View Full Version : Favorite length drop forward........

01-19-2002, 12:27 AM
I'd like to know what everyone's prefrences are for drop forward lengths......

01-19-2002, 12:31 AM
Well, it depends for me. I like fairly long drops but I might have a shorter drop to see what it feels like mounted on backwards.

01-19-2002, 01:44 AM
Yeah, it all depends. It also depends on what tank you are using, etc...

I personally like the psychoballistics d/f. :)

01-19-2002, 08:35 AM
really, i have thought, if i had a long enough DF, the tank wouldnt be there... the psycho ballistics is the longest df i have ever found... I want a two foot drop forward! :(

01-19-2002, 10:18 AM
2 1/2 4 me.Cant wait till i get that Z-grip.if it wasn't for that,i'd go 7in.

01-19-2002, 10:28 AM
it really depends what gun it is, if it's a Cocker, i'd rather have a short drop like this... (even though i've got a drop zone set at 7" on my Cocker...)


and if it's an electro, i'd like a long drop like 6-8" because there's no back block trying to pop my eyes out.


01-19-2002, 12:15 PM
i dont even have a drop forward! i just felt like voting, i use a remote setup.

01-19-2002, 12:20 PM
I like them long. On this RT Pro, the balance point for the gun is right under the trigger. It is perfectly balanced and easy to hold in one hand. I am still trying to figure out my emag. Because the battery has to come off, you can't have a long drop forward. :(

On my minimag and right now on the emag, I am using a remote setup. I like that and not having the weight on the gun is great. I do hate the big n2 tank bobbling around on my back when I run though...

01-19-2002, 12:46 PM
i have the CP flame.. it balences it perfect, and its the perfect length. i have a physco ballistics on my tipp, and its waaayyyyyy too big for my mag. i like the D&D, but theyre too long

01-19-2002, 01:02 PM
I don't like drops that bring the tank low. Think about it....the lower you bring the tank, the higher the overall height is of the marker when shouldered. I personally like a straight rail on the bottom of the grip frame that provides enough room for my wrist to come straight down from the gripframe, without hitting gauges and hoses(basically prevents your elbow from sticking out). When shouldered, my hopper is about 2-3" under the top off my head. I have found even the stock AGD flatline drop is nice comfy setup too.

01-19-2002, 02:10 PM
drops are for newbies

01-19-2002, 02:26 PM
lonsch What are you talkin about? Do you even know what a drop forward is?:D I dont think you do. jk what do you mean Drops ar for newbies?

01-19-2002, 02:39 PM
hahaha im the only one that voted for no drop. just look at the pro's

01-19-2002, 02:42 PM
I either see pros with drops or just stubby tanks...

01-19-2002, 03:53 PM
ya they uses drops. y what do you use? you just screw your nitro on your gun? usein nitro on a regular bottemline is so uncomferterble (well it is for me at least)and makes the gun wicked long:D

01-19-2002, 08:32 PM
i use a psychoballistics drop with a max flow(drops back 2") and a 88 ci tank to merit the really long drop. it ends up about as long as a 68 on a normal bottomline but balances really well

01-19-2002, 11:41 PM
It DEFINATLY depends on tank size. I would never use the same drop for my 88ci with my 47ci.

With my 88 i use a fairly large drop. Tucks it in a little more than the drop on the 68ci flatline

01-20-2002, 01:05 PM
Mine is roughly 4 inches, and has angled ASA. I need to be able to shoulder the tank/gun, or my aim is horrible! :eek: ... heh :D

01-20-2002, 02:13 PM
i have a STO drop, it is the same one feelthert in the cocker pic above. i also have a z-grip so it brings it forward even more. i use a 90/45 nitroduck tuffskin tank and the Z and the STO drop move it far enough forward and it is very balanced. if i didnt have the zgrip i would use maybe a 3-4 inch drop. my whole setup is about 25inches long.

01-20-2002, 04:28 PM
I like a lot of drop so the tank is even with the end of the gun. I do likethe flame and lightning bolt drops even though they only drop about an inch.

01-21-2002, 06:42 PM
Well I use a Kapp stubby drop zone mounted backwards on my E-mag. With my Dynaflow 68/45 it puts the reg directly under the grip.

01-21-2002, 06:48 PM
i donno headcase i liked Cakes better. The carots just dont apeal to me.

01-21-2002, 06:52 PM
I liked the cakes the best also.
What I REALLY wanna do, is take an Intelli-Z(once they come out) and stik a psyco ballistics on it. With my stub, Im sure that would take most the tank off.

01-21-2002, 07:52 PM
Jeez! you guys are crazy, why would you not want at least a little of your tank sticking out the back, on a Cocker, you're gonna want more than you do with a gun that doesn't have a mask-denting back block, but I've got a 7" Stretch Z on my Impulse, leaves just enough tank for me to shoulder, and still allows me to play tight.

01-21-2002, 09:12 PM
I didn't vote, it really depends on what size tank I'm using.

01-21-2002, 10:47 PM
woo hoo someone else voted for no drop at all :)

01-22-2002, 01:51 AM
Yeah no drop is the way to go, lets you shoulder your gun and gives you a very stable shooting platform. It probably wounldn't work well with a screw-in tank, but you shouldnt be using a screw in anyway.

01-22-2002, 10:42 AM
I favor the stock flatline drop, and at the moment, im tring to make it so the reg is directly underneath the grip frame.ie even shorter :)


01-22-2002, 11:36 AM
I prefer no drop at all. I mount my 68 in maxflow directly to the grip frame.

I also use a 16 inch barrel. Sure, it's long... but I know how to play with it. I can't play with a gun/tank setup that's 2.5 feet tall and 1.5 feet long.

The butt of the tank makes a GREAT stock, especially with a DYE or RASE tank cover.
