View Full Version : If Superbolt will shoot up to 30fps faster than stock bolt, then why did mine chrono

01-19-2002, 05:20 AM
There was a post a while ago by an AGD Tech that said that using the superbolt could cause up to a 30fps fluctuation in velocity in comparison to using the stock bolt. That being said, then why did my Emag chrono in the 270's with the stock bolt and then in the 250's with the superbolt ?

01-19-2002, 08:37 AM
It said UP TO 30fps... lol :rolleyes:

01-19-2002, 09:29 AM
That is why I never believe ANYTHING that uses the words "Up to".... Because it means nothing. Either tell me what it WILL do, or tell me nothing at all, since "Up to" is classic Marketing Verbiage for "We will sell you the dream, and if it does not actually come true.. we did not lie. You believed what you WANTED to believe, and even what WE wanted you to believe as well... but we can not be held accountable for it."

Remember, there are many “Red Flags” consumers should look out for… and THAT is one of them.

My post actually has noting to do with the Super Bolt, is not targeted at it, or indicates my feelings one way or the other about that particular product…. It is only about the verbiage “Up to”. Any conclusions the readers make about this issue are their conclusions alone, and I take no responsibility for them. ;)

(Note: Would I advise manufacturers to use “Up to” in their Marketing? HECK YES! It is effective and brings the desired results. But that is the other side of the coin….. Consumers should also educate themselves and not fall for the “tricks” of the trade. Does this mean I am “waffling” in my opinions? HECK NO. They are two different angles to the same issue, and from two different perspectives. What is good for the goose is often NOT good for the gander. ;))