View Full Version : the bike...is finished

03-30-2008, 08:24 PM
well, pretty much finished!

sorry about the terrible pictures, my camera has been going bad for awhile now.

here is the very first starting point after i wrecked in september.

and before all the work this weekend(did this a few weeks ago)

and right now..it sits like this..and i have been riding for about 4 hours in the 40 degree no sun weather..and i couldnt be happier :)


i made this undertray by myself..i saved about 200 bucks..


again..sorry about the bad pics..i just need a new camera.

03-30-2008, 08:43 PM
WOW. that is impressive. I have too laid down a sport bike or three in my day so I know how much work is involved in straighting those things out.

Did you have to do any work on the forks or trees or did they stay straight?

03-30-2008, 09:02 PM
well you can see in the first pic that everything in the top was a little bent up..i just bought new parts and put them on..the whole thing probably cost me $1,000 to fix, that was with all new plastics and a new tank..plus a ton of other odds and ends that i had to buy.

03-30-2008, 10:04 PM
I love the red bull shock. Nice bike.

03-30-2008, 10:20 PM
Very glad to see that you walked away from that :cheers:

Looks fantastic!