a drop in the lpr exhaust. It goes from almost locked up to full speed after that. A new noid would help, I expect. So far one drop will get a case out in good order.

I'm keeping an eye on the ego prices myself. :D

** I say welcome to anyone associated with ego-mags and e-blades!