View Full Version : Opinions on some paint

04-06-2008, 05:49 PM
I have a couple questions about 2 brands of paint.

I can get RPS flash for 24.99 a case. Just came in. Doesnt appear to be old or I can get Xball silver for 39.99. What is the general opion on each.

I am using a minimag with retro valve and level 10 with warpfeed and apache ricochet. The level 10 has the gold spring and does prevent some chops, but still isnt that soft it will still crush a brittle ball. So a so a thick shell is a plush. Witch paint should I buy tomorrow?


mr doo doo
04-06-2008, 06:41 PM
Xball silver for $40 a case? wow :eek: That's a good price. I think you should go with the silver, but that Flash is pretty darn cheap, never used it before though...

04-06-2008, 07:55 PM
Which one best matches the bore of your barrel? I know... it's tough to tell without trying both of them but definitely a big factor.

04-06-2008, 08:02 PM
i would buy a case of each and doo tom's bounce test and see what matches up the best with your barrel

04-06-2008, 08:08 PM
Never used Flash, but Xballs are my favorite. They do tend to be on the brittle side, but I've used them almost exclusively for the last two years with hardly any problems.

04-07-2008, 01:48 AM
hmm well I cant afford 2 cases of paint to test them both. I wish some one has tried both. I might just buy the flash for 24.99. I mean its so cheap on sale right now. Even if some suck it will be worth it.


04-07-2008, 01:59 AM
I highly recomend getting the x-ball. Tune your level ten to use the red spring and you won't have a problem with barrel breaks or chops.

And avoid putting them in the cooler :P

04-07-2008, 02:04 AM
I highly recomend getting the x-ball. Tune your level ten to use the red spring and you won't have a problem with barrel breaks or chops.

And avoid putting them in the cooler :P

cant use the red spring.. never could no matter what I can do or what anyone's advice has done. If I use the red spring I have to turn it up so far that it vents out of the allen hole when I pull the trigger to work properly. No one on here has had an answer so I am stuck on that that issue. It will always chuff on the red spring unless I turn it up so far that it vents out the pack when I fire... I have no friggin Idea what was wrong with it.


04-07-2008, 08:49 AM
Well I'm going to risk it and buy some RPS Flash. The reviews on pbn were good and the reviews on pbreview were mixed but old.


04-07-2008, 09:55 AM
Well I'm going to risk it and buy some RPS Flash. The reviews on pbn were good and the reviews on pbreview were mixed but old.


Good luck, last time I used RPS it was bad, I might have just gotten a bad batch though. I donno.

04-07-2008, 09:59 AM
Well I'm going to take a chance. The money issue is going to win out. For 24.99 a case if it comes out of the barrel I will be happy. Plus I heard Xball silver has a brittle shell and I cant use that in my mag. I tried Xball recreational, but thats stuff was like monsterballs. My apache ricochet was breaking that paint in the hopper. It was a terrible time cleaining that day.


04-07-2008, 01:08 PM
Buy the cheap paint. Shoot more of it. Have a good time.

Maybe late on this one?

Honestly as of late paint has been so hit and miss. One week I would recommend one brand and the very next shipment is pure crap. We bought some Midnight I think its called which has been some pretty good paint, for our last tourney and this stuff was bouncing off goggles. I got some Stinger this past weekend which is just off white box and it performed flawlessly. At this point I really think its got to do with the weather. We have had a lot of temp and humidity changes over the last few weeks and that plays havoc with paint.

04-07-2008, 02:04 PM
Buy the cheap paint. Shoot more of it. Have a good time.

Maybe late on this one?

Honestly as of late paint has been so hit and miss. One week I would recommend one brand and the very next shipment is pure crap. We bought some Midnight I think its called which has been some pretty good paint, for our last tourney and this stuff was bouncing off goggles. I got some Stinger this past weekend which is just off white box and it performed flawlessly. At this point I really think its got to do with the weather. We have had a lot of temp and humidity changes over the last few weeks and that plays havoc with paint.

Yeah I'm going to get the cheap paint. On pbreview some people hated it, but those reviews are a couple years old. On pbn everyone says good things about it and thos reviews are from last year and this year. I'm going to give it a try. It made by RPS and cheaper then BE Monster Balls (witch do in fact suck).


04-07-2008, 02:42 PM
cant use the red spring.. never could no matter what I can do or what anyone's advice has done. If I use the red spring I have to turn it up so far that it vents out of the allen hole when I pull the trigger to work properly. No one on here has had an answer so I am stuck on that that issue. It will always chuff on the red spring unless I turn it up so far that it vents out the pack when I fire... I have no friggin Idea what was wrong with it.


Odd, Do you have all the little parts for the level ten? You have to use diffrent parts inside the power tube (the name of which escape me right now :tard: ).

Good luck, hope it works out for you.

04-07-2008, 04:38 PM
Yes everything for the level 10 is installed correctly. The only other option is that my reg piston is a very old version that can't handle the higher operating pressure when using the level 10. The level 10 is apparently not 100% drop in for older rt/classic/retro valves... But it still performs pretty well with the gold spring.

On a side note I picked up the 25 buck case of rps flash. The balls are dark/light grey and seem very tough. Thats good. None of them have dimples they are all perfectly round and are about .689 cal. I think they will shoot great. If so it will be my new choice paint.


04-07-2008, 04:42 PM
Yes everything for the level 10 is installed correctly. The only other option is that my reg piston is a very old version that can't handle the higher operating pressure when using the level 10. The level 10 is apparently not 100% drop in for older rt/classic/retro valves... But it still performs pretty well with the gold spring.

On a side note I picked up the 25 buck case of rps flash. The balls are dark/light grey and seem very tough. Thats good. None of them have dimples they are all perfectly round and are about .689 cal. I think they will shoot great. If so it will be my new choice paint.


You have to get a larger sized thingymajob(brass ring inside the power tube, affects airflow) to run the red or silver spring.

Sounds good! I like nelson and X-ball over RPS, but good luck!

04-07-2008, 06:11 PM
You mean carrier? I have the perfect one in there along with the perfect amount of shims... It is not a carrier size issue..

04-07-2008, 06:29 PM
Fresh low-end paint can be better than old high-end paint, and with the price ... get the flash and see how it shoots fresh.

04-07-2008, 06:52 PM
You mean carrier? I have the perfect one in there along with the perfect amount of shims... It is not a carrier size issue..

you may have to change if you use a stronger spring.

04-07-2008, 08:37 PM
no..the carrier is not the issue and wouldnt be in this situation. the carrier is just for the fit of the oring on the bolt. It is not responsible for not being able to use the read spring. Trust me.


04-07-2008, 09:18 PM
i used to love the flash it is a great paint.. i used the green which had a kinda 2 stage green fill.. also used the x-ball bronze liked it well too but the flash has been a nice favorite..

on a little side note, marbilizer is around the perfect size for a stainless steel minimag barrel, shots just as straight as any custom barrel.