View Full Version : Tell me someone on AO bought this...

04-01-2008, 11:52 AM
http://cgi.ebay.com/emag-xmag-airgun-paintball-gun_W0QQitemZ360038677716QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item3 60038677716

This has to be a joke, right??

:cry: :cry:

Props to the one who scored on this

04-01-2008, 11:55 AM

04-01-2008, 11:57 AM
wow! i am on like all day and missed that!!! that makes me sick...... awesome deal for someone else.....

04-01-2008, 12:07 PM
wow! i am on like all day and missed that!!! that makes me sick...... awesome deal for someone else.....

From looking at the bid history it was only available for about an hour before someone got it.
It's all in the timing...

04-01-2008, 12:09 PM
went up 15:44 ended 16:18 the windows are getting smaller with these deals

04-01-2008, 12:14 PM

EDIT...... Post removed so quote was removed.

04-01-2008, 12:15 PM
:shooting: there are five mods online, Im pretty sure that if it mattered it would've already been taken care of.

04-01-2008, 12:15 PM
:rolleyes: lamer hes a huge part of this site and i agree with his statement

Hilltop Customs
04-01-2008, 12:40 PM
wow, that just sucks......I dont have any money, but I would have instantly thrown that on a credit card.....I was just searching the bay last night for e/xmags :(

04-01-2008, 01:01 PM
I have it set up that eBay emails me whenever X-mags go up for bid... but I didn't check my email until a few hours after it was sold. :( I would have bought that in a heartbeat.

04-01-2008, 01:02 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/emag-xmag-airgun-paintball-gun_W0QQitemZ360038677716QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item3 60038677716

This has to be a joke, right??

:cry: :cry:

Props to the one who scored on this

Yes it was picked up by a so cal local ... No not me or atach...

He'll hopefully be shooting it at the next AO day here on the 12th

04-01-2008, 01:49 PM
thats a deal

04-01-2008, 02:47 PM
please tell me thats an april fools joke :(

04-01-2008, 02:54 PM
one can only hope... that being said,, thats a helluva april fools joke


04-01-2008, 03:11 PM
It was me, a So. Cal member. Kinda stumbled upon it and did a double take when I saw it. Thought that was a typo and the seller forgot to put a 1 in front of the $399 or something, but no. That's the price I paid for it plus shipping. Paypal'd the seller yesterday and hopefully it'll be in my hands by the end of the week.

I was rather hesitant at first from the quality of pics and the description wasn't too elaborate, but I checked the seller's rating and history and it seemed legit. I was sweating the entire time hoping that no one would snatch it away from me while I researched the seller.


04-01-2008, 03:15 PM
It was me, a So. Cal member. Kinda stumbled upon it and did a double take when I saw it. Thought that was a typo and the seller forgot to put a 1 in front of the $399 or something, but no. That's the price I paid for it plus shipping. Paypal'd the seller yesterday and hopefully it'll be in my hands by the end of the week.

I was rather hesitant at first from the quality of pics and the description wasn't too elaborate, but I checked the seller's rating and history and it seemed legit. I was sweating the entire time hoping that no one would snatch it away from me while I researched the seller.


i hate you :(

also ill give you $425 tonight for it ;)

04-01-2008, 03:21 PM
thats from my local paintball shop. P&L paintball ( pnlpaintball.com )
lucky you!

04-01-2008, 03:22 PM
congrats on a steal of a find.. and as previously posted its all in the timing when comes to an X. I had run thru ebay before and after.. such a small window left unattended :bounce: :hail:

enjoy it.. and if reselling, put me on the list :spit_take

04-01-2008, 04:06 PM
nooooooo :cry:

04-01-2008, 04:43 PM
i've seen this guy selling mag stuff I would have thought he new better :tard:

04-01-2008, 07:39 PM
Wow, I just tried to kick myself in the face after I clicked the link.

Is it bad that I didnt think "someone just got a friggin deal!" But I thought, "god damn it all, What was I doing!"

Lol, Very nice deal.

Im too jealous.

mr doo doo
04-01-2008, 09:37 PM
:eek: :eek: now THAT is a ridiculous find. look at all these haters... me included of course!

nonetheless, congrats!

04-01-2008, 09:54 PM
:eek: :eek: now THAT is a ridiculous find. look at all these haters... me included of course!

nonetheless, congrats!

im not hating... fully.

i offered to repay his losses for him! :cheers:

AO Moderation Team
04-01-2008, 11:05 PM

EDIT...... Post removed so quote was removed.

Next time please just report the post . Thanks

there are five mods online, Im pretty sure that if it mattered it would've already been taken care of.

Well it does matter and it is taken care of. Some times we are slow some times we are fast but never are we half ast. :argh:

lamer hes a huge part of this site and i agree with his statement

If that is true then he would know the rules and set the example. He failed and now has a three day. Guess that makes him an example.

Ok back on topic.
Nice pick up on the X TK702. Is that what they call luck or what? Post up better picks for us when you get it. Congrats. :dance:

04-01-2008, 11:49 PM
That was a hell of a deal.

04-01-2008, 11:56 PM
Damn I would have paid that in a bloody heartbeat. I guess people don't do research on these things anymore!

Temo Vryce
04-02-2008, 07:24 AM
I was fully excepting to be RickRolled, but this was worse. :cry:

Made props to the guy that got it. I'm just happy it's come to a good home here in AO.

04-02-2008, 07:53 AM
some one call the cops, some one just got robbed. :hail:

04-02-2008, 07:53 AM
I'm just happy it's come to a good home here in AO.

Zazzoo's old Dallara sold on eBay the other day too (w/o valve)
Why it wasn't it offered on AO?

I would've jumped on it but the ano scheme wasn't my style.

Hopefully it found a good home.

04-02-2008, 11:05 AM
Zazzoo's old Dallara sold on eBay the other day too (w/o valve)
Why it wasn't it offered on AO?

I would've jumped on it but the ano scheme wasn't my style.

Hopefully it found a good home.

It was.

04-02-2008, 11:34 AM
It was.

I know someone bought it from him back in Feb, but it was then resold on eBay this past weekend.

Unless I'm just getting my facts confused again. :tard:

04-02-2008, 03:59 PM
Zazzoo's old Dallara sold on eBay the other day too (w/o valve)
Why it wasn't it offered on AO?

I would've jumped on it but the ano scheme wasn't my style.

Hopefully it found a good home.

its in route to a new home. my house. but the problem is. its a sin of an ano job in my opinion. so i will offer it for trade of cash and a replacement body and rail (on the boards here) or off to the ano it goes.

04-04-2008, 11:49 AM
Good For you!If its an AO member,He deserves it!Greedy Punks around here only think of the monetary value.I would Buy it to USE it,I don't care what its worth,Its a Mag and Will shoot Forever,Thats all that Matters To me!

Tony :clap:

04-05-2008, 03:09 AM
It was me, a So. Cal member. Kinda stumbled upon it and did a double take when I saw it. Thought that was a typo and the seller forgot to put a 1 in front of the $399 or something, but no. That's the price I paid for it plus shipping. Paypal'd the seller yesterday and hopefully it'll be in my hands by the end of the week.

I was rather hesitant at first from the quality of pics and the description wasn't too elaborate, but I checked the seller's rating and history and it seemed legit. I was sweating the entire time hoping that no one would snatch it away from me while I researched the seller.


Congrats. Are ya gonna join us at the April 12 North vs South AO game? It's right up at Castaic at CPP.

04-05-2008, 03:15 AM
Good For you!If its an AO member,He deserves it!Greedy Punks around here only think of the monetary value.I would Buy it to USE it,I don't care what its worth,Its a Mag and Will shoot Forever,Thats all that Matters To me!

Tony :clap:

A lot of Xmags/Emags somehow tend to migrate to SoCal. These markers just like to be closer to their maker. TK is out here in the West now. :D

04-05-2008, 12:33 PM
Congrats. Are ya gonna join us at the April 12 North vs South AO game? It's right up at Castaic at CPP.

I've got a dental appointment at 9 in the morning that day. I'll try my best to make it out there for at least half a day's play and to meet everyone.

BTW, not to rub it in, but the E/XMag came in the other day as promised. A little bit of paint on it and some tiny nicks here and there, but in overall great condition. It does the rapid fire full-auto in manual mode, though. Just need to get my hands on a charger to test out the electronics.

Thanks, everyone for the kudos on the acquisition. She's going to be well taken care of by an Old Skool baller, yet relatively new AO member. Looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday!


04-05-2008, 01:36 PM
I've got a dental appointment at 9 in the morning that day. I'll try my best to make it out there for at least half a day's play and to meet everyone.

BTW, not to rub it in, but the E/XMag came in the other day as promised. A little bit of paint on it and some tiny nicks here and there, but in overall great condition. It does the rapid fire full-auto in manual mode, though. Just need to get my hands on a charger to test out the electronics.

Thanks, everyone for the kudos on the acquisition. She's going to be well taken care of by an Old Skool baller, yet relatively new AO member. Looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday!


you suck... just wanna let you know that, money is tight for me, but i would FIND enough to afford that one, i regret selling my x, but only a little, it never got used, so all it did was sit in my gearbag and look purty.. so it had to go to a home where it would get used like it should have

and pump, seeing as how TK is out west now, you think he'll be able to get his butt out to CPP?? sure would like to hang out with him again. ill be there, but im representing the AKA community now. there will be at least 3 of us, enemy, and myself shooting vikings, and steelrat will be shooting at least one of his excal's :rofl:
